Advanced Disciplinary Study
Philosophical Ethics
One Required Course
This course involves philosophical reflection on the major normative ethical theories underlying moral decision making in our everyday lives. The principal focus of the course is a systematic introduction to the main normative ethical theories, i.e., eudaimonism, natural law ethics, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and feminism. The differences among these approaches are illuminated by studying various moral issues. In each section of the course, at least half the readings will be selected from Aristotle and Kant. Each section will include writings by at least one contemporary figure.
Course | Title | Credits |
PHIL 3000 | Philosophical Ethics | 3 |
Sacred Texts and Traditions
One Required Course
The second theology course, selected from a group of offerings called Sacred Texts and Traditions, builds on the foundation of critical reasoning about traditions in the first theology course through analytical study of one religious textual tradition. The sections of this course will offer students a variety of texts from which to choose. All sections will draw on the disciplines of history, literary analysis, and theology, interpreting religious traditions and texts as both historically embedded and always evolving responses to the experience of the transcendent in human life.
The following courses have the STXT (Sacred Texts and Traditions) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
HPLC 2811 | Honors Sacred Texts | 3 |
THEO 3100 | Introduction to Old Testament / Tanakh | 3 |
THEO 3102 | Book of Genesis | 3 |
THEO 3105 | The Torah | 3 |
THEO 3120 | The Prophets | 3 |
THEO 3130 | Bible as Migration Literature: Then and Now | 4 |
THEO 3200 | Introduction to New Testament | 3 |
THEO 3207 | The First Three Gospels | 3 |
THEO 3212 | Gospel of John | 3 |
THEO 3250 | Jesus in History and Faith | 3 |
THEO 3300 | Who Cares About the Bible? | 3 |
THEO 3310 | Early Christian Writings | 3 |
THEO 3312 | Encounters between Jews and Christians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages | 3 |
THEO 3314 | St. Augustine of Hippo | 3 |
THEO 3316 | Byzantine Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3317 | Women of the Christian East | 3 |
THEO 3320 | Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther | 3 |
THEO 3330 | Medieval Theology Texts | 3 |
THEO 3332 | Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Medieval Period | 3 |
THEO 3335 | Queer Interpretations of Sacred Texts and Theology | 3 |
THEO 3340 | Christian Mystical Texts | 3 |
THEO 3345 | The Book of Revelation | 3 |
THEO 3350 | Apocalyptic Literature: Ancient & Modern | 3 |
THEO 3360 | Reformation Texts | 3 |
THEO 3361 | Protestant Texts | 3 |
THEO 3365 | Pentecostal Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3371 | The American Transcendentalists: Spirituality Without Religion | 3 |
THEO 3375 | American Religious Texts and Traditions | 3 |
THEO 3376 | Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3380 | US Latinx Spiritualities | 3 |
THEO 3383 | Latin American Liberation Theologies | 3 |
THEO 3390 | Church in Controversy | 3 |
THEO 3542 | Catholic Social Teaching | 3 |
THEO 3546 | The Bible and Social Justice | 3 |
THEO 3605 | Scripture and the Human Response to Trauma | 3 |
THEO 3610 | Christ in World Cultures | 3 |
THEO 3611 | Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice | 3 |
THEO 3620 | Great Christian Hymns | 3 |
THEO 3652 | Liturgy That Does Justice | 3 |
THEO 3655 | The Journey of Faith: Autobiography as Sacred Text | 3 |
THEO 3711 | Sacred Texts of the Middle East | 3 |
THEO 3712 | Shari'ah (Islamic Law) | 3 |
THEO 3713 | Classic Jewish Texts | 3 |
THEO 3715 | Classic Islamic Texts | 3 |
THEO 3716 | Islam and Modernity | 3 |
THEO 3720 | Hindu Literature and Ethics | 3 |
THEO 3723 | Tibetan Religion: Visionary Experience | 3 |
THEO 3724 | Classic Buddhist Texts | 3 |
THEO 3725 | Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation | 3 |
THEO 3728 | Buddhist Meditation | 3 |
THEO 3731 | Japanese Religions: Texts and Arts | 3 |
THEO 3733 | Chinese Religions | 3 |
THEO 3785 | Spiritual Exercises and Culture | 3 |
THEO 3854 | Ignatian Spirituality | 3 |
THEO 3882 | Comparative Mysticism | 3 |
THEO 3884 | Sufism: Islam's Mystical Tradition | 3 |
Advanced Disciplinary Courses
Two Required Courses
Following the introductory literature, history, and social science courses, these courses will enable the student to achieve a sharper focus and more detailed knowledge of complex literary, historical, and social methods, materials, interactions, and processes. To fulfill the requirement, two advanced disciplinary courses will be chosen from two different disciplines:
- an advanced literature course and an advanced history course; or
- an advanced history course and an advanced social science course; or
- an advanced social science course and an advanced literature course.
They will be taken before or simultaneously with the capstone requirements.
Advanced Literature Core Courses
The following courses have the ALC (advanced literature core) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
AAST 3357 | Writing Asian America | 4 |
AAST 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
AAST 3647 | Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives | 4 |
AAST 3838 | Postcolonial Literature and Film | 4 |
AFAM 3693 | Contemporary African Literatures | 4 |
AMCS 3320 | The Writing Irish | 4 |
AMCS 3333 | American Catholic Fictions | 4 |
AMCS 3535 | Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias | 4 |
ARAB 2400 | Approaches to Arabic Culture | 4 |
ARAB 3000 | Topics in Arabic Cultures | 4 |
ARAB 3010 | Human Rights in Arabic Literature | 4 |
ARAB 3040 | Topics in Arabic Literature | 4 |
COLI 3010 | Politics and Poetry in the Middle Ages: The Rise of Vernacular Culture in the Mediterranean | 4 |
COLI 3025 | The Fantastic in Film and Literature | 4 |
COLI 3031 | Medieval Monsters | 4 |
COLI 3102 | Notre Dame de Paris: The Cathedral in Art, Literature, Culture, & History | 4 |
COLI 3112 | Italian Neorealist Cinema | 4 |
COLI 3122 | The Eternal Feminine in Literature and Film | 4 |
COLI 3123 | Surviving the Barbarians in Early Medieval Britain | 4 |
COLI 3135 | Irish and British High Medieval Literature: Connections and Comparisons | 4 |
COLI 3137 | World Cinema Masterpieces | 4 |
COLI 3143 | World Cinema Masterpieces 1960-1980 | 4 |
COLI 3145 | Medieval Love in Comparison: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Perspectives | 4 |
COLI 3146 | Science and Magic in Medieval Literature | 4 |
COLI 3200 | Machiavelli's Utopia | 4 |
COLI 3202 | Ariosto to Galileo: The Invention of Modernity in Renaissance Italy | 4 |
COLI 3220 | The Stage and Society | 4 |
COLI 3357 | Writing Asian America | 4 |
COLI 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
COLI 3364 | Novels of Ideas: 19th Century | 4 |
COLI 3365 | Novels of Ideas: High Modernism | 4 |
COLI 3400 | Modern Jewish Writing | 4 |
COLI 3407 | Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit | 4 |
COLI 3438 | American Modernism | 4 |
COLI 3440 | Arabic Literature in English Translation | 4 |
COLI 3450 | The City in Literature and Art | 4 |
COLI 3463 | Diderot | 4 |
COLI 3466 | Discovering French Cinema | 4 |
COLI 3476 | Conflict and Violence in Francophone African Cinemas | 4 |
COLI 3480 | Francophone Caribbean Literature | 4 |
COLI 3535 | Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias | 4 |
COLI 3575 | Painting the Empire: Understanding the Spanish Empire Through Art and Literature | 4 |
COLI 3624 | Music and Nation in the Arab World | 4 |
COLI 3802 | Literature and Imperialism | 4 |
COLI 3803 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
ENGL 3001 | Queer Theories | 4 |
ENGL 3002 | Queer Iconoclasts: Sexuality, Religion, Race | 4 |
ENGL 3008 | The 19th Century Novel of Manners | 4 |
ENGL 3009 | Critical Edge: Writing About the Arts | 4 |
