Capstone Courses
Interdisciplinary Capstone in Literature, History, and/or Social Science
One Required Course
For this capstone in the literary, historical and social scientific sequence, courses will use interdisciplinary study to examine the role of disciplines in knowledge formation. Each course will feature at least two disciplines that conceive and study a common topic or problem. The Interdisciplinary courses will be team taught by professors representing contrasting disciplines, or taught by a single individual who has expertise in both disciplines. One discipline featured in each interdisciplinary course must use methods that are literary, historical, or based on a social science, which may include participants from English, history, the social sciences, classics, African and African American studies, languages and cultures, and interdisciplinary programs. The second or other disciplines in each course must be different from the first, but may be literary, historical, social scientific, or drawn from any other discipline, such as the sciences, fine arts, philosophy or theology.
The following courses have the ICC (Interdisciplinary Capstone Core) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
AAST 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
AAST 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
AAST 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
AAST 4616 | Contemporary Issues in Asian America | 4 |
AFAM 4105 | Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas | 4 |
AFAM 4147 | Food and Globalization | 4 |
AFAM 4148 | Race, Religion, and Politics: Catholic and Civil Rights | 4 |
AMCS 4950 | Christianity and Gender/Sexual Diversity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 4 |
AMST 4010 | Approaches to American Studies | 4 |
ANTH 4004 | Art Worlds: Anthropology and Sociology Perspectives | 4 |
ANTH 4006 | Palestinian Culture at Home and in Diaspora | 4 |
ANTH 4114 | Anthropology of Health Healing and Social Justice | 4 |
ANTH 4341 | Race, Sex, and Science | 4 |
ANTH 4344 | Reproductive Technologies: Global Perspective | 4 |
ANTH 4373 | Environment and Human Survival | 4 |
ANTH 4490 | Anthropology of Political Violence | 4 |
ANTH 4616 | Contemporary Issues in Asian America | 4 |
ANTH 4722 | Primate Ecology and Conservation | 4 |
ARHI 4250 | Aztec Art | 4 |
ARHI 4435 | Art of the Tudor Courts | 4 |
ARHI 4555 | Art & Ecology in the 19th, 20th & 21st century | 4 |
BISC 4035 | Ecology and Economics of Food Systems | 4 |
CEED 4245 | Ethics in Research | 4 |
CHEM 4251 | Physical and Computational Models of Biochemical Systems | 3 |
CISC 4001 | Computers and Robots in Film | 4 |
CISC 4006 | Brains and Behavior in Beasts and Bots | 4 |
CLAS 4020 | The Classical Tradition in Contemporary Fiction and Film | 4 |
CLAS 4050 | Ancient Roman Cities | 4 |
CLAS 4051 | Ancient Greece: Classical Study Tour | 4 |
COLI 4018 | Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film | 4 |
COLI 4020 | Literature, Film and Development | 4 |
COLI 4021 | The Classical Tradition in Contemporary Fiction and Film | 4 |
COLI 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
COLI 4206 | Comparative Studies in Revolution | 4 |
COLI 4207 | Comparative Studies in Empire | 4 |
COLI 4211 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
COLI 4217 | Health, Self, and Capital: The Art of Living and Its Discontents | 4 |
COLI 4320 | Reading the Indian Ocean World | 4 |
COLI 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
COLI 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
COMC 4211 | Media and Modernity | 4 |
COMC 4222 | Media and the Environment | 4 |
COMC 4241 | Communication, Popular Culture, and Philosophy | 4 |
COMC 4246 | Media, Disability, Futurity | 4 |
