Distributive Requirements

Eloquentia Perfecta Seminars

Four Required Courses

Eloquentia Perfecta (EP) seminars will dedicate at least one-fifth of class time to student writing and oral expression. Students will be expected to take four EP seminars during the undergraduate years. EP1 and EP3 apply to designated sections of individual courses, but are not listed in this bulletin. The EP2 and EP4 requirements are automatically fulfilled by completing, respectively, the Texts and Contexts and Values Seminars core requirements.

  • EP1: Special sections of courses, which are reserved for first year students. Upper class transfer students are exempted from EP1.
  • EP2: All sections of Texts and Contexts will be designated Eloquentia Perfecta 2. 
  • EP3: Special sections of core, major, and elective courses will be designated Eloquentia Perfecta 3.
  • EP4: All Values Seminars will be designated Eloquentia Perfecta 4.

Courses in this bulletin that fulfill the EP2 and EP4 requirements are designated as such with the respective attribute on the course description itself. Individual sections with the EP1 or EP3 attribute are not visible in this bulletin or Degree Works because courses often have versions where EP1 or EP3 status depends on the instructor and syllabus. EP1 and EP3 sections may be found by searching for them using Browse Classes in the Registration tools in the portal.

Global Studies

One Required Course

Global Studies courses are intended to ensure that students come to respect, understand, and appreciate the significant variations in customs, institutions, and world views that have shaped peoples and their lives. Courses with a global focus may be drawn from core, major, or elective offerings. They will be applicable both to the Global Studies requirement and to the core and major requirements that a student must complete in the course of his or her college career.

The following courses have the GLBL (Global Studies) attribute:

