Linguistics Minor

The Linguistics minor requires six (6) courses: 

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
LING 1100Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 1400Introduction to Sociolinguistics3
LING 1500Introduction to Psycholinguistics3
Three Electives 1

Any course with the LING subject code numbered 1501-4999 may fulfill this requirement., as may courses with the LING attribute code (see list below).


Courses in this group have the LING attribute.

Course Title Credits
ANTH 1413Language and Culture4
ANTH 3726Language, Gender, and Sexuality4
CISC 1600Computer Science I3
CISC 1800Introduction to Computer Programming3
COMC 2111Theories of Human Communication4
COMC 2117Language, Consciousness, and Culture4
DTEM 2412Digital Ethnography4
DTEM 2459Social History of Communication and Technology4
FREN 3055Language and AI (Artificial Intelligence)4
MAND 3045Chinese Linguistics4
MLAL 1400Introduction to Sociolinguistics3
MLAL 3100History of Language4
PHIL 3200Introduction to Logic4
PHIL 3204Symbolic Logic4
PSYC 2500Cognition4
PSYC 2710Adolescent and Adult Development4
PSYC 3010Bilingual Minds 4
PSYC 3110Cognitive Neuroscience4
PSYC 4015Language and Thought 4
SPAN 3007Spanish Linguistics4
SPAN 3402Language and Identity in the Spanish-Speaking World4


Course Selection

  • Students must take at least one (1) 3000-level or above elective course from the elective offerings.
  • Students who have completed their required linguistics courses may pursue a linguistics faculty-mentored research project and enroll in LING 4999 Linguistics Research for course credit.
  • Either PHIL 3200 Introduction to Logic or PHIL 3204 Symbolic Logic, but not both, may apply towards the minor.

Academic Performance

  • A minimum grade of C in all courses is required in order to fulfill minor requirements.

Study Abroad

  • Students are not required to study abroad. However, students who choose to study abroad may apply up to two (2) pre-approved courses to the linguistics minor.

Foreign Languages

  • There is no foreign language requirement for the linguistics minor.
  • However, with minor advisor permission, students may apply one (1) 2500/2600 or 3000 (or above) level language literature/culture course to the linguistics minor.

Double Counting

  • Upon approval from their major/minor advisors, students may double count up to two (2) courses towards the linguistics minor and their major, or another minor.


The minor in linguistics is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill and Fordham College at Lincoln Center. Students in Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies may minor in linguistics only if they receive the approval of their advising dean and/or department, and their schedules are sufficiently flexible to permit them to take day courses at the Rose Hill or Lincoln Center campuses.