COMC 4268 | Media and the Social Construction of Reality | 4 |
COMC 4340 | Freedom of Expression | 4 |
COMC 4348 | Religion, Theology, and New Media | 4 |
ECON 4020 | Disability: Economic and Other Approaches | 4 |
ECON 4025 | Bronx Urban Economic Development | 4 |
ECON 4035 | Ecology and Economics of Food Systems | 4 |
ENGL 4005 | The Medieval Traveler | 4 |
ENGL 4015 | London Modernisms: 1890-1956: Unreal City | 4 |
ENGL 4020 | Adrienne Kennedy: Text and Performance | 4 |
ENGL 4137 | Hysteria, Sexuality, and the Unconscious | 4 |
ENGL 4142 | Contemplating the Cloisters | 4 |
ENGL 4143 | Shakespeare: Text and Performance | 4 |
ENGL 4144 | Hamlet: Text and Performance | 4 |
ENGL 4145 | Dramaturgy | 4 |
ENGL 4146 | The Body in Contemporary Women's Literature and Art | 4 |
ENGL 4147 | Food and Globalization | 4 |
ENGL 4148 | Medieval Drama in Performance | 4 |
ENGL 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
ENGL 4152 | The Tempest: Text and Performance | 4 |
ENGL 4184 | Postwar American Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4185 | Caribbean Islands and Oceans | 4 |
ENGL 4190 | Shakespeare/Dylan: Plays, Songs, Conversations | 4 |
ENGL 4206 | Comparative Studies in Revolution | 4 |
ENGL 4207 | Comparative Studies in Empire | 4 |
ENGL 4208 | Narrative Across Media: Literature, Music, Film | 4 |
ENGL 4211 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
ENGL 4217 | Health, Self, and Capital: The Art of Living and Its Discontents | 4 |
ENGL 4227 | Black Literature and Film | 4 |
ENGL 4246 | Media, Disability, Futurity | 4 |
ENGL 4370 | Disgust in Literature and Psychology | 4 |
ENGL 4421 | Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental & Cognitive Difference in Culture & Context | 4 |
ENGL 4490 | British Literature, History, and Culture of the Great War | 4 |
ENGL 4548 | World War II: History, Literature, and Film | 4 |
ENGL 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
HIST 4000 | History, Philosophy, and Law: Problems in Interpretation | 4 |
HIST 4005 | American Photography: History and Art | 4 |
HIST 4007 | Medieval Autobiographies | 4 |
HIST 4008 | Race and Gender in the Old West | 4 |
HIST 4009 | Film, Fiction, and Power in the American Century | 4 |
HIST 4019 | Luther and Loyola | 4 |
HIST 4031 | Rise of the American Suburb | 4 |
HIST 4048 | Israel: History, Society, Politics and Culture | 4 |
HIST 4057 | Seminar: History and Film | 4 |
HIST 4104 | Food and Drink in Modern Society | 4 |
HIST 4105 | The Early Modern World: Art and Science | 4 |
HIST 4115 | Communication and Media in History: From Gutenberg to Google | 4 |
HIST 4137 | Hysteria, Sexuality, and the Unconscious | 4 |
HIST 4152 | The Italian Renaissance | 4 |
HIST 4195 | The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem | 4 |
HIST 4295 | Confucianism in Three Keys: The History, Philosophy, and Politics of Confucianism | 4 |
HIST 4312 | Antisemitism and Racism | 4 |
HIST 4435 | Art of the Tudor Courts | 4 |
HIST 4548 | World War II: History, Literature, and Film | 4 |
HIST 4654 | Medieval London | 4 |
HIST 4998 | Study Tour: Medieval Spain | 4 |
JOUR 4766 | Television News Innovators | 4 |
JOUR 4767 | History of Women's Magazines | 4 |
LACU 4006 | Dante's Cosmos: Medieval Science, Theology, and Poetry in the Divina Commedia | 4 |
LACU 4007 | Oral History, Literature & Film | 4 |
LACU 4347 | Latinos: Fact and Fiction | 4 |
LALS 4001 | Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter | 4 |
LALS 4005 | Queer Theory and the Americas | 4 |
LALS 4105 | Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas | 4 |
LALS 4192 | Rediscovering the New World | 4 |
LALS 4347 | Latinx Borders | 4 |
LALS 4855 | Fascisms, Aesthetics and the Hispanic World | 4 |