ENGL 3012 | Novel, She Wrote | 4 |
ENGL 3021 | The Graphic Novel | 4 |
ENGL 3024 | Poetry and Citizenship | 4 |
ENGL 3031 | Medieval Monsters | 4 |
ENGL 3034 | Modern Selves and Science | 4 |
ENGL 3035 | Age of Innocence | 4 |
ENGL 3036 | Latin American Short Story | 4 |
ENGL 3037 | US Latinx Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3038 | Latinx Performance Studies: Image, Fashion, and Politics | 4 |
ENGL 3040 | The Stuff of Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3047 | Rhetorics of Resistance and Social Movements | 4 |
ENGL 3059 | Creating Dangerously: Writing Across Conflict Zones | 4 |
ENGL 3067 | Contemporary Women Poets | 4 |
ENGL 3075 | Pride & Prejudice: An Examination of Black Britain and the Problem of Belonging | 4 |
ENGL 3088 | Medieval Britain: History and Prophecy | 4 |
ENGL 3100 | Medieval Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3101 | Apocalyptic Representation Before 1800 | 4 |
ENGL 3102 | Medieval Drama | 4 |
ENGL 3104 | Medieval English Blackness? | 4 |
ENGL 3105 | "Game of Thrones" and the Modern Medieval | 4 |
ENGL 3106 | After the Apocalypse | 4 |
ENGL 3107 | Chaucer | 4 |
ENGL 3108 | Imaginary Travelers | 4 |
ENGL 3109 | Arthurian Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3110 | Satire and Society | 4 |
ENGL 3111 | Medieval Romance and Adventure | 4 |
ENGL 3112 | The Medieval North: Vikings, Saxons, and Dragons | 4 |
ENGL 3113 | Introduction to Old English | 4 |
ENGL 3114 | The (Medieval) Walking Dead | 4 |
ENGL 3115 | Medieval Women Writers | 4 |
ENGL 3122 | Extinction | 4 |
ENGL 3123 | Surviving the Barbarians in Early Medieval Britain | 4 |
ENGL 3125 | Beowulf in Old English | 4 |
ENGL 3127 | Dreams in Middle Ages | 4 |
ENGL 3134 | Love in the Middle Ages | 4 |
ENGL 3135 | Irish and British High Medieval Literature: Connections and Comparisons | 4 |
ENGL 3137 | World Cinema Masterpieces | 4 |
ENGL 3138 | Late Modernism | 4 |
ENGL 3140 | Myth of the Hero: Medieval Memory | 4 |
ENGL 3143 | World Cinema Masterpieces, 1960-1980 | 4 |
ENGL 3144 | Other Worlds | 4 |
ENGL 3145 | Medieval Love in Comparison: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Perspectives | 4 |
ENGL 3146 | Science and Magic in Medieval Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3147 | Supernatural Stories | 4 |
ENGL 3148 | Science Fiction and Fictional Science | 4 |
ENGL 3149 | A World of Their Own: Women in Science Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3151 | Metaphysical Poets: Radicals and the Poetic Tradition | 4 |
ENGL 3152 | Race and Religion in Literature: Beowulf to Wuthering Heights | 4 |
ENGL 3203 | Streets/Gardens/Magical Worlds: Space and Place | 4 |
ENGL 3206 | Shakespeare | 4 |
ENGL 3207 | Milton | 4 |
ENGL 3209 | Ecoliterature from Milton to Today | 4 |
ENGL 3221 | Shakespeare's History Plays | 4 |
ENGL 3222 | Shakespeare and Popular Culture | 4 |
ENGL 3226 | Stage Vengeance | 4 |
ENGL 3227 | Early Modern Lyric Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3230 | Early Renaissance Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3234 | A Midsummer Night's Dream | 4 |
ENGL 3235 | Dangerous Women | 4 |
ENGL 3239 | The Rise of the Novel | 4 |
ENGL 3241 | Immigrant Imaginaries | 4 |
ENGL 3242 | University Life in Text and Film | 4 |
ENGL 3243 | Contemporary Asian Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3247 | NYC Latinx Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3306 | Jonathan Swift and the Art of Satire | 4 |
ENGL 3311 | Opening Heads: Writing About Minds and Brains Before 1800 | 4 |
ENGL 3318 | Early Women Novelists | 4 |
ENGL 3319 | Plays and Players: 1600-1700 | 4 |
ENGL 3329 | Plays and Players, 1700-1800 | 4 |
ENGL 3330 | The Global Eighteenth Century | 4 |
ENGL 3333 | Captives, Cannibals, and Rebels | 4 |
ENGL 3336 | Early American Novel | 4 |
ENGL 3338 | Keats and the Romantic City | 4 |
ENGL 3339 | Romanticism and Confession | 4 |
ENGL 3341 | Love and Sex in Early Modern Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3342 | Women, Crime, & Punishment in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3350 | Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media | 4 |
ENGL 3357 | Writing Asian America | 4 |
ENGL 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
ENGL 3361 | The Female Bildungsroman | 4 |
ENGL 3363 | Crime and Punishment | 4 |
ENGL 3364 | Novels of Ideas: 19th Century | 4 |
ENGL 3365 | Novels of Ideas: High Modernism | 4 |
ENGL 3402 | Victorian Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3404 | Beyond the Bronte-verse | 4 |
ENGL 3409 | Education in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3410 | Jane Austen in Context | 4 |
ENGL 3417 | Early Victorian Novels | 4 |
ENGL 3418 | Later Victorian Novels | 4 |
ENGL 3419 | Not Shakespeare | 4 |
ENGL 3420 | Poems of Shakespeare and Others | 4 |
ENGL 3422 | Toni Morrison and the Measure of Our Lives | 4 |
ENGL 3424 | Romantics and Their World | 4 |
ENGL 3425 | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 4 |
ENGL 3426 | Nineteenth-Century British Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3430 | Regency Romanticism | 4 |
ENGL 3434 | 19th Century British Women's Tales | 4 |
ENGL 3436 | American Dream in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3437 | Victorian Novel | 4 |
ENGL 3438 | American Modernism | 4 |
ENGL 3439 | Oddity and Creativity | 4 |
ENGL 3450 | The City in Literature and Art | 4 |
ENGL 3462 | Romanticism and Private Life | 4 |
ENGL 3467 | Disobedience in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3468 | Transatlantic Modern Women | 4 |
ENGL 3502 | Modern British Writing | 4 |
ENGL 3504 | Virginia Woolf | 4 |
ENGL 3511 | Modern Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3512 | British and American Poetry: Romantic to Modern | 4 |
ENGL 3518 | The City in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3519 | The Novel | 4 |
ENGL 3520 | How Fiction Works | 4 |
ENGL 3523 | Very Contemporary American Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3529 | Theater and the Avant-Garde | 4 |
ENGL 3532 | James Joyce | 4 |
ENGL 3535 | Modern Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3537 | Satire, Sex, Style: The Age of Thomas Nashe | 4 |
ENGL 3538 | Desiring Mutation: Queer Time, Space, and Form | 4 |
ENGL 3555 | Love, Formally | 4 |
ENGL 3560 | Film Theory and Criticism | 4 |
ENGL 3585 | Contemporary Indigenous Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3603 | American Renaissance | 4 |
ENGL 3604 | American Literature to 1870 | 4 |
ENGL 3606 | On the Road | 4 |
ENGL 3608 | (De)Constructing the American Renaissance | 4 |
ENGL 3610 | Abolition | 4 |
ENGL 3611 | Modern American Autobiography | 4 |
ENGL 3613 | Modern American Novels | 4 |
ENGL 3616 | American Cultures of War | 4 |
ENGL 3617 | American Short Story | 4 |
ENGL 3619 | Crip, Queer and Critical Race Studies | 4 |
ENGL 3620 | Ordinariness | 4 |
ENGL 3624 | Melville | 4 |
ENGL 3625 | Early American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3630 | Black American Icons | 4 |
ENGL 3631 | Contemporary American Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3633 | The Enlightened Earth: American Environment Cultures After 1960 | 4 |
ENGL 3634 | The Literature of Climate Crisis | 4 |
ENGL 3635 | Future Environments: Human Life After the End | 4 |
ENGL 3636 | Introduction to African American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3641 | Slavery and American Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3645 | The Middle Passage | 4 |
ENGL 3646 | Black Disability Studies | 4 |
ENGL 3647 | Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives | 4 |
ENGL 3648 | Novels by Women | 4 |
ENGL 3650 | Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3651 | The Hunger Games and Survival Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3652 | New Wave Immigrant Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3653 | Major American Authors | 4 |
