Honors Thesis Program

The Honors Thesis Program (HTP) is a three-course sequence that enables high-ability students to conduct original business research of publishable quality.

Junior Year: Spring Semester

The Honors Thesis Program begins in the spring semester of a student’s junior year. During that first term, each participant defines a specific thesis topic based on their own interest, identifies Gabelli faculty expertise on the topic, and surveys the relevant scientific literature in the field. Students produce a proposal that includes a comprehensive literature review and a road map for a theory-driven study on their chosen topic. This proposal is in turn used to pair the student with a faculty expert in their field to advise the project one-on-one during the following year.

Senior Year: Fall Semester

The thesis program continues in the fall of a student’s senior year. During the fall of senior year, each student refines their specific proposal and learns more about research design, data collection methods, and data analysis. Students deliver a revised and expanded proposal that includes the design, method, and analysis plans for their own research. 

Senior Year: Spring Semester

The third and final term, the spring of a student’s senior year, includes final data collection and analysis, as well as manuscript composition that follows an iterative drafting process under the adviser's and Honors Thesis Program director’s supervision. Students present their finished projects during a daylong seminar and celebration near the end of the semester. All students who complete an honors thesis earn a medal at the GSB Awards Ceremony during the week before graduation. The thesis voted best each year by faculty and program administrators earns a special award.

For more information, visit the Honors Program web page.