Transcript of Record

An official transcript is one bearing the seal of the University and the signature of the University Registrar.

Official academic transcripts may be issued to educational institutions, employers, scholarship/grant/fellowship organizations, application services, government agencies, etc., or to students (for personal use). Students may view their unofficial transcript online by using their credentials on Official transcripts cannot be faxed to recipients.

Students and alumni who request an official transcript for personal use may not forward it to another party; doing so renders the transcript unofficial. Transcripts should always be issued to the intended final recipient.

The University offers online ordering for secure electronic transcripts as well as for mailed (paper) transcripts. Full details are available from the Office of Academic Records.

Students may request an unofficial transcript listing courses and credits marked "Unofficial." The University accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of an unofficial transcript after it has been issued.

Transcripts may be requested from the University via the National Student Clearinghouse. They should be requested well in advance of the date desired. No transcripts will be issued for students who have account holds that prevent transcript release. In compliance with New York State law, the University does not withhold transcripts for unpaid financial obligations. Fees apply for specialized transcript mailing services (i.e. certified mail, international mail, express mail). These fees and services are subject to change at any time.

The Office of Academic Records may use its discretion to limit the number of transcripts requested at any one time.

Students who attended (completed any of their coursework) at the University prior to 1990, or at Marymount College prior to Fall 2002, must use this Transcript Request Form and submit it to the Office of Academic Records. Such transcripts cannot be delivered electronically, and can only be delivered via mail (regular or express).

Fordham University will make every effort to promptly fill all requests for transcripts but will not assume responsibility for delays. All inquiries concerning issuance of transcripts must be made to the Office of Academic Records.