ENGL 3658 | Migrations/Movements/Masks | 4 |
ENGL 3659 | Selfie Lit | 4 |
ENGL 3660 | Dystopian Environments | 4 |
ENGL 3661 | Journeying and Storytelling | 4 |
ENGL 3663 | Graphic Novels Through the Ages | 4 |
ENGL 3664 | Queer Latinx Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3666 | Documenting Queer Art: Biography and Memoir | 4 |
ENGL 3667 | Afro-American Afro-British 1900-1960 | 4 |
ENGL 3669 | 20th/21st Century on Stage | 4 |
ENGL 3673 | Postmodern Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 3677 | Latino/a US Literatures | 4 |
ENGL 3680 | One Big Book | 4 |
ENGL 3683 | Literature Beyond Borders | 4 |
ENGL 3686 | Women's Diaries | 4 |
ENGL 3688 | Fantastic Women | 4 |
ENGL 3691 | Black Atlantic Literature: Modernisms | 4 |
ENGL 3695 | Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage | 4 |
ENGL 3701 | American Writers in Paris | 4 |
ENGL 3802 | Literature and Imperialism | 4 |
ENGL 3803 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
ENGL 3804 | Writing Resistance: Empire and Episteme | 4 |
ENGL 3834 | History of the English Language | 4 |
ENGL 3835 | Aliens and Encounters with the Unknown | 4 |
ENGL 3837 | From Page to Screen | 4 |
ENGL 3838 | Postcolonial Literature and Film | 4 |
ENGL 3839 | Postcolonial Literatures | 4 |
ENGL 3841 | Contemporary Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3842 | The Short Story | 4 |
ENGL 3851 | Horror and Madness in Fiction and Film | 4 |
ENGL 3855 | The Jazz Age: Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 3901 | Autism and Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3908 | Wild London | 4 |
ENGL 3909 | Interspecies Friendship | 4 |
ENGL 3910 | Nature and Horror | 4 |
ENGL 3917 | Unreal City: Modernist London, 1900-1950 | 4 |
ENGL 3923 | Stories of Brains and Minds | 4 |
ENGL 3930 | Introduction to Queer Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3964 | Homelessness | 4 |
ENGL 4018 | The Poet's Choice | 4 |
ENGL 4106 | Seminar: The Great Depression: Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4108 | Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention | 4 |
ENGL 4116 | Seminar: The Beat Generation and U.S. Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4117 | Seminar: Modern Geographies | 4 |
ENGL 4125 | Seminar: Im/Possible Worlds: Race, Social Difference, and Pop Genres | 4 |
ENGL 4127 | Seminar: Novels By Women: Jane Austen to Toni Morrison | 4 |
ENGL 4401 | Seminar: The Brontës in Context | 4 |
ENGL 4425 | Seminar: Nathaniel Hawthorne | 4 |
FREN 2600 | France: Literature, History, and Civilization | 4 |
FREN 3005 | French Business Culture | 4 |
FREN 3030 | What Is Writing? The Inscription of Culture From Page to Screen | 4 |
FREN 3040 | Changing Climate, Changing Culture | 4 |
FREN 3055 | Language and AI (Artificial Intelligence) | 4 |
FREN 3060 | Translation and Creative Writing in French | 4 |
FREN 3070 | France Votes! | 4 |
FREN 3080 | Critical Disability Studies: Perspectives in French and Francophone Literature and Film | 4 |
FREN 3100 | Medieval French Literature | 4 |
FREN 3101 | Word and Image in Medieval France | 4 |
FREN 3102 | Notre Dame de Paris: The Cathedral in Art, Literature, Culture, & History | 4 |
FREN 3103 | Medieval Other, Modern Ethics: Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval France | 4 |
FREN 3125 | Mapping the Nation | 4 |
FREN 3130 | Culture and Science in France | 4 |
FREN 3140 | Changing Climate, Changing Culture | 4 |
FREN 3175 | French Renaissances | 4 |
FREN 3225 | Hollywood's Holy Grail: Medieval French Literature on the Screen | 4 |
FREN 3250 | Du scandale au chef d’oeuvre: Art that Shocks, Offends, and Endures | 4 |
FREN 3253 | Moliere: From Page to Stage | 4 |
FREN 3270 | Écocritique: Francophone environments and cultures | 4 |
FREN 3275 | Documentary and Storytelling in the Francophone World | 4 |
FREN 3280 | French Documentary in Action | 4 |
FREN 3290 | Early Authors Modern Theory | 4 |
FREN 3292 | French Revolutions (1789-present) | 4 |
FREN 3300 | The Enlightenment | 4 |
FREN 3301 | France and Global Enlightenment | 4 |
FREN 3333 | Tableaux: Art and Theater: 1700s | 4 |
FREN 3340 | Amazones, Salonnières, and Révolutionnaires: Women writers in Ancien Régime France | 4 |
FREN 3350 | Thinkers and Moralists | 4 |
FREN 3360 | French Autobiography | 4 |
FREN 3450 | Writers and Lawbreakers | 4 |
FREN 3453 | The Flaneur in Paris | 4 |
FREN 3456 | 20th-Century France: A Blast from the Past | 4 |
FREN 3460 | Postcolonial Representations | 4 |
FREN 3464 | French Films d'Auteur | 4 |
FREN 3465 | Women on the Margins | 4 |
FREN 3466 | Discovering French Cinema | 4 |
FREN 3470 | Francophone North Africa | 4 |
FREN 3471 | Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa | 4 |
FREN 3475 | Narratives of the Sahel | 4 |
FREN 3476 | Conflict and Violence in Francophone African Cinemas | 4 |
FREN 3478 | The Essay Film | 4 |
FREN 3479 | The New Wave Arrives | 4 |
FREN 3480 | Francophone Caribbean Literature | 4 |
FREN 3490 | Africa: Society and Culture Through Film | 4 |
FREN 3500 | French Literary Theory | 4 |
FREN 3550 | In Search of Lost Time: Modernity, Temporality, and the Self in 20th Century French Literature | 4 |
FREN 3555 | Man: Beast or Machine | 4 |
FREN 3564 | French Theatre and Performance (Taught in French) | 4 |
FREN 3565 | French Contemporary Novel | 4 |
FREN 3605 | Cultural and Literary History of Journalism | 4 |
FREN 3612 | Cinemas of Quebec | 4 |
FREN 3630 | Francophone Voices From North Africa | 4 |
FREN 3631 | North African France | 4 |
FREN 3637 | Francophone Middle East | 4 |
FREN 3640 | Postcolonial Representation | 4 |
FREN 3666 | The Francophone Graphic Novel | 4 |
FREN 3675 | America! French and Francophone Perspectives | 4 |
FREN 3676 | Fashioning the Empire | 4 |
GERM 2800 | German Short Stories | 4 |
GERM 3010 | Frisch Aus Der Presse: Media and Communication | 4 |
GERM 3020 | “The Book Was Better” — Modern German Literature from Page to Screen | 4 |
GERM 3023 | Kurz und bündig: Short German Narrative Texts | 4 |
GERM 3030 | Kafka und Amerika | 4 |
GERM 3050 | The Sound of Music: German Music and Musical Genres | 4 |
GERM 3051 | Survey of Literature I | 4 |
GERM 3052 | Survey of Literature II | 4 |
GERM 3057 | Medieval German Literature: Potions, Passions, Players, and Prayers | 4 |
GERM 3123 | Pioneers of Modernism | 4 |
GERM 3275 | Grim Tales and Grimms' Tales | 4 |
GERM 3302 | German Through the Senses | 4 |
GERM 3303 | Borders and Crossings | 4 |
GERM 3307 | Germany and Migration | 4 |
GERM 3310 | Deep in the Forest: The Pagan-Christian Enchantment of the Fairy Tale | 4 |
GERM 3520 | German Culture in Context | 4 |
GERM 3566 | Deutschland 1968: Protest, Hippies, Und Terroristen (Taught in German) | 4 |
GERM 3710 | Mord und Totschlag: An Introduction to the Histories of Espionage and Crime in Vienna, Austria | 4 |
GREK 3008 | Herodotus | 4 |
GREK 3012 | Plato: Socratic Dialogues | 4 |
GREK 3034 | Readings in Homer | 4 |
GREK 3200 | Readings in Greek | 4 |
GREK 3211 | Greek Prose Composition | 4 |
HIST 3474 | The Arab Israeli Conflict: Cultural Perspectives | 4 |
HIST 3998 | People and Other Animals in History | 4 |
ITAL 2500 | Approaches to Literature | 4 |
ITAL 2561 | Reading Culture Through Literature | 4 |
ITAL 2700 | Filming the City Inside and Out: A Cinematic Journey Through Italy | 4 |
ITAL 2705 | The Souths of Italy: Words, Images, and Sounds | 4 |
ITAL 2775 | Modern Italy and the Arts: Tradition and Innovation | 4 |
ITAL 2800 | Italy and the Arts: Politics, Religion, and Imagination in Medieval and Renaissance Italy | 4 |
ITAL 2802 | Lorenzo de’ Medici (The Magnificent) and the Invention of Modernity | 4 |
ITAL 2910 | Emigration in Literature and Film 1850-Present | 4 |
ITAL 3002 | The Art of Translation | 4 |
ITAL 3005 | Translation: Theory and Practice | 4 |
ITAL 3011 | Dante and His Age | 4 |
ITAL 3012 | Medieval Storytelling | 4 |
ITAL 3020 | Renaissance and Baroque Novella | 4 |
