Latin American and Latino Studies Major

The Latin American and Latino studies major integrates a series of courses in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts designed to familiarize students with the experiences and cultural expressions of Latin America and the Latino communities in the United States. As an interdisciplinary program, the major prepares students to enter the fields of law, social work, international relations, business and finance, humanitarian affairs, teaching, Hispanic media and communications, publishing, and graduate or professional study.

CIP Code

05.0107 - Latin American Studies.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.

The major consists of 10 courses:

Course Title Credits
One Intro course3 to 4
Two Social Sciences courses6 to 8
Two Humanities/Arts courses6 to 8
One Upper-level History course4
One Capstone Seminar (normally taken in the senior year)4
Three additional electives 19 to 12

Any course with the LALS subject code or the LALS attribute code may fulfill this requirement.

Intro courses

Courses in this group have the LAIN attribute.

Course Title Credits
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
HIST 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
LALS 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
LALS 3005Latin American Themes4
MLAL 3005Themes in Latina/o and Latin American Studies4
PHIL 3653Latin American Philosophy4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
SPAN 2001Spanish Language and Literature3
SPAN 2301Spanish for Heritage Speakers3
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
THEO 3847Latinx Theology4

Social Sciences courses

Courses in this group have the LASS attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 2647Third World and the City4
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3130Racial and Ethnic Conflict4
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3155Children of Immigrants in America4
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 3663Minorities in the Media4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AFAM 4000Affirmative Action and the American Dream4
AFAM 4650Social Welfare and Society4
ANTH 2619Magic, Science, and Religion4
ANTH 3111Archaeology of the Americas4
ANTH 3180Ethnographic Methods4
ANTH 3333Seeing Race: American Visual Culture in Historical Perspective4
ANTH 3339Irish and Mexican Migration: New York Focus4
ANTH 3340Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ANTH 3354Race, Identity, and Globalization4
ANTH 3357Globalization and Migration4
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
ANTH 3471Ancient Tales of the Andes: Taki Ongoy, Tin Tin, and Enchaquirado Narratives4
ANTH 3476Latin American Social Movements4
ANTH 3510Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s)4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3380International Communication4
DTEM 3447Race, Gender, and Digital Media4
ECON 3210Development Economics4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3240World Poverty4
ECON 3242Global Economic Issues4
ECON 3248Migration and Development: A Social Justice Perspective4
ECON 3346International Trade4
ECON 3563Labor Economics4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ECON 3971Urban Economics4
ECON 4005Fair Trade Entrepreneurship4
ECON 5005Fair Trade Entrepreneurship3
FITV 3647TV, Identity, and Representation4
FITV 3688Global Television4
HIST 3962Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America4
HIST 3972Revolution in Central America4
HUST 4100Refugee and Asylum Law4
INST 3100The Global Environment4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
LALS 3343Crime and Minority Rights4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
LALS 3352Policy Issues and Procedures in Criminal Law4
LALS 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
LALS 3600Latin America: Current Trends4
LALS 3601Latin American Archeology4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3962Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America4
LALS 3972Revolution in Central America4
POSC 2610Introduction to Comparative Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 4020Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice4
PSYC 3600Multicultural Psychology4
PSYC 3640Cross-Cultural-Psychology4
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3017Inequality in America4
SOCI 3046International Sociology4
SOCI 3070The City and Its Neighborhoods4
SOCI 3102Contemporary Social Issues and Policies4
SOCI 3110Global Conflict: Wars/Religion4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3148Population and Economic Development Issues4
SOCI 3149Economic Sociology4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3406Race/Social Construct4
SOCI 3410Migration/Globalization4
SOCI 3415Development and Globalization4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3419Living in the Shadows: Undocumented Migration4
SOCI 3425Racial Segregation: An American Story4
SOCI 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
SOCI 3456Modern Social Movements4
SOCI 3502Work, Inequality, and Society in 21st Century America4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3601Urban Poverty4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SOCI 3713Criminology4
SOCI 4020Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities4
SOCI 4408Diversity in American Society4
SOCI 4902Internship Seminar: Community Organizations4
SOCI 4961Urban Issues and Policies4
SOCI 4970Community Service/Social Action4
SOCI 4990Conflict Resolution and Justice Creation4
UEGE 5102Historical, Philosophical, and Multicultural Foundations of American Education3

Certain sections of the following courses will also count toward the Social Science requirement. 

