Disciplinary Ways of Knowing

Mathematical/Computational Reasoning

One Required Course

The aim of this requirement is to develop the fundamental skills involved in mathematical and computational approaches to problem solving, reasoning, and an understanding of our world. These skills also form the basis for advanced reasoning in many areas and provide a basis for testing logic, solving problems, and evaluating mathematical and computational arguments and evidence in daily life. After completing this requirement, students will be prepared to explore quantitative and computational issues in the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities.

The following courses have the MCR (Mathematical/Computational Reasoning) attribute:

Course Title Credits
CISC 1100Structures of Computer Science3
CISC 1400Discrete Structures4
CISC 1600Computer Science I3
CISC 1800Introduction to Computer Programming3
MATH 1003Mathematics and Democracy3
MATH 1100Finite Mathematics3
MATH 1203Applied Calculus I3
MATH 1206Calculus I4
MATH 1207Calculus II4
MATH 1700Mathematical Modelling4
MATH 2008Vector Calculus4

Natural Science

Two Courses in Sequence: Physical Science and Life Science

Through core science courses, students will gain understanding of scientific methodology as a way of knowing and an appreciation of the social responsibility and ethics of science. By understanding how reasoning and experimental evidence lead to scientific conclusions, students will develop scientific literacy—the ability to understand the breakthroughs in science, medicine, and technology as educated, creative, responsible citizens. With knowledge of the basic principles of science, students will be able to evaluate the legal, moral, and ethical issues that will affect their lives after they graduate. In the science courses, students will develop skills in critical thinking and discernment; qualitative and quantitative reasoning; written and oral communication; and formulation, analysis, and solution of complex problems.

Students who are not science majors may take modular or integrated courses on various topics. The physical science section, which is taken first, covers energy (kinetic and potential, electromagnetic, thermodynamics), matter (atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding), and interactions (strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational). The life science sections (usually taken second) cover evolution: genetics and genetic engineering; human biology; including nervous and sensory systems; environment; and behavior and learning (classical, operant, and observational). All sections have labs. Alternatively, for those interested in a specific science -- including non-science majors -- this requirement may be met through a two-semester disciplinary introduction with associated labs.

In summary, students may fulfill this requirement through one of two ways:

  1. One course with the PSCI attribute and one course with the LSCI attribute (for non-science majors).
  2. A two-course disciplinary introduction sequence. (This option is preferred for science majors who must take such courses anyway.)

Physical Science courses for Non-science Majors

The following courses have the PSCI (Physical Science Core) attribute:

Course Title Credits
CHEM 1102Drug Discovery: From the Laboratory to the Clinic3
CHEM 1104Chemistry and the Artistic Image3
CHEM 1109Chemistry of the Environment3
CHEM 1110Forensic Science3
NSCI 1010Physical Sciences: From Past to Present3
NSCI 1020Physical Science: Today's World3
NSCI 2020An Introduction to Geology3
PHYS 1201Introduction to Astronomy3
PHYS 1203Environmental Physics3
PHYS 1207Physics of Light and Color3
PHYS 1242Science Fiction Physics3
PHYS 1350The Physics of Climate Change3

Life Science for Non-science Majors

The following courses have the LSCI (Life Science Core) attribute:

Course Title Credits
ANTH 1200Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 1600Introduction to Human Variation3
BISC 1000Life on the Planet Earth3
BISC 1001Human Biology3
BISC 1002Ecology: A Human Approach3
BISC 1010Foundations of Biology3
NSCI 1030Human Function and Dysfunction3
NSCI 1040People and the Living Environment3
PSYC 1100Biopsychology3

Two-Course Disciplinary Introduction Sequences (mainly for science majors)