ITAL 3021 | Vice and Virtue in Medieval Italian Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3050 | Arts and Politics in Italian Humanism | 4 |
ITAL 3051 | Survey of Italian Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3062 | Ethics and Economic Value in Medieval Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3063 | Saturian Spirits: Art and Literature in Italy | 4 |
ITAL 3065 | Lies and Liars in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3111 | New Italian Cinema | 4 |
ITAL 3120 | Renaissance Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3123 | Fantastic Beasts, Fantastic Renaissance: Matteo Maria Boiardo’s "Orlando in Love" | 4 |
ITAL 3125 | Magnificence and Power: The Medici and Renaissance Florence | 4 |
ITAL 3215 | Love and Honor in the Renaissance Courts | 4 |
ITAL 3280 | The Italian Short Story | 4 |
ITAL 3452 | Italophone Migrant Literature From Africa and Beyond | 4 |
ITAL 3500 | Comedy and Satire in Italian Cinema | 4 |
ITAL 3530 | The Stage and Society Since 1700 | 4 |
ITAL 3550 | Italian Unification: Film/Literature | 4 |
ITAL 3553 | Italy From Unification to 1945: Literature, Culture, and Society of the Modern Period | 4 |
ITAL 3625 | The Modern Italian Theater | 4 |
ITAL 3650 | Italy at War | 4 |
ITAL 3701 | Italian Women Writers | 4 |
ITAL 3901 | Narrative and Film | 4 |
ITAL 3910 | Italy Today | 4 |
ITAL 3920 | Words on Fire: Contemporary Italian Poetry and Society | 4 |
JWST 3300 | Literatures and Cultures of Modern Israel | 4 |
JWST 3474 | The Arab Israeli Conflict: Cultural Perspectives | 4 |
LACU 2755 | Performing Dante | 4 |
LACU 3000 | Gender and Sexuality Studies | 4 |
LACU 3010 | Politics and Poetry in the Middle Ages: The Rise of Vernacular Culture in the Mediterranean | 4 |
LACU 3012 | Medieval Storytelling | 4 |
LACU 3020 | Culture and Critique: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud | 4 |
LACU 3025 | The Fantastic in Film and Literature | 4 |
LACU 3030 | Masterpieces of Chinese Film: Theory and Texts | 4 |
LACU 3031 | Chinese Cultural Concepts | 4 |
LACU 3033 | Prison Literature from Martin Luther to Martin Luther King | 4 |
LACU 3035 | From Rust Belt to Green Belt: Germany's Ruhr Area | 4 |
LACU 3043 | Aesthetics and Politics: Modern Chinese Literature | 4 |
LACU 3045 | Women in Chinese Literature and Society | 4 |
LACU 3047 | Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism: Chinese Thought and Literature | 4 |
LACU 3050 | Becoming Germany—German Literature, Film, and Popular Culture after World War II | 4 |
LACU 3055 | Critical Communities: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud | 4 |
LACU 3059 | Gender Benders | 4 |
LACU 3060 | Magic and Reality in Russian Literature | 4 |
LACU 3067 | Dostoevsky and Race in America | 4 |
LACU 3070 | Russian Visions: The Interplay Between Russian Literature and Art in Mid-19th/Early 20th Century | 4 |
LACU 3076 | Great Russian Minds: Mikhail Bakhtin | 4 |
LACU 3080 | Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and the Meaning of Life and Death | 4 |
LACU 3090 | 100 Years of War and Peace. Revolution in Russia and Soviet Literature: Tolstoy, Bulgakov and Bely | 4 |
LACU 3095 | The Apocalypse Course: Russian and American Revelations | 4 |
LACU 3096 | Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov | 4 |
LACU 3116 | Social Issues in Italian Literature and Film | 4 |
LACU 3200 | Machiavelli's Utopia | 4 |
LACU 3203 | Dante and His Translators | 4 |
LACU 3210 | Islam and Italy | 4 |
LACU 3250 | Culture and Society in Italian Cinema | 4 |
LACU 3300 | Literatures and Cultures of Modern Israel | 4 |
LACU 3307 | Germany and Migration | 4 |
LACU 3325 | ‘The Gatekeepers?’ Documentary Cinema in Israel | 4 |
LACU 3333 | Eunuchs, Dwarves and Dragon Ladies: The Universe of Game of Thrones | 4 |
LACU 3350 | Promised Land: Israeli Culture Between Utopia and Dystopia | 4 |
LACU 3402 | Introduction to Russian Drama | 4 |
LACU 3405 | Masterpieces of Russian Film | 4 |
LACU 3410 | Arab Cinema: History and Cultural Identity | 4 |
LACU 3440 | Arabic Literature in English Translation | 4 |
LACU 3442 | Arabic Culture and the News Media | 4 |
LACU 3450 | The Arab Spring in Arabic Literature | 4 |
LACU 3474 | The Arab Israeli Conflict: Cultural Perspectives | 4 |
LACU 3475 | Oppositional Thought in Islamic Literature | 4 |
LACU 3500 | Writing Under German Censorship: A Culture of Banned Books | 4 |
LACU 3504 | Study Tour: Berlin Tales: Germany's Kiez | 4 |
LACU 3515 | Food for Thought | 4 |
LACU 3600 | Women's Voices in German and Austrian Literature | 4 |
LACU 3624 | Music and Nation in the Arab World | 4 |
LACU 3701 | Villains, Vamps and Vampires: An Introduction to German Cinema | 4 |
LACU 3710 | Fin-De Siecle Vienna: Klimt, Cafes, and Cemeteries | 4 |
LACU 3800 | Cloisters, Castles, and Kings: Medieval Bavaria | 4 |
LACU 3820 | Memory and Identity in Modern Italy | 4 |
LACU 3822 | The Arabian Nights | 4 |
LACU 3993 | Advanced Spanish Immersion in Granada | 3 |
LALS 3005 | Latin American Themes | 4 |
LALS 3275 | Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction | 4 |
LALS 3407 | Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit | 4 |
LALS 3575 | Painting the Empire: Understanding the Spanish Empire Through Art and Literature | 4 |
LATN 3009 | Horace: Odes | 4 |
LATN 3039 | Suetonius | 4 |
LATN 3041 | Ovid | 4 |
LATN 3045 | Livy | 4 |
LATN 3051 | Cicero's "De Oratore" | 4 |
LATN 3052 | Cicero: A Survey | 4 |
LATN 3060 | Readings in Vergil | 4 |
LATN 3061 | Christian Latin | 4 |
LATN 3142 | Readings in Tacitus | 4 |
LATN 3300 | Advanced Latin | 4 |
LATN 3332 | Seneca's Letters | 4 |
LATN 3334 | The Letters of Pliny | 4 |
LATN 3456 | Imperial Latin Biography | 4 |
LATN 3542 | Medieval Latin Literature | 4 |
LATN 3545 | Lucretius | 4 |
MAND 2500 | Approaches to Literature | 4 |
MAND 3002 | Topics in Chinese Culture | 4 |
MAND 3020 | Learn Chinese Through Film | 4 |
MAND 3030 | Masterpieces of Chinese Film: Theory and Texts | 4 |
MAND 3031 | Chinese Cultural Concepts | 4 |
MAND 3032 | Chinese Political Thought | 4 |
MAND 3040 | Topics in Mandarin Chinese Literature | 4 |
MAND 3050 | China in the Headlines: An Advanced Newspaper Reading Course in Mandarin Chinese | 4 |
MAND 3055 | China and Globalization | 4 |
MLAL 3005 | Themes in Latina/o and Latin American Studies | 4 |
MLAL 3031 | Chinese Cultural Concepts | 4 |
MLAL 3057 | Medieval German Literature: Potions, Passions, Players, and Prayers | 4 |
MLAL 3202 | Ariosto to Galileo: The Invention of Modernity in Renaissance Italy | 4 |
MLAL 3220 | The Stage and Society | 4 |
MLAL 3535 | Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias | 4 |
MVST 3057 | Medieval German Literature: Potions, Passions, Players, and Prayers | 4 |
MVST 3225 | Hollywood's Holy Grail: Medieval French Literature on the Screen | 4 |
MVST 3502 | The Clerkenwell Tales: England's Literature | 4 |
MVST 3535 | Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias | 4 |
MVST 3542 | Medieval Latin Literature | 4 |
MVST 3800 | Cloisters, Castles, and Kings: Medieval Bavaria | 4 |
RUSS 2650 | Media and the Russian State: News Outlets From 19th Century to Present Day Russia | 4 |
RUSS 3002 | Genres and Styles Russian Literature | 4 |
RUSS 3250 | Translating Russian Poetry, Music, Animation, Film, and Journalism | 4 |
SPAN 2500 | Approaches to Literature | 4 |
SPAN 2700 | Hispanic Legends | 4 |
SPAN 3001 | Spain: Literature and Culture Survey | 4 |
SPAN 3002 | Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey | 4 |
SPAN 3066 | Survey of Latin American Film | 4 |
SPAN 3075 | Crime in Hispanic Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3123 | Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature | 4 |
SPAN 3166 | Trends in Latin American Film | 4 |
SPAN 3175 | Crime Fiction in Argentina and Chile | 4 |
SPAN 3210 | Transatlantic Picaresque | 4 |
SPAN 3230 | Sinful Business | 4 |
SPAN 3250 | God, Gold, and Glory | 4 |
SPAN 3275 | Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3285 | Trends in Mexican Cinema | 4 |
