Marketing Major

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
MKBU 3441Marketing Research3
MKBU 3435Consumer Behavior3
MKBU 4441Marketing Strategy (Senior Capstone course)3
Four upper-level marketing courses 112
One business elective3
One liberal arts elective (marketing-related) from the following options: 23 to 4
Development Economics
Economy of Latin America
International Trade
Fundamentals of Communication and Media Studies
Introduction to Communication and Media Studies
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Foundations of Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Visual Thinking
Graphic Design and Digital Tools
Total Credits27-28

Any course from subject code MKBU numbered 3226 or higher fulfills this requirement. 


This list is a sample of commonly-completed classes; however, there are many courses from Fordham College at Rose Hill/Fordham College at Lincoln Center that may fulfill this requirement. Please consult your class dean to seek approval for a different course to fulfill this requirement.

Students pursuing a major in marketing may not earn credit for COMC 3172 Principles of Advertising or PSYC 3320 Consumer Behavior.

Marketing Majors must take CBBU 1005 Marketing Analytics Requirement in their junior year instead of CBBU 1004 ST: Analytics Requirement.

Students must also complete the Gabelli School business and liberal arts Core Curricula. In addition, all students complete between three and seven liberal arts electives depending on their major requirements.

CIP Code

30.7102 - Business Analytics.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.