American Studies Major

The benefits of the American studies major include: 1) the sharp focus brought by the American studies sequence (AMST 2000, AMST 4010, and AMST 4500), at the end of which the student completes a Senior Thesis and 2) the flexibility offered by our faculty in several different disciplines.  The courses listed for the multidisciplinary requirement below are representative of the potential of the major, and change each semester.

Accepted students are expected to successfully complete 10 courses in a well-integrated program to be worked out individually in consultation with the program director.

Course Title Credits
AMST 2000Major Developments in American Culture (ideally in the sophomore year)4
AMST 4010Approaches to American Studies4
AMST 4500The Senior Seminar4
Four required courses from one of the following concentrations:12
Cultural Products
Diversity and Difference
Power, Politics, and Institutions
Multidisciplinary Diversity 112
American Literature
American Art, Music, Theatre, or Media
American Religion or Philosophy
American History or Social Science
Three elective courses 29

These courses are not additional requirements above the courses described above; rather, they govern the distribution of courses taken to complete concentration and open elective requirements. 


Any course with the AMST subject code or the AMST attribute code may fulfill this requirement.

Multidisciplinary Diversity

Students will also be required to demonstrate multidisciplinary diversity. Courses taken to fulfill concentration and open elective requirements must include one course in each of the following four areas:

These are not additional requirements above the 10 described above; they are rules governing the distribution of courses taken to complete concentration and open elective requirements. These courses include the following:

American Literature courses

Courses in this group have the ASLT attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 3357Writing Asian America4
AAST 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
AAST 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
AAST 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
AAST 4603Asian American Critique4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AFAM 3632Harlem Renaissance4
AFAM 3637Black Feminism: Theory and Expression4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AMCS 3320The Writing Irish4
AMCS 3333American Catholic Fictions4
AMCS 3355American Catholic Novel4
AMCS 3359American Catholic Women Writers4
COLI 3000Literary Theories4
COLI 3357Writing Asian America4
COLI 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
COLI 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
COLI 3438American Modernism4
COLI 3450The City in Literature and Art4
COLI 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
COLI 3522Strange Memories, Strange Desires4
COLI 3531Unhappy Families4
COLI 369120th Century African-American and African Women4
COLI 3692Anglophone African Literature4
COLI 3912Literature of the Americas4
COLI 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
COLI 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
COLI 4603Asian American Critique4
ENGL 1004Texts and Contexts: Upward Mobility and the Common Good3
ENGL 3001Queer Theories4
ENGL 3037US Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3038Latinx Performance Studies: Image, Fashion, and Politics4
ENGL 3333Captives, Cannibals, and Rebels4
ENGL 3336Early American Novel4
ENGL 3350Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media4
ENGL 3357Writing Asian America4
ENGL 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
ENGL 3424Romantics and Their World4
ENGL 3436American Dream in Literature4
ENGL 3438American Modernism4
ENGL 3441American Modernism4
ENGL 3450The City in Literature and Art4
ENGL 3512British and American Poetry: Romantic to Modern4
ENGL 3523Very Contemporary American Fiction4
ENGL 3535Modern Poetry4
ENGL 3603American Renaissance4
ENGL 3604American Literature to 18704
ENGL 3609Feminism and American Poetry4
ENGL 3611Modern American Autobiography4
ENGL 3613Modern American Novels4
ENGL 3616American Cultures of War4
ENGL 3617American Short Story4
ENGL 3620Ordinariness4
ENGL 3624Melville4
ENGL 3625Early American Literature4
ENGL 3630Black American Icons4
ENGL 3631Contemporary American Fiction4
ENGL 3633The Enlightened Earth: American Environment Cultures After 19604
ENGL 3635Future Environments: Human Life After the End4
ENGL 3636Introduction to African American Literature4
ENGL 3641Slavery and American Fiction4
ENGL 3645The Middle Passage4
ENGL 3646Black Disability Studies4
ENGL 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
ENGL 3650Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature4
ENGL 3652New Wave Immigrant Literature4
ENGL 3653Major American Authors4
ENGL 3658Migrations/Movements/Masks4
ENGL 3664Queer Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3673Postmodern Literature and Culture4
ENGL 3677Latino/a US Literatures4
ENGL 3680One Big Book4
ENGL 3683Literature Beyond Borders4
ENGL 3691Black Atlantic Literature: Modernisms4
ENGL 3695Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage4
ENGL 3701American Writers in Paris4
ENGL 3702American Naturalism4
ENGL 3841Contemporary Fiction4
ENGL 3855The Jazz Age: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 3916Animals in Literature4
ENGL 3930Introduction to Queer Literature4
ENGL 3964Homelessness4
ENGL 4008Seminar: Black Letters 4
ENGL 4010Seminar: American Crime Stories4
ENGL 4033Sound in U.S. Culture, History, and Literature4
ENGL 4044Incarceration: History, Literature, Film4
ENGL 4106Seminar: The Great Depression: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4113Seminar: Writing Whiteness4
ENGL 4116Seminar: The Beat Generation and U.S. Culture4
ENGL 4119Seminar: God and Money in Early America4
ENGL 4121New York City in Fiction4
ENGL 4149Modern Drama as Moral Crucible4
ENGL 4184Postwar American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4185Caribbean Islands and Oceans4
ENGL 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
ENGL 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
ENGL 4216Animal Welfare in Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4228Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter4
ENGL 4236Seminar: Latin American Short Story4
ENGL 4370Disgust in Literature and Psychology4
ENGL 4403Extraordinary Bodies4
ENGL 4425Seminar: Nathaniel Hawthorne4
ENGL 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4603Asian American Critique4
ENGL 4606Seminar: James Baldwin4
FITV 1601Understanding Television4
FREN 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
GERM 3030Kafkas Welt4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
PHIL 3422Harry Potter and Philosophy4
PSYC 4370Disgust in Literature and Psychology4
SOCI 4421Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental, & Cognitive Difference In Culture & Context4
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3123Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature4
SPAN 3405Women Translators in the Spanish-Speaking World4
SPAN 3582New York in Latinx Literature and Film4
SPAN 3701Feminism in Latin American Literature & Film4
SPAN 3820Hispanic Caribbean Literature4
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4