LING 4015 | Language and Thought | 4 |
LING 4020 | Language and Race | 4 |
MEST 4701 | Urban Theatre, Music, Dance: Culture and the Formation of the Middle East Identities | 4 |
MLAL 4005 | Queer Theory and the Americas | 4 |
MUSC 4000 | Music and Nationalism | 4 |
MUSC 4001 | Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter | 4 |
MVST 4005 | The Medieval Traveler | 4 |
MVST 4006 | Dante's Cosmos: Science, Theology, and Literature | 4 |
MVST 4007 | The Medieval Foundations of Modernity: Petrarch and the Origins of Modern Consciousness | 4 |
MVST 4008 | Medieval Autobiographies | 4 |
MVST 4009 | Medieval Jerusalem | 4 |
MVST 4010 | Medieval Franciscans and the Dream of a Just Economy | 4 |
MVST 4040 | Exploring Medieval New York | 4 |
MVST 4654 | Medieval London | 0-4 |
MVST 4998 | Study Tour: Medieval Spain | 4 |
PHIL 4301 | Happiness and Well-Being | 4 |
PHIL 4302 | Environmental Policy and Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 4303 | Human Error: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives | 4 |
PHIL 4304 | The Philosophy and Economics of Law | 4 |
PHIL 4310 | Human Rights in Context | 4 |
PHIL 4315 | Jane Austen and Moral Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 4366 | Scientific Progress and the History of Science | 4 |
PHIL 4370 | Nature, History, and the Anthropocene | 4 |
PHIL 4422 | Harry Potter and Philosophy (ICC) | 4 |
PHYS 4192 | Rediscovering the New World | 4 |
POSC 4001 | Rhetorical Arts & Politics in the Ignatian Tradition: A London Study Tour | 4 |
POSC 4010 | Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab | 4 |
POSC 4013 | Religion and American Politics | 4 |
POSC 4015 | American Economic Policymaking | 4 |
POSC 4020 | Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities | 4 |
POSC 4025 | Youth and Politics | 4 |
POSC 4036 | Human Nature After Darwin | 4 |
POSC 4037 | Social Movements and Revolutions | 4 |
POSC 4055 | What Is College For? | 4 |
POSC 4125 | Seeing Like a State: Surveillance, Security, and Privacy | 4 |
PSYC 4000 | History and Systems of Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 4015 | Language and Thought | 4 |
PSYC 4245 | Ethics in Research | 4 |
PSYC 4310 | Aging and Society | 4 |
PSYC 4330 | Music and Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 4350 | The Psychology of Race, Place, and Power | 4 |
PSYC 4370 | Disgust in Literature and Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 4855 | Participatory Action Research | 4 |
SOCI 3044 | Poverty and Community Development | 4 |
SOCI 4004 | Art Worlds: Anthropology and Sociology Perspectives | 4 |
SOCI 4010 | Taming “Wicked Problems”: Social Science Research and Solutions Lab | 4 |
SOCI 4020 | Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities | 4 |
SOCI 4052 | An Ethics of Modern Selfhood: The Pursuit of Authenticity | 4 |
SOCI 4105 | Religion, Gender, and Sexuality | 4 |
SOCI 4245 | Ethics in Research | 4 |
SOCI 4400 | Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality | 4 |
SOCI 4408 | Diversity in American Society | 4 |
SOCI 4420 | Religious Freedom and American Democracy | 4 |
SOCI 4421 | Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental, & Cognitive Difference In Culture & Context | 4 |
SOCI 4961 | Urban Issues and Policies | 4 |
SOCI 4962 | Health/Inequality in the US | 4 |
SOCI 4965 | Science Fiction and Social Crisis | 4 |
SOCI 4990 | Conflict Resolution and Justice Creation | 4 |
SPAN 4005 | Painting the Empire: Understanding the Spanish Empire Through Art and Literature | 4 |
SPAN 4018 | Cuba: Revolution, Literature and Film | 4 |
SPAN 4347 | Latinx Borders | 4 |
SPAN 4511 | Spanish Civil War | 4 |
SPAN 4520 | Spain in Context | 4 |