Course Title Credits
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ECON 3242Global Economic Issues4
ECON 3244International Economic Policy4
ECON 3346International Trade4
ECON 3563Labor Economics4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
POSC 2610Introduction to Comparative Politics4
PSYC 3600Multicultural Psychology4
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 3017Inequality in America4
SOCI 3102Contemporary Social Issues and Policies4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3148Population and Economic Development Issues4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3415Development and Globalization4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3601Urban Poverty4
SOCI 3713Criminology4
SOCI 4902Internship Seminar: Community Organizations4

Humanities/Arts courses

Courses in this group have the LAHA attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AFAM 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
COLI 3250Represent Sp Civil War4
COLI 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
COLI 3434The Avant-Gardes: Europe and Latin America4
COLI 3522Strange Memories, Strange Desires4
COLI 3668Caribbean Identities4
COLI 3840Latin American Culture Through Film4
COLI 3910US Latino Film Making4
COLI 3912Literature of the Americas4
COLI 4018Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film4
ENGL 3036Latin American Short Story4
ENGL 3037US Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3038Latinx Performance Studies: Image, Fashion, and Politics4
ENGL 3244Latinx Fashion and the Politics of Style4
ENGL 3247NYC Latinx Literature 4
ENGL 3350Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media4
ENGL 3619Crip, Queer and Critical Race Studies4
ENGL 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
ENGL 3652New Wave Immigrant Literature4
ENGL 3658Migrations/Movements/Masks4
ENGL 3664Queer Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3677Latino/a US Literatures4
ENGL 3841Contemporary Fiction4
ENGL 4021Seminar: Love and Latinx Literature 4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4185Caribbean Islands and Oceans4
ENGL 4236Seminar: Latin American Short Story4
HUST 4200Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action4
LACU 1010Spanish Colonialism Through Film3
LACU 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
LACU 3525Cultures of Sexual Dissidence in Latin America4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3005Latin American Themes4
LALS 3130Race and Gender in Latin American Popular Music4
LALS 3343Crime and Minority Rights4
LALS 3346Latinos and the Media4
LALS 3421Latin American Fiction4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3840Latin America Through Film4
LALS 4001Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter4
LALS 4100Speaking For/As the Other4
LALS 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
LALS 4192Rediscovering the New World4
LALS 4620Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador4
LALS 4855Fascisms, Aesthetics and the Hispanic World4
LING 2675Sounds of New York4
LING 4020Language and Race4
MLAL 3005Themes in Latina/o and Latin American Studies4
MLAL 4100Speaking For/As the Other4
MUSC 3130Race and Gender in Latin American Popular Music4
MUSC 4001Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter4
PHIL 3653Latin American Philosophy4
PHIL 3713Human Rights and Global Justice4
PHYS 4192Rediscovering the New World4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SPAN 2305Spanish for Global Issues of Social Change4
SPAN 2450Business Spanish4
SPAN 2500Approaches to Literature4
SPAN 2620Spanish Phonetics4
SPAN 2655Creative Writing in Spanish4
SPAN 2700Hispanic Legends4
SPAN 3001Spain: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3007Spanish Linguistics4
SPAN 3066Survey of Latin American Film4
SPAN 3123Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature4
SPAN 3166Trends in Latin American Film4
SPAN 3210Transatlantic Picaresque4
SPAN 3230Sinful Business4
SPAN 3250God, Gold, and Glory4
SPAN 3285Trends in Mexican Cinema4
SPAN 3300Modern Latin American Visual Culture4
SPAN 3310Latin American Science Fiction4
SPAN 3401Modern Spanish Fiction4
SPAN 3405Women Translators in the Spanish-Speaking World4
SPAN 3515New Spanish Literature: Rewriting the Public Sphere in 21st Century Spain4
SPAN 3525Cultures of Sexual Dissidence in Latin America4
SPAN 3530Excess in Spanish Lit4
SPAN 3540Spain and Islam4
SPAN 3550Expressing the Colonies4
SPAN 3561Representing the Gypsy4
SPAN 3582New York in Latinx Literature and Film4
SPAN 3610Children's Gaze in Latin American Literature4
SPAN 3625Spanish-American Short Fiction4
SPAN 3642Spanish-American Literature and Popular Music4
SPAN 3701Feminism in Latin American Literature & Film4
SPAN 3710Contemporary Latin American Fiction4
SPAN 3712Literatures of the Latin American Boom and Post-Boom4
SPAN 3720The Hispanic Transatlantic4
SPAN 3730Writing Violence: Peru, 1980-20004
SPAN 3800The Spanish Diaspora4
SPAN 3808Bodies, Touch, and Affect in Argentine Film and Literature4
SPAN 3820Hispanic Caribbean Literature4
SPAN 3850Narrating the City4
SPAN 3950The Fantastic in Spanish Literature and Film4
SPAN 3997Back to Nature: New Ruralism in 21st Century Spanish Literature and Film4
SPAN 4001Cervantes and Don Quixote4
SPAN 4005Painting the Empire: Understanding the Spanish Empire Through Art and Literature4
SPAN 4018Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film4
SPAN 4511Spanish Civil War4
SPAN 4520Spain in Context4
SPAN 4855Fascisms, Aesthetics and the Hispanic World4
THEO 3130Bible as Migration Literature: Then and Now4
THEO 3380US Latinx Spiritualities3
THEO 3383Latin American Liberation Theologies3
THEO 3546The Bible and Social Justice3
THEO 3610Christ in World Cultures3
THEO 3611Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice3
THEO 3847Latinx Theology4
THEO 3960Religion and Race in America4
VART 3060Visual Justice: Enacting Change Through Image-Based Storytelling 4
VART 3333Art Making in Hell's Kitchen4