Course Title Credits
Rose Hill courses
BISC 1403
BISC 1413
Introductory Biology I
and Introductory Biology Lab I
BISC 1404
BISC 1414
Introductory Biology II
and Introductory Biology Lab II
CHEM 1321
CHEM 1331
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 1322
CHEM 1332
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Lab II
General Physics:
PHYS 1501
PHYS 1511
General Physics I
and Physics I Lab
PHYS 1502
PHYS 1512
General Physics II
and Physics II Lab
Introduction to Physics:
PHYS 1601
PHYS 1511
Introduction to Physics I
and Physics I Lab
PHYS 1602
PHYS 1512
Introduction to Physics II
and Physics II Lab
PHYS 1701
PHYS 1511
Physics I
and Physics I Lab
PHYS 1702
PHYS 1512
Physics II
and Physics II Lab
Lincoln Center
Introductory Biology:
NSCI 1403
NSCI 1413
General Biology Lecture I
and General Biology Lab I
NSCI 1404
NSCI 1414
General Biology Lecture II
and General Biology Lab II
Concepts in Biology:
NSCI 1423
NSCI 1433
Concepts in Biology Lecture I
and Concepts in Biology Lab I
NSCI 1424
NSCI 1434
Concepts in Biology Lecture II
and Concepts in Biology Lab II
General Chemistry:
NSCI 1321
NSCI 1331
General Chemistry Lecture I
and General Chemistry Lab I
NSCI 1322
NSCI 1332
General Chemistry Lecture II
and General Chemistry Lab II
General Physics:
NSCI 1501
NSCI 1511
General Physics Lecture I
and General Physics Lab I
NSCI 1502
NSCI 1512
General Physics Lecture II
and General Physics Lab II
NSCI 1701
NSCI 1511
Physics I
and General Physics Lab I
NSCI 1702
NSCI 1512
Physics II
and General Physics Lab II

Philosophy of Human Nature

One Required Course

A philosophical reflection on the central metaphysical and epistemological questions surrounding human nature, which includes discussion of some or all of the following problems: the body/soul distinction and the mind/body problem; the problem of knowledge (relativism, skepticism, the objectivity of knowledge; faith and reason); free will and determinism; and self and society (subjectivity, personhood, sociality, historicity, and tradition). At least 60 percent of each section of the course is devoted to readings from Plato, Aristotle, Augustine or Aquinas, and Descartes. Each section includes some writings by at least one contemporary figure.

Course Title Credits
PHIL 1000Philosophy of Human Nature3

Faith and Critical Reason

One Required Course

An introduction to fundamental theological issues including the dialectic between religion and modernity that has shaped our cultural heritage, and some of the ways that various cultures and individuals have confronted the pressing questions of meaning in human life. When apposite, comparisons with religious traditions other than Christianity are made.

Course Title Credits
THEO 1000Faith and Critical Reason3

Fine and Performing Arts

One Required Course

By seeing or hearing visual or musical works and understanding them, students learn to appreciate the non verbal and how such works both are influenced by and exercise influence on their cultural milieu. The courses take advantage of and encourage students to appreciate the extensive cultural offerings of New York City.

The following courses have the FACC (Fine and Performing Arts) attribute:

Course Title Credits
ARHI 1100Art History Introduction: World Art3
ARHI 1101Introduction to Art History: Europe3
ARHI 1102Introduction to Art History: Asia3
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 1104Introduction to Art History: Africa and African Diaspora3
ARHI 1105Introduction to Art History: Architecture3
ARHI 1298Art History AP3
ARHI 3480Art and Architecture in London4
MUSC 1051Who Cares If You Listen?! Music, Culture, and the Critical Ear3
MUSC 1100Introduction to Music History3
THEA 1100Invitation to Theatre3
VART 1101Urbanism3
VART 1135Visual Thinking3

Texts and Contexts 

One Required Course

The introductory core course in English literature, which may include literature in translation, will teach the arts of literary interpretation by developing techniques of close reading, an appreciation of the relations among literary works and the contexts in which they are written and read, and an ability to write critically about the interplay between text and context. The sections of this course will offer students choice among thematic and topical foci, which will be specified in each section title and spelled out in the section’s description. All sections will be offered in the Eloquentia Perfecta format, which emphasizes writing and presentation and fulfill the EP2 requirement.