SPAN 3301 | Federico Garcia Lorca and His World | 4 |
SPAN 3305 | Posthuman Mestizaje and the Non-Human Turn in Mexican Culture | 4 |
SPAN 3310 | Latin American Science Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3401 | Modern Spanish Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3405 | Women Translators in the Spanish-Speaking World | 4 |
SPAN 3407 | Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit (1980-2015) | 4 |
SPAN 3456 | Posthuman Body in Mexican Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3515 | New Spanish Literature: Rewriting the Public Sphere in 21st Century Spain | 4 |
SPAN 3525 | Cultures of Sexual Dissidence in Latin America | 4 |
SPAN 3530 | Excess in Spanish Lit | 4 |
SPAN 3535 | Unus Mundus: Deconstructing 'Time' Through Spanish Literature | 4 |
SPAN 3540 | Spain and Islam | 4 |
SPAN 3550 | Expressing the Colonies | 4 |
SPAN 3555 | Cultural Politics in Spanish Democracy (1978–2020) | 4 |
SPAN 3560 | Reimagining the Colonies | 4 |
SPAN 3561 | Representing the Gypsy | 4 |
SPAN 3578 | Autofiction. Latinx Creations of the Self. | 4 |
SPAN 3582 | New York in Latinx Literature and Film | 4 |
SPAN 3585 | La Frontera: Art as Resistance | 4 |
SPAN 3590 | Theater Against Power in Spain and Latin America | 4 |
SPAN 3610 | Children's Gaze in Latin American Literature | 4 |
SPAN 3625 | Spanish-American Short Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3642 | Spanish-American Literature and Popular Music | 4 |
SPAN 3701 | Spanish-American Women Writers | 4 |
SPAN 3710 | Contemporary Latin American Fiction | 4 |
SPAN 3712 | Literatures of the Latin American Boom and Post-Boom | 4 |
SPAN 3715 | Latin American Cyberliterature | 4 |
SPAN 3720 | The Hispanic Transatlantic | 4 |
SPAN 3730 | Writing Violence: Peru, 1980-2000 | 4 |
SPAN 3770 | Cultures of Memory and Post-Memory in Contemporary Chile | 4 |
SPAN 3800 | The Spanish Diaspora | 4 |
SPAN 3808 | Bodies, Touch, and Affect in Argentine Film and Literature | 4 |
SPAN 3809 | Argentine Literature and Film | 4 |
SPAN 3820 | Hispanic Caribbean Literature | 4 |
SPAN 3850 | Narrating the City | 4 |
SPAN 3851 | The Neoliberal City in Post-War Central American Cultural Production | 4 |
SPAN 3908 | Francoist Spain | 4 |
SPAN 3950 | The Fantastic in Spanish Literature and Film | 4 |
SPAN 3993 | Advanced Spanish Immersion in Granada | 3 |
SPAN 3997 | Back to Nature: New Ruralism in 21st Century Spanish Literature and Film | 4 |
SPAN 4001 | Cervantes and Don Quixote | 4 |
THEA 2755 | Performing Dante | 4 |
THEA 3004 | Global Theatre History: Foundational Impulses | 4 |
THEA 3005 | Global Theatre History: Evolutions of the Present | 4 |
THEA 3253 | Moliere: From Page to Stage | 4 |
THEA 3564 | French Theatre and Performance | 4 |
WGSS 3067 | Contemporary Women Poets | 4 |
WGSS 3318 | Early Women Novelists | 4 |
WGSS 3537 | Satire, Sex, Style: Age of T. Nash | 4 |
WGSS 3931 | Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature | 4 |
WGSS 4127 | Seminar: Novels By Women: Jane Austen to Toni Morrison | 4 |
WGSS 4318 | Seminar: Early Women Novelists | 4 |
Advanced History Core Courses
The following courses have the AHC (Advanced History Core) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
AAST 3000 | Introduction to Asian American Studies | 4 |
AAST 3929 | History of Chinese in the Americas | 3 |
AFAM 3001 | African American History I | 4 |
AFAM 3002 | African American History II | 4 |
AFAM 3134 | From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop | 4 |
AFAM 3148 | History of South Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3154 | Black, White, and Catholic: Race, Religion, and Civil Rights | 4 |
AFAM 3190 | Mapping Southern Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3633 | The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture | 4 |
AFAM 3939 | History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back | 4 |
AFAM 3955 | Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World | 4 |
CLAS 3030 | Athenian Democracy | 4 |
CLAS 3031 | The Spartan Mirage | 4 |
CLAS 3033 | Slavery in Ancient Greece | 4 |
CLAS 3040 | Law and Society in Greece and Rome | 4 |
CLAS 3050 | Pagans and Christians | 4 |
GREK 3008 | Herodotus | 4 |
HIST 3001 | African American History I | 4 |
HIST 3002 | African American History II | 4 |
HIST 3012 | Medieval France | 4 |
HIST 3014 | Medieval Feud, Ordeal, and Law | 4 |
HIST 3018 | Medieval Nobility: Love, War, and Devotion | 4 |
HIST 3019 | Medieval Paris: A City and Its People | 4 |
HIST 3050 | Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval Iberia | 4 |
HIST 3051 | The Black Death, 1348-1450 | 4 |
HIST 3100 | History of the Arts at Lincoln Center: Urban Renewal and the Arts | 4 |
HIST 3110 | History of Gay and Lesbian New York City | 4 |
HIST 3139 | Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War | 4 |
HIST 3145 | Medieval Barbarians | 4 |
HIST 3192 | The United States, Africa, and the Cold War | 4 |
HIST 3203 | Medieval Family Life | 4 |
HIST 3204 | Sex & Celibacy in the Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 3205 | Medieval Medicine | 4 |
HIST 3207 | Late Medieval Religion and Society | 4 |
HIST 3208 | The Medieval Other | 4 |
HIST 3209 | The Origins of Christianity from the Apostles to the 4th Century | 4 |
HIST 3210 | King, Court, Crusade: Writing Knightly Life in the High Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 3211 | Medieval Sin, Sinners, and Outcasts | 4 |
HIST 3212 | The History of Medieval Christianity | 4 |
HIST 3213 | Monsters, Magic, and the Undead in Medieval Europe | 4 |
HIST 3214 | Plagues and Peoples: Health and Disease in Medieval Europe | 4 |
HIST 3215 | Middle Ages and West | 4 |
HIST 3216 | Rich and Poor in the Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 3217 | Islamic History, 1000–1600 | 4 |
HIST 3220 | Medieval Hollywood | 4 |
HIST 3230 | Criminals, Outlaws, and Bandits: Solving Crime in Medieval Europe | 4 |
HIST 3260 | Medieval Ireland to 1691 | 4 |
HIST 3270 | The Crusades | 4 |
HIST 3300 | The History of the Medieval Book in the Latin West | 4 |
HIST 3301 | Medieval Women's Lives | 4 |
HIST 3302 | Gender and the Body in the Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 3305 | Medieval Warfare | 4 |
HIST 3310 | Medieval England: From Viking Invasions to Henry VIII | 4 |
HIST 3322 | The Reformation Era | 4 |
HIST 3356 | Confessionalization and Conflict in Early Modern Europe, 1453-8885 | 4 |
HIST 3362 | Crime and Punishment in Europe | 4 |
HIST 3363 | Europe and Early Modern World | 4 |
HIST 3364 | Environmental History of the Atlantic World, 1250-1650 | 4 |
HIST 3411 | Tudor and Stuart England | 4 |
HIST 3412 | The Tudors | 4 |
HIST 3413 | Reformation England | 4 |
HIST 3414 | Cabbages and Kings | 4 |
HIST 3415 | European Women: 1500-1800 | 4 |
HIST 3416 | European Women: 1800-Present | 4 |
HIST 3417 | Civil Wars and Revolution in the British Isles | 4 |
HIST 3420 | The English Renaissance | 4 |
HIST 3425 | Henry VIII's England | 4 |
HIST 3430 | The World of Queen Elizabeth I | 4 |
HIST 3450 | Black British History | 4 |
HIST 3452 | London After Dark: The Nocturnal City Since 1800 | 4 |
HIST 3455 | 20th Century Ireland | 4 |
HIST 3456 | Britain: 1688-1867 | 4 |
HIST 3457 | Britain: 1867-Present | 4 |
HIST 3458 | Ireland: 1688-1923 | 4 |
HIST 3459 | Transgender History | 4 |
HIST 3460 | Diversity and Globalization at the Irish-Atlantic Crossroads | 4 |
HIST 3465 | The Modern Atlantic World, 1780–1980: Literature and History | 4 |
HIST 3474 | The Arab Israeli Conflict: Cultural Perspectives | 4 |
HIST 3480 | Judaism and Islam | 4 |
HIST 3503 | Modern France: 1900 to Present | 4 |
HIST 3505 | The History and Politics of Cartoons and Caricature from the Middle Ages to the Present | 4 |
HIST 3512 | The French Revolution | 4 |
HIST 3513 | Old Regime and French Revolution | 4 |
HIST 3515 | Media History: 1400 to Present | 4 |
HIST 3517 | The Belle Époque | 4 |