Certain sections of the following courses will also count toward the Humanities/Arts requirement. 

Course Title Credits
COLI 3522Strange Memories, Strange Desires4
ENGL 3841Contemporary Fiction4

Upper-level History courses

Courses in this group have the LAUH attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
ANTH 3111Archaeology of the Americas4
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3808New York City Politics4
HIST 3862History of New York City4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
HIST 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
HIST 3961Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World4
HIST 3962Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America4
HIST 3963Afro-Latin America4
HIST 3965Colonial Latin America4
HIST 3967Modern Central America4
HIST 3968Mexico4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3972Revolution in Central America4
HIST 3974Spaniards and Incas4
HIST 3975The Caribbean4
HIST 3977Latin American History Through Film4
HIST 4008Race and Gender in the Old West4
HIST 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
HIST 4591Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 4725Seminar: Global Histories and Stories4
HIST 4760Seminar: Immigration to the U.S.4
HIST 4772Seminar: Colonial Latin America4
HIST 4905Seminar: History of Food4
HIST 4998Study Tour: Medieval Spain4
INST 3859Post-1945: A Global History4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LALS 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
LALS 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
LALS 3962Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America4
LALS 3963Afro-Latin America4
LALS 3967Modern Central America4
LALS 3968Mexico4
LALS 3972Revolution in Central America4
LALS 3977Latin American History Through Film4
LALS 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
MVST 3501Between Conquest and Convivencia: The Spanish Kingdoms of the Middle Ages4
MVST 4998Study Tour: Medieval Spain4
THEO 3383Latin American Liberation Theologies3

Seniors may wish to write a senior essay under the guidance of one of the program's faculty members.


The major in Latin American and Latino studies is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center.

Fordham College at Rose Hill students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Fordham College at Lincoln Center students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Professional and Continuing Studies students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the PCS Core Curriculum and any additional electives that may be required to earn a minimum of 124 credits.