Course Title Credits
AFAM 1600Understanding Historical Change: Africa3
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3072Civil Wars in Africa4
AFAM 3075Democracy in Africa4
AFAM 3141Women and Social Change in Africa4
AFAM 3142Women, Power, and Leadership in Africa4
AFAM 3146African Immigrants in the United States3
AFAM 3148History of South Africa4
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3188Exploring Africa: Encounter, Expedition, and Representation4
AFAM 3210On the Move: Migration, Labor, and Trans-Nationalism in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3510In "America's Backyard": U.S.-Caribbean Social, Political, and Economic Relations 1850-19504
AFAM 3530Race, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AFAM 3688African Literature I4
AFAM 3689African Literature II4
AFAM 3693Contemporary African Literatures4
AFAM 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
AMCS 3256Comparative Economic Systems4
ANTH 1100Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 1300Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH 1413Language and Culture4
ANTH 2500Taboo: Anthropology of the Forbidden4
ANTH 2619Magic, Science, and Religion4
ANTH 2770Anthropology of Childhood4
ANTH 2886Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality4
ANTH 2895Anthropology of Capitalism4
ANTH 3013Anthropology of Palestinian Communities4
ANTH 3110Ancient Cultures of the Bible4
ANTH 3111Archaeology of the Americas4
ANTH 3260Politics of Reproduction4
ANTH 3343Ghettos and Gated Communities4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ANTH 3356Uprisings: Protest and Resistance Across the Globe4
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ANTH 4006Palestinian Culture at Home and in Diaspora4
ANTH 4114Anthropology of Health Healing and Social Justice4
ANTH 4200Climate Change and Culture4
ANTH 4344Reproductive Technologies: Global Perspective4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ANTH 4600Global South Megacities4
ARHI 1100Art History Introduction: World Art3
ARHI 1102Introduction to Art History: Asia3
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 2211The Arts and Visual Culture of China and Beyond4
ARHI 2221Japanese Visual Culture: Prehistory to Present4
ARHI 2223Art and Violence in Modern Asia4
ARHI 2230Islamic Art4
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 2527London Monuments: Power, Protest, and Public Space4
ARHI 2552Modern Asian Art4
ARHI 2553Art, Gender, and Sexuality in Asia4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4562Art and the Second World War4
BISC 4035Ecology and Economics of Food Systems4
COLI 3119Contemporary Middle East Film and Literature4
COLI 3145Medieval Love in Comparison: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Perspectives4
COLI 3434The Avant-Gardes: Europe and Latin America4
COLI 3440Arabic Literature in English Translation4
COLI 3476Conflict and Violence in Francophone African Cinemas4
COLI 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
COLI 3656Languages and Identities4
COLI 3689African Literature II4
COLI 3802Literature and Imperialism4
COLI 3803Empire and Sexuality4
COLI 3839Postcolonial Literatures4
COLI 3840Latin American Culture Through Film4
COLI 4018Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film4
COLI 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
COLI 4210Comparative Studies in Atlantic Revolutions4
COLI 4211Empire and Sexuality4
COLI 4320Reading the Indian Ocean World4
COMC 2278Media, Culture, and Globalization4
COMC 2279Contemporary Asian Media Cultures4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3380International Communication4
ECON 3210Development Economics4
ECON 3212Open Economy Macroeconomics4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3240World Poverty4
ECON 3242Global Economic Issues4
ECON 3256Comparative Economic Systems4
ENGL 3059Creating Dangerously: Writing Across Conflict Zones4
ENGL 3145Medieval Love in Comparison: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Perspectives4
ENGL 3802Literature and Imperialism4
ENGL 3803Empire and Sexuality4
ENGL 3839Postcolonial Literatures4
ENGL 4005The Medieval Traveler4
ENGL 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
ENGL 4210Comparative Studies in Atlantic Revolutions4
ENGL 4211Empire and Sexuality4
FITV 3588Global Cinema4
FITV 3688Global Television4
FREN 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
FREN 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
FREN 3637Francophone Middle East4
FREN 3640Postcolonial Representation4
HIST 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
HIST 1450Understanding Historical Change: South Asian History3
HIST 1500Introduction to Asian History3
HIST 1550Understanding Historical Change: Modern East Asia3
HIST 1551Understanding Historical Change: Representations of China and The West3
HIST 1600Understanding Historical Change: Africa3
HIST 1650Understanding Historical Change: The Black Atlantic3
HIST 1700Understanding Historical Change: Mideast3
HIST 1750Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture3
HIST 1850Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Ancient and Medieval World3
HIST 1851Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World3
HIST 3073African Intellectual History4
HIST 3450Black British History4
HIST 3538The Good Earth?4