HIST 3538 | The Good Earth? | 4 |
HIST 3541 | Modern Italy | 4 |
HIST 3543 | The Connecting Sea: The Mediterranean Since 1800 | 4 |
HIST 3545 | Race and Nation in Modern Europe | 4 |
HIST 3549 | Global Italy | 4 |
HIST 3550 | Fascism from Mussolini to the Present | 4 |
HIST 3555 | Hitler's Germany | 4 |
HIST 3556 | The History of the European Union (1948 to the Present): Foundations, Structures, Challenges | 4 |
HIST 3558 | Europe: 1900-1945: Total War | 4 |
HIST 3559 | Europe Since 1945 | 4 |
HIST 3562 | Memory, Myth, and History in Post-1945 Europe | 4 |
HIST 3563 | New York City History in Film | 4 |
HIST 3564 | Environmental History of New York City: A Research Seminar | 4 |
HIST 3565 | History of New York | 4 |
HIST 3566 | War and Imperialism | 4 |
HIST 3567 | A Global History of Communism | 4 |
HIST 3568 | America and the Making of Europe: 1945 to Present | 4 |
HIST 3570 | Genocide | 4 |
HIST 3575 | Torture, Terror, and the Body in the Modern World | 4 |
HIST 3580 | War, Gender, and Violence in Modern Europe | 4 |
HIST 3614 | Revolutionary and Soviet Russia | 4 |
HIST 3620 | 20th Century Europe | 4 |
HIST 3622 | Great Trials | 4 |
HIST 3623 | Screening Europe's Past | 4 |
HIST 3624 | European Cities | 4 |
HIST 3626 | Social History of Architecture | 4 |
HIST 3627 | History of LGBT Movements | 4 |
HIST 3633 | The Cold War Space Race | 4 |
HIST 3634 | Modern South Asian History | 4 |
HIST 3635 | Science in Popular Culture | 4 |
HIST 3636 | Social History of Technology | 4 |
HIST 3637 | Stalinism: Making the Soviet State | 4 |
HIST 3638 | Technology From Antiquity to Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 3653 | Gender in Early America | 4 |
HIST 3656 | The American Revolution | 4 |
HIST 3657 | American Constitution | 4 |
HIST 3670 | The Modern Middle East | 4 |
HIST 3675 | History of Modern Israel | 4 |
HIST 3682 | The United States in the 1950s and the Illusion of Happiness | 4 |
HIST 3700 | Sickness and Health in Early Ma | 4 |
HIST 3745 | Colonial America 1492-1765 | 4 |
HIST 3747 | Slavery and Freedom in Greater New York City | 4 |
HIST 3752 | Coming of the Civil War | 4 |
HIST 3753 | Civil War, Reconstruction, and Slavery | 4 |
HIST 3757 | The American South | 4 |
HIST 3758 | America at War | 4 |
HIST 3759 | African American Women's Activism, 1815–1915 | 4 |
HIST 3773 | American Capitalism | 4 |
HIST 3774 | History of Capitalism in the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3775 | The Early Republic | 4 |
HIST 3780 | The Era of the Civil War | 4 |
HIST 3785 | Robber Barons and Reformers: The Gilded Age and Progressive Era in the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3789 | Modern South Africa Stories | 4 |
HIST 3795 | U.S. Between Wars: 1919-1941 | 4 |
HIST 3799 | Race and American Popular Music | 4 |
HIST 3806 | U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity | 4 |
HIST 3807 | The U.S in the 1920s and 1930s: From the Jazz Age to Hard Times | 4 |
HIST 3809 | Jews in the Modern World | 4 |
HIST 3810 | Jews in America | 4 |
HIST 3812 | Jews in the Early Modern World | 4 |
HIST 3815 | East European Jewish History | 4 |
HIST 3818 | The History of Islam in the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3822 | U.S. Cultural History | 4 |
HIST 3823 | History of Labor in the United States | 4 |
HIST 3826 | Modern US Women's History | 4 |
HIST 3827 | Wealth & Poverty in the US: Capitalism, Social Welfare & Inequality | 4 |
HIST 3830 | History of American Women and Gender | 4 |
HIST 3833 | Screening America's Past | 4 |
HIST 3834 | Gender, Race, and American Mass Media | 4 |
HIST 3838 | History of U.S. Sexuality | 4 |
HIST 3842 | The Vietnam Wars | 4 |
HIST 3844 | U.S. Foreign Relations in the 19th Century | 4 |
HIST 3845 | The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1898 to the Present | 4 |
HIST 3846 | The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1974 to Present | 4 |
HIST 3852 | The American Radical Tradition | 4 |
HIST 3854 | Where the Right Went Wrong: American Conservatism 1945–The Present | 4 |
HIST 3857 | America Since 1945 | 4 |
HIST 3858 | The Global Cold War | 4 |
HIST 3860 | The "Long" 1990s in United States History (1989-2008) | 4 |
HIST 3862 | History of New York City | 4 |
HIST 3864 | New Frontiers-1960's America | 4 |
HIST 3866 | History of Comics and Superheroes | 4 |
HIST 3867 | United States History Through Television | 4 |
HIST 3868 | Culture and Capitalism in the United States | 4 |
HIST 3869 | 1960s America: Gender, Race and Youth | 4 |
HIST 3880 | History of the Cold War | 4 |
HIST 3881 | New York City's Cold War | 4 |
HIST 3900 | Global Histories of Forensic Science | 4 |
HIST 3901 | Bloody Murder | 4 |
HIST 3911 | U.S. and East Asia | 4 |
HIST 3915 | Contemporary China | 4 |
HIST 3918 | Cultural Revolution: China in Context | 4 |
HIST 3919 | Christianity in China | 4 |
HIST 3920 | Modern Japan | 4 |
HIST 3922 | East Asian Cities | 4 |
HIST 3924 | East Asian Capitalisms | 4 |
HIST 3925 | The Holocaust | 4 |
HIST 3926 | History of Political Thought in Britain from Civil War to Brexit | 4 |
HIST 3928 | History of Asian American Communities in the 19th and 20th Centuries | 4 |
HIST 3929 | History of Chinese in the Americas | 3 |
HIST 3931 | Colonialism and South Asia | 4 |
HIST 3939 | History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back | 4 |
HIST 3942 | Race, Sex, and Colonialism | 4 |
HIST 3944 | Africa in the Age of Decolonization | 4 |
HIST 3946 | African Economies and Humanitarianism | 4 |
HIST 3948 | Gandhi: A Global Intellectual History | 4 |
HIST 3950 | Latino History | 4 |
HIST 3951 | Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas | 4 |
HIST 3955 | Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World | 4 |
HIST 3961 | Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World | 4 |
HIST 3962 | Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America | 4 |
HIST 3965 | Colonial Latin America | 4 |
HIST 3967 | Modern Central America | 4 |
HIST 3968 | Mexico | 4 |
HIST 3969 | Latin America and the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3972 | Revolution in Central America | 4 |
HIST 3974 | Spaniards and Incas | 4 |
HIST 3975 | The Caribbean | 4 |
HIST 3977 | Latin American History Through Film | 4 |
HIST 3982 | The Islamic World and the Crusades, 1099-Ca.1700 | 4 |
HIST 3983 | Apocalypticism and Messianism in Islamic Thought and History | 4 |
HIST 3985 | Ottoman Empire/ 1300-1800 | 4 |
HIST 3986 | Religion and Politics in Islamic History | 4 |
HIST 3989 | History and Cinema: The Middle East and North Africa in Film | 4 |
HIST 3990 | North American Environmental History | 4 |
HIST 3991 | History of the American Indians | 4 |
HIST 3992 | Capitalism | 4 |
HIST 3993 | Environmental History: New York City | 4 |
HIST 3994 | Climate and Society | 4 |
HIST 3998 | People and Other Animals in History | 4 |
HIST 3999 | Tutorial | 3 |
HIST 4011 | Why America Fights | 4 |
HIST 4012 | Values and Global Capitalism | 4 |
HIST 4100 | Seminar: Med Political Ideologies | 4 |
HIST 4111 | Modern African Stories | 4 |
HIST 4120 | Imagining Empire | 4 |
HIST 4308 | Antisemitism | 4 |
HIST 4310 | Africa, Race, and the Global Cold War | 4 |
HIST 4331 | US in the Middle East: 1945-Present | 4 |
HIST 4353 | Renaissance and Renewal | 4 |
HIST 4591 | Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism | 4 |
HIST 4610 | Seminar: Jewish Society and Culture in Eastern Europe | 4 |
HIST 4631 | Seminar: US in the Mid East: 1945-Pres | 4 |
HIST 4635 | Seminar: Screening the Past | 4 |
HIST 4657 | Seminar: New York City History | 4 |
HIST 4671 | Seminar: Technology and Society | 4 |
HIST 4700 | Seminar: Med Political Ideologies | 4 |
HIST 4704 | Seminar: The First Crusade: Themes and Sources | 4 |
HIST 4705 | Seminar: Disease in the Middle Ages | 4 |
HIST 4707 | Senior Seminar: The Making of the British Isles 1450-1660 | 4 |
HIST 4708 | Seminar: The Great War | 4 |
HIST 4710 | Seminar: Early Modern British Empire | 4 |