SPAN 4855 | Fascisms, Aesthetics and the Hispanic World | 4 |
THEA 4020 | Adrienne Kennedy: Text and Performance | 4 |
THEA 4143 | Shakespeare: Text and Performance | 4 |
THEA 4144 | Hamlet: Text and Performance | 4 |
THEA 4145 | Dramaturgy | 4 |
THEA 4148 | Medieval Drama | 4 |
THEA 4152 | The Tempest: Text and Performance | 4 |
THEO 4009 | Medieval Jerusalem | 4 |
THEO 4013 | Religion and American Politics | 4 |
THEO 4036 | Human Nature After Darwin | 4 |
THEO 4037 | Nature in Historical and Ethical Perspective | 4 |
THEO 4040 | Home, Away, and In-Between | 4 |
THEO 4050 | On Time and Its Value | 4 |
THEO 4055 | What is College For? | 4 |
THEO 4060 | Religious Faith and Doubt in Western Thought | 4 |
THEO 4062 | Hagar in the Bible and Beyond | 4 |
THEO 4105 | Religion, Gender, and Sexuality | 4 |
THEO 4411 | Religion, Theology, and New Media | 4 |
THEO 4545 | Bath Cultures and Bathing Rituals From Antiquity to Brooklyn | 4 |
THEO 4630 | G.O. Deeper. Interdisciplinary Inquiries | 4 |
THEO 4852 | Spirituality, Health, and Healing | 4 |
THEO 4853 | Spirituality and Politics | 4 |
THEO 4870 | Economic Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching | 4 |
THEO 4950 | Christianity and Gender/Sexual Diversity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 4 |
WGSS 4005 | Queer Theory and the Americas | 4 |
WGSS 4105 | Religion, Gender, and Sexuality | 4 |
WGSS 4341 | Race, Sex, and Science | 4 |
WGSS 4344 | Reproductive Technologies: Global Perspective | 4 |
WGSS 4400 | Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality | 4 |
WGSS 4950 | Christianity and Sexual Diversity | 4 |
WMST 4005 | Queer Theory and the Americas | 4 |
Values Seminar
One Required Course
In these courses, students will learn to identify, take seriously, and think deeply and fairly about complex ethical issues in contemporary and former times. Faculty from all departments in the Arts and Sciences will develop these capstone seminars. These small, writing intensive topical seminars will be offered in the Eloquentia Perfecta format and fulfill the EP4 requirement.
The following courses have the VAL (Values Seminar) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 4000 | Affirmative Action and the American Dream | 4 |
AFAM 4192 | Race and Religion in the Transatlantic World | 4 |
AFAM 4650 | Social Welfare and Society | 4 |
ARHI 4230 | Art and Ethics: Articulating Function in the Visual Arts | 4 |
ARHI 4562 | Art and the Second World War | 4 |
CISC 4650 | Cyberspace: Issues and Ethics | 4 |
CISC 4660 | Minds, Machines, and Society | 4 |
CLAS 4040 | The Birth of Learning: Classical Education Then, Now, and in New York City | 4 |
COLI 4420 | Ethics and Intelligence | 4 |
COLI 4570 | Films of Moral Struggle | 4 |
COMC 4360 | Communication Ethics and the Public Sphere | 4 |
COMC 4370 | Ethical Controversies in 21st Century Media | 4 |
COMC 4380 | Media and Moral Philosophy | 4 |
DANC 4000 | Art and Ethics | 4 |
DTEM 4480 | Digital Media and Public Responsibility | 4 |
ECON 4110 | Ethics and Economics | 4 |
ENGL 4044 | Incarceration: History, Literature, Film | 4 |
ENGL 4096 | Hobbits/Heroes/Hubris | 4 |
ENGL 4126 | Ten Short Films About Morality | 4 |
ENGL 4135 | Bible in English Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 4141 | Death in the Middle Ages | 4 |
ENGL 4149 | Modern Drama as Moral Crucible | 4 |
ENGL 4155 | The Seven Deadly Sins | 4 |
ENGL 4209 | Literature of Peace and War | 4 |
ENGL 4215 | Law and Literature | 4 |
ENGL 4216 | Animal Welfare in Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4228 | Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter | 4 |
ENGL 4403 | Extraordinary Bodies | 4 |
ENGL 4420 | Ethics and Intelligence | 4 |
FITV 4570 | Films of Moral Struggle | 4 |