HIST 3543The Connecting Sea: The Mediterranean Since 18004
HIST 3634Modern South Asian History4
HIST 3670The Modern Middle East4
HIST 3695Major Debates in African Studies4
HIST 3809Jews in the Modern World4
HIST 3812Jews in the Early Modern World4
HIST 3858The Global Cold War4
HIST 3900Global Histories of Forensic Science4
HIST 3915Contemporary China4
HIST 3920Modern Japan4
HIST 3922East Asian Cities4
HIST 3948Gandhi: A Global Intellectual History4
HIST 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
HIST 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
HIST 3963Afro-Latin America4
HIST 3965Colonial Latin America4
HIST 3967Modern Central America4
HIST 3968Mexico4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3972Revolution in Central America4
HIST 3974Spaniards and Incas4
HIST 3975The Caribbean4
HIST 3977Latin American History Through Film4
HIST 3986Religion and Politics in Islamic History4
HIST 4048Israel: History, Society, Politics and Culture4
HIST 4111Modern African Stories4
HIST 4308Antisemitism4
HIST 4310Africa, Race, and the Global Cold War4
HIST 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
HIST 4591Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 4725Seminar: Global Histories and Stories4
HIST 4922“Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought4
HIST 4954Seminar: Law and Empire Iberian Atlantic4
HUST 2500The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future4
HUST 3600Evolution of Development and Humanitarian Aid Systems4
INST 2500Introduction to International Studies4
INST 3100The Global Environment4
ITAL 3452Italophone Migrant Literature From Africa and Beyond4
JOUR 3734Explorations in Climate Storytelling4
LACU 3031Chinese Cultural Concepts4
LACU 3043Aesthetics and Politics: Modern Chinese Literature4
LACU 3047Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism: Chinese Thought and Literature4
LACU 3075Gender and China4
LACU 3440Arabic Literature in English Translation4
LACU 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
LACU 3607Topics in Multilingualism4
LACU 4347Latinos: Fact and Fiction4
LALS 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
LALS 3421Latin American Fiction4
LALS 3601Latin American Archeology4
LALS 3963Afro-Latin America4
LALS 3967Modern Central America4
LALS 3968Mexico4
LALS 3972Revolution in Central America4
LALS 3977Latin American History Through Film4
LALS 4347Latinx Borders4
LALS 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
LALS 4620Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador4
LING 3025Language Endangerment4
LING 3607Topics in Multilingualism4
MAND 3031Chinese Cultural Concepts4
MEST 2000Introduction to the Modern Middle East4
MEST 3500Modern Egypt4
MEST 3701Urban Theatre Dance and Music4
MEST 3702Urban Theatre, Music, Dance: Culture and the Formation of Middle East Identities4
MEST 4001Seminar: Middle East4
MEST 4701Urban Theatre, Music, Dance: Culture and the Formation of the Middle East Identities4
MLAL 3031Chinese Cultural Concepts4
MUSC 2048World Music and Dance4
MVST 4005The Medieval Traveler4
PHIL 3656Languages and Identities4
PHIL 3712Global Environment and Justice4
PHIL 3756Chinese Philosophy4
PHIL 3757Japanese Philosophy4
PHIL 3759Buddhist Philosophy4
PHIL 3770Daoist and Zen Philosophy4
POSC 3424Political Philosophy between Islam and the West4
POSC 3427Islam, Art, and Resistance4
POSC 3480Islamic Culture and Politics in Spain4
POSC 3520Mideast and the World4
POSC 3550Decolonial Thought in Latin America4
POSC 3605Comparative Democracy4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty4
POSC 3631China and Russia in Comparative Perspective4
POSC 3632China and U.S. in Global Era4
POSC 3633China and US-Global Era/Study Tour4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
POSC 3651Comparative Politics of the Middle East4
POSC 4545Seminar: Russian Politics and Society4
PSYC 3610Global Health and Psychology4
PSYC 4910Global Mental Health & Psychosocial Humanitarian Aid4
SOCI 3046International Sociology4
SOCI 3148Population and Economic Development Issues4
SOCI 3260Politics of Reproduction4
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3166Trends in Latin American Film4
SPAN 3525Cultures of Sexual Dissidence in Latin America4
SPAN 3610Children's Gaze in Latin American Literature4
SPAN 3625Spanish-American Short Fiction4
SPAN 3701Spanish-American Women Writers4
SPAN 3730Writing Violence: Peru, 1980-20004
SPAN 3820Hispanic Caribbean Literature4
SPAN 4018Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film4
SPAN 4347Latinx Borders4
THEA 3004Global Theatre History: Foundational Impulses4
THEO 3130Bible as Migration Literature: Then and Now4
THEO 3610Christ in World Cultures3
THEO 3711Sacred Texts of the Middle East3
THEO 3713Classic Jewish Texts3
THEO 3715Classic Islamic Texts3
THEO 3720Hindu Literature and Ethics3
THEO 3723Tibetan Religion: Visionary Experience3
THEO 3724Classic Buddhist Texts3
THEO 3728Buddhist Meditation3
THEO 3731Japanese Religions: Texts and Arts3
THEO 3733Chinese Religions3
THEO 3882Comparative Mysticism3
THEO 3883Medicine and Healing in Islam4
THEO 4371Islam in Modern Egypt4
THEO 4620Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador4
TRNF G999Globalism Transfer Elective3-6
WGSS 3141Women in Africa4
WGSS 3930Sex and Gender in South Asia4
WGSS 4344Reproductive Technologies: Global Perspective4