HIST 4711 | Seminar: Post-WWII Britain | 4 |
HIST 4715 | Oil and Power in the American Century | 4 |
HIST 4716 | History of One: The Art of Biography | 4 |
HIST 4725 | Seminar: Global Histories and Stories | 4 |
HIST 4748 | Seminar: The Worlds of the Enlightenment | 4 |
HIST 4757 | Seminar: The Third Reich | 4 |
HIST 4760 | Seminar: Immigration to the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 4767 | Seminar: Torture and the Western Experience | 4 |
HIST 4768 | Seminar: Gender, Sex and Society in the Early U.S. | 4 |
HIST 4771 | Seminar: In Search of the Founders' Constitution | 4 |
HIST 4772 | Seminar: Colonial Latin America | 4 |
HIST 4858 | Seminar: Modern European City | 4 |
HIST 4860 | Seminar: 1970'S: Revolutionary Decade | 4 |
HIST 4900 | Seminar: Transnational Lives | 4 |
HIST 4905 | Seminar: History of Food | 4 |
HIST 4910 | Seminar: Genocide | 4 |
HIST 4934 | Seminar: Soviet Society under Stalin | 4 |
HIST 4954 | Seminar: Law and Empire Iberian Atlantic | 4 |
HIST 4999 | Tutorial | 4 |
INST 3859 | Post-1945: A Global History | 4 |
LALS 3950 | Latino History | 4 |
LALS 3951 | Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas | 4 |
LALS 3955 | Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World | 4 |
LALS 3962 | Narratives of Truth and Justice in Latin America | 4 |
LALS 3967 | Modern Central America | 4 |
LALS 3968 | Mexico | 4 |
LALS 3972 | Revolution in Central America | 4 |
LALS 3977 | Latin American History Through Film | 4 |
LATN 3015 | Caesar's Commentaries | 4 |
LATN 3045 | Livy | 4 |
MVST 3210 | King, Court, and Crusade: Writing Knightly Life in the High Middle Ages | 4 |
MVST 3700 | Medicine, Magic, and Miracles: Sickness and Health in the Early Middle Ages | 4 |
WGSS 3415 | European Women 1500-1800 | 4 |
WGSS 3416 | European Women 1800-Present | 4 |
WGSS 3459 | Transgender History | 4 |
WGSS 3826 | Modern US Women's History | 4 |
WGSS 3930 | Sex and Gender in South Asia | 4 |
Advanced Social Science Core Courses
The following courses have the ASSC (Advanced Social Science Core) attribute:
Course | Title | Credits |
AAST 3618 | Asian America in New York City: An Ethnographic Exploration | 4 |
AFAM 3037 | Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World | 4 |
AFAM 3110 | The Black Athlete | 4 |
AFAM 3115 | Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X | 4 |
AFAM 3120 | Black Religion and Black Politics | 4 |
AFAM 3132 | Black Prison Experience | 4 |
AFAM 3133 | Performance African Diaspora | 4 |
AFAM 3136 | U.S. Civil Rights | 4 |
AFAM 3139 | Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War | 4 |
AFAM 3141 | Women and Social Change in Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3142 | Women, Power, and Leadership in Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3150 | Caribbean Peoples and Culture | 4 |
AFAM 3188 | Exploring Africa: Encounter, Expedition, and Representation | 4 |
AFAM 3634 | Film and the African American | 4 |
AFAM 3692 | Social Construction of Women | 4 |
AMCS 3340 | Catholicism and Democracy | 4 |
ANTH 2202 | Anthropology of Performance | 4 |
ANTH 2520 | Introduction to Forensic Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 2614 | Urbanism and Change in the Middle East | 4 |
ANTH 2700 | You Are What You Eat: The Anthropology of Food | 4 |
ANTH 2800 | The Anthropology of Food: Community Engaged Learning | 4 |
ANTH 2880 | Human Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective | 4 |
ANTH 2885 | Anthropology of Economics | 4 |
ANTH 2886 | Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality | 4 |
ANTH 2890 | Visual Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 2895 | Anthropology of Capitalism | 4 |
ANTH 3006 | Arab-Americans and the Diasporic Experience | 4 |
ANTH 3013 | Anthropology of Palestinian Communities | 4 |
ANTH 3110 | Ancient Cultures of the Bible | 4 |
ANTH 3112 | Archaeologies of the Present: Historical Archaeology and Advocacy | 4 |
ANTH 3115 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology | 4 |
ANTH 3182 | Ethnographic Methods: Cultures of London | 4 |
ANTH 3260 | Politics of Reproduction | 4 |
ANTH 3333 | Seeing Race: American Visual Culture in Historical Perspective | 4 |
ANTH 3339 | Irish and Mexican Migration: New York Focus | 4 |
ANTH 3340 | Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
ANTH 3343 | Ghettos and Gated Communities | 4 |
ANTH 3351 | Comparative Cultures | 4 |
ANTH 3355 | Culture and Anticolonialism | 4 |
ANTH 3356 | Uprisings: Protest and Resistance Across the Globe | 4 |
ANTH 3357 | Globalization and Migration | 4 |
ANTH 3364 | Anthropology of Social Justice | 4 |
ANTH 3380 | Hazards, Disasters, and Human Experience | 4 |
ANTH 3385 | Post-Apocalyptic Societies | 4 |
ANTH 3393 | Graffiti: The Challenges and Conundrums of Street Art | 4 |
ANTH 3394 | Horror Americana: Stephen King's and George Romero's Terror Gospels | 4 |
ANTH 3395 | Horror Films and Globalization: Narratives of Terror, Commodification, and Inequality | 4 |
ANTH 3471 | Ancient Tales of the Andes: Taki Ongoy, Tin Tin, and Enchaquirado Narratives | 4 |
ANTH 3476 | Latin American Social Movements | 4 |
ANTH 3482 | Reading Latin America: The Colonial Archive | 4 |
ANTH 3510 | Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s) | 4 |
ANTH 3520 | Forensic Investigation of the Human Skeleton | 4 |
ANTH 3570 | Applied Human Rights | 1 |
ANTH 3618 | Asian America in New York City: An Ethnographic Exploration | 4 |
ANTH 3620 | Border Cultures in the City: Summer in New York | 1 |
ANTH 3650 | Africa in the World | 4 |
ANTH 3721 | The Currency of Historical Memory | 4 |
ANTH 3726 | Language, Gender, and Sexuality | 4 |
ANTH 4700 | Economic Theologies | 4 |
ANTH 4802 | Archaeology of New York | 4 |
CLAS 3034 | The Rhetoric of Athenian Democracy | 4 |
CLAS 3040 | Law and Society in Greece and Rome | 4 |
COMC 2111 | Theories of Human Communication | 4 |
COMC 3171 | Orality and Literacy | 4 |
COMC 3172 | Principles of Advertising | 4 |
COMC 3179 | Crisis and Reputation Management in PR | 4 |
COMC 3187 | Sports Communication in the Field | 4 |
COMC 3247 | Race and Gender in Media | 4 |
COMC 3268 | Media and National Identity | 4 |
COMC 3350 | Media Law | 4 |
COMC 3370 | Ethical Issues in Media | 4 |
COMC 3375 | Children and Media | 4 |
COMC 3380 | International Communication | 4 |
DTEM 3447 | Race, Gender, and Digital Media | 4 |
DTEM 3476 | Social Media | 4 |
ECON 3116 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 4 |
ECON 3118 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 4 |
ECON 3160 | Game Theory | 4 |
ECON 3212 | Open Economy Macroeconomics | 4 |
ECON 3240 | World Poverty | 4 |
ECON 3244 | International Economic Policy | 4 |
ECON 3248 | Migration and Development: A Social Justice Perspective | 4 |
ECON 3346 | International Trade | 4 |
ECON 3453 | Law and Economics | 4 |
ECON 3570 | Labor Market and Diversity | 4 |
ECON 3636 | Money and Banking | 4 |
ECON 3710 | Economist as Storyteller | 4 |
ECON 3850 | Environmental Economics | 4 |
ECON 3971 | Urban Economics | 4 |
ECON 4030 | Environmental-Economic Policy | 4 |
ENST 3307 | Environmental Politics | 4 |
ENST 3308 | Catastrophe and Human Survival | 4 |
GERM 3307 | Germany and Migration | 4 |
HIST 3139 | Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War | 4 |
INST 3100 | The Global Environment | 4 |
INST 4620 | The World of Democracy | 4 |
JOUR 3760 | The Journalist and the Law | 4 |
LACU 3007 | Spanish Linguistics | 4 |
LACU 3046 | Democracy and Democratization in China | 4 |
LACU 3049 | Modern Chinese Political Thought | 4 |
LACU 3307 | Germany and Migration | 4 |
LACU 3607 | Topics in Multilingualism | 4 |
LALS 3007 | Spanish Linguistics | 4 |
LING 3007 | Spanish Linguistics | 4 |
LING 3035 | Language, Linguistics, and Social Justice | 4 |
LING 3607 | Topics in Multilingualism | 4 |
MAND 3060 | Contemporary Chinese Politics | 4 |
PJST 3110 | Introduction to Peace and Justice | 4 |
PJST 3200 | Environmental Justice | 4 |