FITV 4660 | Ethics of Reality Television | 4 |
HIST 4011 | Why America Fights | 4 |
HIST 4012 | Values and Global Capitalism | 4 |
HIST 4021 | Ethical Responsibility and Historical Representation | 4 |
HIST 4308 | Antisemitism | 4 |
HIST 4310 | Africa, Race, and the Global Cold War | 4 |
HIST 4510 | Conquest, Conversion, Conscience | 4 |
HIST 4591 | Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism | 4 |
INST 4620 | The World of Democracy | 4 |
JOUR 4750 | Values in the News | 4 |
LACU 4010 | Anni Di Piombo/Years of Lead: Culture, Politics, and Violence | 4 |
LACU 4011 | Anni Di Piombo/Years of Lead: Culture, Politics, and Violence | 4 |
LALS 4100 | Speaking For/As the Other | 4 |
LALS 4510 | Conquest, Conversion, Conscience | 4 |
MATH 4001 | Mathematical Ethics Practicum | 4 |
MLAL 4100 | Speaking For/As the Other | 4 |
PHIL 4020 | The Meaning of Work | 4 |
PHIL 4205 | Seminar: Justice and Social Identity | 4 |
PHIL 4320 | Utopias and Dystopias | 4 |
PHIL 4405 | Freedom of Expression and Toleration | 4 |
PHIL 4407 | Gender, Power, and Justice | 4 |
PHIL 4408 | Hospitality and Cosmopolitanism | 4 |
PHIL 4409 | Environmental Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 4410 | Love and Empire | 4 |
PHIL 4412 | Classical Values: Art of Living | 4 |
PHIL 4413 | Religion and Morality | 4 |
PHIL 4416 | Art, Morality, and Politics | 4 |
PHIL 4418 | Issues of Life and Death | 4 |
PHIL 4423 | Business Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 4425 | Buddhist Moral Thought | 4 |
PHIL 4430 | Education and Democracy | 4 |
PHIL 4436 | Rethinking Citizenship | 4 |
PHIL 4442 | Fantasy and Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 4444 | AI, Sci Fi, and Human Value | 4 |
PHIL 4455 | Respectful Disagreement | 4 |
PHIL 4470 | Lincoln: Democratic Values | 4 |
PHIL 4473 | War and Peace: Just War Theory | 4 |
PHIL 4480 | Technology and Values | 4 |
PHIL 4484 | Freedom and Responsibility | 4 |
PHIL 4486 | Evil, Vice, and Sin | 4 |
PHIL 4490 | Itineraries of Desire | 4 |
POSC 4210 | Seminar: State, Family, and Society | 4 |
POSC 4400 | Seminar: Global Justice | 4 |
POSC 4515 | Seminar: International Politics of Peace | 4 |
POSC 4620 | Seminar: The World of Democracy | 4 |
POSC 4900 | Seminar: Democracy, Development, and the Global Economy | 4 |
PSYC 4340 | Law and Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 4900 | Psychology and Human Values | 4 |
PSYC 4920 | Youth, Values, and Society | 4 |
PSYC 4930 | Codes for Mental Health Services | 4 |
SOCI 4444 | Unstrange Minds: On the Ethical Dimensions of Neurological and Cognitive Difference | 4 |
SOCI 4970 | Community Service/Social Action | 4 |
SOCI 4971 | Dilemmas of the Modern Self | 4 |
THEA 4500 | Theatre, Creativity, and Values | 4 |
THEO 4005 | Women and Theology | 4 |
THEO 4008 | Religion and Ecology | 4 |
THEO 4010 | Death and Dying | 4 |
THEO 4011 | The New Testament and Moral Choices | 4 |
THEO 4014 | Religion and Law | 4 |
THEO 4025 | Future of Marriage in the 21st Century | 4 |
THEO 4026 | Theologies of Peace | 4 |
THEO 4027 | The Ethics of Life | 4 |
THEO 4028 | Religion & Bioethics | 4 |
THEO 4030 | Moral Aspects of Medicine | 4 |
THEO 4035 | Professional Responsibilities and Organizational Ethics | 4 |
THEO 4051 | Religion and the Making of the Self | 4 |
THEO 4444 | Anthropocene: Sciences, Fictions, and Ethical Futures | 4 |
THEO 4455 | Eucharist, Justice, and Life | 4 |
THEO 4570 | Orthodox Christian Ethics | 4 |
THEO 4600 | Religion and Public Life | 4 |
THEO 4847 | Theologies of Liberation | 4 |
THEO 4864 | The Consistent Life Ethic: From Cardinal Bernardin to Pope Francis | 4 |
THEO 4888 | Utopia, Dystopia, Realism, and Christian Ethics | 4 |
VART 4300 | Representation in Art | 4 |