American Pluralism

One Required Course

American Pluralism courses will afford students the opportunity to develop tolerance, sensitivities, and knowledge of the following forms of American diversity: race, ethnicity, class, religion, and gender. American Pluralism courses may be drawn from core, major, or elective offerings. They will be applicable both to the American Pluralism requirement and to other core or major requirements that a student must complete in the course of his or her college career.

The following courses have the PLUR (Pluralism) attribute.
Certain sections of ENGL 2000 Texts and ContextsCOLI 2000 Texts and Contexts, and HIST 1100 Understanding Historical Change: American History may also have the PLUR attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 2528Asian American Art4
AAST 3000Introduction to Asian American Studies4
AAST 3280Representing Asians in Journalism and Media4
AAST 3357Writing Asian America4
AAST 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
AAST 3618Asian America in New York City: An Ethnographic Exploration4
AAST 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
AAST 4150Race and Contemporary Film4
AAST 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
AAST 4603Asian American Critique4
AAST 4616Contemporary Issues in Asian America4
AFAM 1650Black Popular Culture4
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 3001African American History I4
AFAM 3002African American History II4
AFAM 3030African American Women4
AFAM 3033Women in Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3034Black Traditions in American Social Dance4
AFAM 3110The Black Athlete4
AFAM 3112The Sixties4
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
AFAM 3120Black Religion and Black Politics4
AFAM 3130Racial and Ethnic Conflict4
AFAM 3132Black Prison Experience4
AFAM 3134From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3135Contemporary Black Thinkers4
AFAM 3136U.S. Civil Rights4
AFAM 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
AFAM 3152Expressive Bodies: Race, Sexuality, and the Arts4
AFAM 3154Black, White, and Catholic: Race, Religion, and Civil Rights4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AFAM 3530Race, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3560"We Can't Breathe...": The History of Black Protest4
AFAM 3632Harlem Renaissance4
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 3637Black Feminism: Theory and Expression4
AFAM 3720African American Philosophy4
AFAM 4600African Americans and the Law4
AFAM 4802Community Research Methods: Oral History4
AMCS 3160American Music and Catholic Imagination4
AMST 2000Major Developments in American Culture4
ANTH 3340Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity4
ANTH 3618Asian America in New York City: An Ethnographic Exploration4
ANTH 4341Race, Sex, and Science4
ANTH 4616Contemporary Issues in Asian America4
ARHI 2528Asian American Art4
ARHI 2535History of Photography4
CLAS 4055Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity and Today4
COLI 3357Writing Asian America4
COLI 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
COLI 3910US Latino Film Making4
COLI 4055Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity and Today4
COLI 4150Race and Contemporary Film4
COLI 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
COLI 4603Asian American Critique4
COMC 2377Mass Communication and Media Effects4
COMC 3232Class, Taste, and Popular Culture4
COMC 3240Photography, Identity, Power4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3280Representing Asians in Journalism and Media4
DISA 2500Introduction to Disability Studies4
DTEM 3447Race, Gender, and Digital Media4
ECON 3570Labor Market and Diversity4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ECON 4020Disability: Economic and Other Approaches4
ENGL 3001Queer Theories4
ENGL 3002Queer Iconoclasts: Sexuality, Religion, Race4
ENGL 3012Novel, She Wrote4
ENGL 3037US Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3357Writing Asian America4
ENGL 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
ENGL 3585Contemporary Indigenous Fiction4
ENGL 3608(De)Constructing the American Renaissance4
ENGL 3609Feminism and American Poetry4
ENGL 3645The Middle Passage4
ENGL 3646Black Disability Studies4
ENGL 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
ENGL 3650Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature4
ENGL 3652New Wave Immigrant Literature4
ENGL 3664Queer Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3683Literature Beyond Borders4
ENGL 3964Homelessness4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4150Race and Contemporary Film4
ENGL 4227Black Literature and Film4
ENGL 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4603Asian American Critique4
ENGL 4606Seminar: James Baldwin4
FITV 3547The Horror Film4
FITV 3579Movies and American Experience4
FITV 3648Television, Race, and Civil Rights4
FITV 3658Italian Americans on Screen4
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 3001African American History I4
HIST 3002African American History II4
HIST 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
HIST 3747Slavery and Freedom in Greater New York City4
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3810Jews in America4
HIST 3818The History of Islam in the U.S.4
HIST 3826Modern US Women's History4
HIST 3827Wealth & Poverty in the US: Capitalism, Social Welfare & Inequality4
HIST 3838History of U.S. Sexuality4
HIST 38691960s America: Gender, Race and Youth4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 4008Race and Gender in the Old West4
JOUR 3740Ethics and Diversity in Journalism4
LACU 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
LALS 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LING 2675Sounds of New York4
LING 4020Language and Race4
MEST 3620Islam in America4
MUSC 2014Jazz: A History in Sound4
PHIL 3720African American Philosophy4
PHIL 3722Native American Philosophy4
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics4
POSC 3121New York City Politics4
POSC 3213Interest Group Politics4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3231Judicial Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3324Politics of Immigration and Citizenship4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
PSYC 1004The Mind-Body Connection: Introduction to Behavioral Health3
PSYC 3600Multicultural Psychology4
PSYC 3730Men and Masculinities4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3134Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Higher Education4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
SOCI 3456Modern Social Movements4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3507Queer Theory4
SOCI 3601Urban Poverty4
SOCI 3602Urban Sociology4
SOCI 3603Urban America4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SOCI 3720Mass Incarceration4
SOCI 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4408Diversity in American Society4
SOCI 4962Health/Inequality in the US4
SPAN 2201Spanish Community Engaged Learning3
SPAN 3582New York in Latinx Literature and Film4
SPAN 3583New York City Latino Theatre and Performance4
SSCI 2000American Pluralism3
THEA 3005Global Theatre History: Evolutions of the Present4
THEA 4045Young, Gifted, and Black4
THEO 3375American Religious Texts and Traditions3
THEO 3725Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation3
THEO 3839Theologies of America4
THEO 3847Latinx Theology4
THEO 3874Religion in America4
THEO 3876Muslims in America4
THEO 3960Religion and Race in America4
THEO 3970Catholics in America4
THEO 3995Religion and the American Self4
THEO 4110Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Feminist Theologies: Discourses of Difference4
THEO 4610Malcolm, Martin, Baldwin, and the Church4
TRNF P999Pluralism Transfer Elective3-6
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4
WGSS 3826Modern US Women's History4
WGSS 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
WGSS 4341Race, Sex, and Science4
WGSS 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4

Community Engaged Learning

The central goal of Community Engaged Learning is that students will test the skills and knowledge they acquire in their courses (e.g., in the humanities, language, and sciences) through service to the community outside the University. Students will understand in advance that service hours in the community are required. Each student will be encouraged to take at least one course as an Integrated Service Course, although they will not be required to do so.

Sections fulfilling this requirement have the SL attribute. These sections are not visible on this bulletin or Degree Works because courses often have versions where SL status depends on the instructor and syllabus. SL sections may be found by searching for them using Browse Classes in the Registration tools in the portal.