PJST 4200 | Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking | 4 |
POSC 3107 | Dystopian Politics | 4 |
POSC 3120 | The Democracy Internship | 4 |
POSC 3121 | New York City Politics | 4 |
POSC 3131 | Politics, Urban Health, and Environment | 4 |
POSC 3209 | Constitutional Law | 4 |
POSC 3210 | Civil Rights and Liberties | 4 |
POSC 3211 | The U.S. Congress - Methods Intensive | 4 |
POSC 3213 | Interest Group Politics | 4 |
POSC 3214 | The U.S. Congress | 4 |
POSC 3215 | American Political Parties | 4 |
POSC 3217 | The American Presidency | 4 |
POSC 3218 | Constitutional Law and Democracy | 4 |
POSC 3219 | Constitutional Law and the Death Penality | 4 |
POSC 3220 | Criminal Law and Justice in the U.S. | 4 |
POSC 3223 | Constitutional Law: Criminal Justice | 4 |
POSC 3228 | Civil Rights | 4 |
POSC 3231 | Judicial Politics | 4 |
POSC 3233 | Youth and the Law | 4 |
POSC 3301 | Campaigns and Elections | 4 |
POSC 3303 | Political Polarization in American Politics | 4 |
POSC 3307 | Environmental Politics | 4 |
POSC 3309 | Gender in American Politics | 4 |
POSC 3310 | Racial and Ethnic Politics | 4 |
POSC 3311 | American Social Movements | 4 |
POSC 3313 | Political Psychology | 4 |
POSC 3315 | Political Participation | 4 |
POSC 3316 | Mass Media and American Politics | 4 |
POSC 3319 | Film and Politics | 4 |
POSC 3321 | American Public Policy | 4 |
POSC 3324 | Politics of Immigration and Citizenship | 4 |
POSC 3326 | Latino Politics | 4 |
POSC 3327 | Gender and Sexuality in US Politics | 4 |
POSC 3404 | American Political Thought | 4 |
POSC 3405 | Radical and Conservative Thought | 4 |
POSC 3411 | Classical Political Thought | 4 |
POSC 3412 | Modern Political Thought | 4 |
POSC 3413 | Contemporary Political Philosophy | 4 |
POSC 3414 | Politics, Nature, and History | 4 |
POSC 3415 | Politics, Reason, and Revelation | 4 |
POSC 3416 | Liberalism and Its Critics | 4 |
POSC 3418 | Islamic Political Thought | 4 |
POSC 3420 | Women and Film | 4 |
POSC 3421 | Political Theory in Popular Culture | 4 |
POSC 3422 | Politics of the Present | 4 |
POSC 3429 | Democratic Theory | 4 |
POSC 3430 | Education Politics and Policy | 4 |
POSC 3456 | Late Modern Political Thought | 4 |
POSC 3507 | International Human Rights | 4 |
POSC 3511 | War and Peace | 4 |
POSC 3515 | Revolution | 4 |
POSC 3516 | Conflict Analysis/Resolution | 4 |
POSC 3521 | Global Governance | 4 |
POSC 3522 | United Nations | 4 |
POSC 3526 | Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life | 4 |
POSC 3527 | United Nations Peace Operations | 4 |
POSC 3530 | U.S. Foreign Policy | 4 |
POSC 3534 | The International Politics of Civilian Protection | 4 |
POSC 3540 | Politics of Cyberspace | 4 |
POSC 3605 | Comparative Democracy | 4 |
POSC 3610 | Political Economy of Development | 4 |
POSC 3613 | Political Movements | 4 |
POSC 3614 | Political Institutions | 4 |
POSC 3616 | Political Economy of Poverty | 4 |
POSC 3620 | British Government and Politics | 4 |
POSC 3621 | European Politics | 4 |
POSC 3622 | Politics of the European Union | 4 |
POSC 3624 | The Qu'ran and Hadith in the Global Political Perspective | 4 |
POSC 3630 | South Asian Politics | 4 |
POSC 3631 | China and Russia in Comparative Perspective | 4 |
POSC 3632 | China and U.S. in Global Era | 4 |
POSC 3635 | China, Japan, Korea, and the U.S. in the Global Era | 4 |
POSC 3636 | China and the Global Economy | 4 |
POSC 3641 | Latin American Politics | 4 |
POSC 3645 | Politics of Immigration | 4 |
POSC 3651 | Comparative Politics of the Middle East | 4 |
POSC 3653 | Religion and Society in the Middle East | 4 |
POSC 3800 | Internship | 3 |
POSC 3915 | International Political Economy | 4 |
POSC 3916 | Understanding the Global Economy | 4 |
POSC 4022 | Seminar: China in Global Affairs | 4 |
POSC 4260 | Seminar: Sex and Sexuality in U.S Politics | 4 |
POSC 4545 | Seminar: Russian Politics and Society | 4 |
PSYC 3100 | Health Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3110 | Cognitive Neuroscience | 4 |
PSYC 3270 | Clinical Child Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3300 | Industrial Organizational Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3320 | Consumer Behavior | 4 |
PSYC 3330 | Family Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3600 | Multicultural Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3610 | Global Health and Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3640 | Cross-Cultural-Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3700 | Human Sexuality | 4 |
PSYC 3730 | Men and Masculinities | 4 |
PSYC 3820 | Forensic Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 3850 | Psychology of Well-Being | 4 |
PSYC 3930 | Introduction to Clinical Psychology | 4 |
SOCI 2300 | Social Networks | 4 |
SOCI 2410 | Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOCI 2420 | Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOCI 2425 | Introduction to Asian American Studies | 4 |
SOCI 2606 | Social Science Statistics | 4 |
SOCI 2625 | Data for Social Change | 4 |
SOCI 2701 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 4 |
SOCI 2716 | Social Change | 4 |
SOCI 2847 | The 60s: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll | 4 |
SOCI 2855 | The Journalist as Sociologist | 4 |
SOCI 2925 | Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence | 4 |
SOCI 2960 | Popular Culture | 4 |
SOCI 3001 | Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice | 4 |
SOCI 3002 | The New Power Elite | 4 |
SOCI 3017 | Inequality in America | 4 |
SOCI 3054 | Time, Memory, and Identities | 4 |
SOCI 3067 | Language, Media, Power | 4 |
SOCI 3070 | The City and Its Neighborhoods | 4 |
SOCI 3102 | Contemporary Social Issues and Policies | 4 |
SOCI 3114 | Sociology of Health and Illness | 4 |
SOCI 3115 | Pandemic and Power | 4 |
SOCI 3120 | Controversies in Religion and International Relations | 4 |
SOCI 3134 | Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Higher Education | 4 |
SOCI 3136 | Inequality-Why/Effects | 4 |
SOCI 3142 | Environmental Sociology | 4 |
SOCI 3145 | Environment Technology Society | 4 |
SOCI 3148 | Population and Economic Development Issues | 4 |
SOCI 3149 | Economic Sociology | 4 |
SOCI 3152 | Sociology of Sports | 4 |
SOCI 3249 | For the Death of Me! Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Death and Dying | 4 |
SOCI 3256 | Political Sociology in Film | 4 |
SOCI 3260 | Politics of Reproduction | 4 |
SOCI 3401 | Gender, Crime, and Justice | 4 |
SOCI 3405 | Gender, Race, and Class | 4 |
SOCI 3406 | Race/Social Construct | 4 |
SOCI 3410 | Migration/Globalization | 4 |
SOCI 3415 | Development and Globalization | 4 |
SOCI 3418 | Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective | 4 |
SOCI 3419 | Living in the Shadows: Undocumented Migration | 4 |
SOCI 3425 | Racial Segregation: An American Story | 4 |
SOCI 3450 | Transnational Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 3456 | Modern Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 3457 | Medicine, Science, and Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 3471 | Undocumented Migration | 4 |
SOCI 3500 | Contemporary Family Issues | 4 |
SOCI 3502 | Work, Inequality, and Society in 21st Century America | 4 |
SOCI 3505 | Coming of Age: Adulthood | 4 |
SOCI 3506 | Diversity in American Families | 4 |
SOCI 3601 | Urban Poverty | 4 |
SOCI 3603 | Urban America | 4 |
SOCI 3606 | The Global City | 4 |
SOCI 3610 | The Family | 4 |
SOCI 3670 | Hispanic Women | 4 |
SOCI 3708 | Law and Society | 4 |
SOCI 3711 | American Criminal Justice | 4 |
SOCI 3713 | Criminology | 4 |
SOCI 3714 | Terrorism and Society | 4 |
SOCI 4444 | Unstrange Minds: On the Ethical Dimensions of Neurological and Cognitive Difference | 4 |
SOCI 4500 | Demography and Data Analysis | 4 |
SOCI 4963 | Population and Society | 4 |
SPAN 3007 | Spanish Linguistics | 4 |
WGSS 3000 | Gender and Sexuality Studies | 4 |
WGSS 3004 | Transnational Feminisms | 4 |
WGSS 3141 | Women in Africa | 4 |