The following courses have the TC (Texts and Contexts) attribute:

Course Title Credits
CLAS 2000Texts and Contexts3
COLI 2000Texts and Contexts3
ENGL 1004Texts and Contexts: Upward Mobility and the Common Good3
ENGL 2000Texts and Contexts3
HPLC 1201Honors: English3
LACU 1010Spanish Colonialism Through Film3
LACU 2000Texts and Contexts3

Prerequisite: ENGL 1102 Composition II

Understanding Historical Change

One Required Course

Through the introduction to the discipline of history, students will begin to achieve knowledge of the structure of societies, how they function, and how they change. Each section of the course will consider how to assess evidence, identify and evaluate differing and often contradictory explanations and arguments, and appraise the relative scale and importance of particular changes in the past. Students will be able to choose from different sections of the course, each with the title Understanding Historical Change and a descriptive subtitle, such as Ancient Greece, American History, etc.

The following courses have the HC (Understanding Historical Change) attribute:

Course Title Credits
AFAM 1600Understanding Historical Change: Africa3
CLAS 1210Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Greece3
CLAS 1220Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome3
HIST 1000Understanding Historical Change: Modern Europe3
HIST 1075Understanding Historical Change: Renaissance to Revolution in Europe3
HIST 1100Understanding Historical Change: American History3
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 1200Understanding Historical Change: Ancient History3
HIST 1210Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Greece3
HIST 1220Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome3
HIST 1240Understanding Historical Change: The Ancient World3
HIST 1300Understanding Historical Change: Medieval3
HIST 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
HIST 1450Understanding Historical Change: South Asian History3
HIST 1550Understanding Historical Change: Modern East Asia3
HIST 1551Understanding Historical Change: Representations of China and The West3
HIST 1600Understanding Historical Change: Africa3
HIST 1650Understanding Historical Change: The Black Atlantic3
HIST 1700Understanding Historical Change: Mideast3
HIST 1750Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture3
HIST 1850Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Ancient and Medieval World3
HIST 1851Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World3
HIST 1925Understanding Historical Change: Science and Technology3
LALS 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3

Social Sciences

One Required Course

Students will be introduced to the ways of knowing the characteristics of the social sciences through introductory courses in anthropology, communications, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. The courses will usually focus on a substantive concern of the social sciences and include historical overviews, consideration of the variety of research methods typically used (especially empirical research), reviews of the major theoretical orientations and models, and real-world implications and applications to practical problems.

The following courses have the SSCI (Social Science Core Requirement) attribute:

Course Title Credits
AFAM 1650Black Popular Culture4
ANTH 1050Anthropology Focus3
ANTH 1100Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 1300Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH 1413Language and Culture4
COMC 2175Persuasion and Public Opinion4
COMC 2329Media Industries4
COMC 2377Mass Communication and Media Effects4
COMM 1000Fundamentals of Communication and Media Studies3
COMM 1010Introduction to Communication and Media Studies3
DTEM 2459Social History of Communication and Technology4
ECON 1100Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 1200Principles of Microeconomics3
JOUR 1761The Power of News3
LING 1500Introduction to Psycholinguistics3
POSC 1100Introduction to Politics3
POSC 1298Government and Politics Comparative3
POSC 1299Government & Politics: US3
PSYC 1004The Mind-Body Connection: Introduction to Behavioral Health3
PSYC 2600Social Psychology4
PSYC 2601Lab in Social Psychology5
PSYC 2700Infant and Child Development4
PSYC 2710Adolescent and Adult Development4
PSYC 2800Personality4
PSYC 2900Psychopathology4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 1050Sociology Focus3
SOCI 1100Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 1102Introduction to Sociology: Health Focus3