Finance Major

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
FNBU 3441Investments & Security Anlys 13
FNBU 3440Corporate Financial Policy3
Flex Core
Select two of the following:
Global Financial Statement Analysis
ST: Financial Modeling
Portfolio Management
ST: Fixed-Income Analysis
Financial App & Institutions
Global Business Econ & Trade
Computational Finance
Select six electives from the following options (at least four must be upper-level finance courses): 2
From additional flex core courses beyond the two required (see above)
From other upper-level Gabelli School of Business finance courses 3
From courses offered by the accounting or ITO areas (approval by the finance area is needed on a case-by-case basis)

Prerequisites for the finance major are ACBU 2222 Principles of Financial Accounting and FNBU 3221 Financial Management.


For Finance majors pursuing a secondary concentration in Fintech, secondary concentration in Alternative Investments, or secondary concentration in Value Investing, the three courses that comprise the secondary concentration may double-count as electives towards the Finance major.


Any course with the subject code FNBU may fulfill this requirement. INSY 3436 ST: Programming with Python, if taken as part of a secondary concentration in Fintech, may also fulfill this requirement.

How courses are counted

Students must note the following policy for how courses are counted. A student may count a maximum of one class in fulfilling more than one purpose—that is, toward any combination of major, minor, and primary or secondary concentration. For example, only one economics class could count toward both a finance major and an economics minor; any additional economics class would count toward the finance major OR the economics minor, but not both. Similarly, one management class could count toward both a primary concentration in management and a minor in sustainable business, but any subsequent management class would not count toward both. Any exceptions to these rules will be posted within the specific area major, minor, or concentration requirements.

Students must also complete the Gabelli School business and liberal arts Core Curricula. In addition, all students complete between three and seven liberal arts electives depending on their major requirements.

CIP Code

27.0305 - Financial Mathematics.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.