American Art, Music, Theater, or Media courses

Courses in this group have the ASAM attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 2010Black Trad in Amer Dance3
AFAM 3112The Sixties4
AFAM 3134From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AMCS 3150Catholics and Popular Culture4
ANTH 3393Graffiti: The Challenges and Conundrums of Street Art4
ANTH 3510Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s)4
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2520American Art4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 255020th Century Art4
ARHI 3100Museum Methods4
ARHI 3555Contemporary Art4
ARHI 4230Art and Ethics: Articulating Function in the Visual Arts4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4530Gender and Modern Art4
ARHI 4540Seminar: Modern Art4
CISC 4001Computers and Robots in Film4
CISC 4650Cyberspace: Issues and Ethics4
COLI 3137World Cinema Masterpieces4
COLI 3143World Cinema Masterpieces 1960-19804
COLI 3450The City in Literature and Art4
COLI 3840Latin American Culture Through Film4
COLI 4020Literature, Film and Development4
COLI 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
COLI 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
COMC 1101Communications and Culture: History, Theory, and Methods4
COMC 2236The Rock Revolution in Music and Media4
COMC 2329Media Industries4
COMC 2377Mass Communication and Media Effects4
COMC 3232Class, Taste, and Popular Culture4
COMC 3235Popular Music as Communication4
COMC 3240Photography, Identity, Power4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3272History and Culture of Advertising4
COMC 3330Peace, Justice, and the Media4
COMC 3350Media Law4
COMC 3370Ethical Issues in Media4
COMC 3375Children and Media4
COMC 3378Media, Youth Culture, and Civic Discourse4
COMC 4170Dissent and Disinformation4
COMC 4211Media and Modernity4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
COMC 4348Religion, Theology, and New Media4
COMC 4360Communication Ethics and the Public Sphere4
COMC 4380Media and Moral Philosophy4
DANC 2001World Dance History3
DANC 2010Black Tradition in American Dance3
DTEM 2414Media Ecology4
DTEM 2452Game Culture:Theory & Practice4
DTEM 3447Race, Gender, and Digital Media4
DTEM 3476Social Media4
DTEM 4440Privacy and Surveillance4
DTEM 4480Digital Media and Public Responsibility4
ENGL 3137World Cinema Masterpieces4
ENGL 3143World Cinema Masterpieces, 1960-19804
ENGL 3244Latinx Fashion and the Politics of Style4
ENGL 3350Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media4
ENGL 3450The City in Literature and Art4
ENGL 3650Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature4
ENGL 4044Incarceration: History, Literature, Film4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
FITV 1999Tutorial1
FITV 2425Digital Video Production I for FITV4
FITV 2501History of Film, 1895-19504
FITV 2511Screenwriting I4
FITV 2531Serials, Series, and Franchise Films4
FITV 2533Fashion Costuming in Film4
FITV 2601History of Television4
FITV 2611Television Production I4
FITV 2612Writing Producing Web Series4
FITV 2670Television and Social Change4
FITV 2674Teen Television4
FITV 2999Tutorial2
FITV 3425Digital Video Production II4
FITV 3501Film Theory and Criticism4
FITV 3505Topics in Film Studies4
FITV 3511Screenwriting II4
FITV 3512Film/Television: Narrative Basics4
FITV 3532Landmarks, Locations, and Adaption4
FITV 3534Fashion in British Film and Television4
FITV 3535Film Adaptation4
FITV 3545Film and Television of Hitchcock4
FITV 3548Film and Gender4
FITV 3551Film History 1950-Present4
FITV 3553Hollywood Genres4
FITV 3555The City in Film and Television4
FITV 3558Italian Film4
FITV 3565The Documentary Idea4
FITV 3571Science Fiction in Film and Television4
FITV 3578American Film Comedy4
FITV 3579Movies and American Experience4
FITV 3585Transnational Asian Media4
FITV 3587United Kingdom and Irish Film4
FITV 3588Global Cinema4
FITV 3601Television Theory and Criticism4
FITV 3604Critical Production Studies in Film and Television4
FITV 3605Topics in Television and Radio4
FITV 3624Writing Television Dramas4
FITV 3626Writing the Original Television Pilot4
FITV 3637Queer Studies in Film and Television4
FITV 3638British Cinema and Television4
FITV 3639Quality Television/Cult TV4
FITV 3647TV, Identity, and Representation4
FITV 3648Television, Race, and Civil Rights4
FITV 3658Italian Americans on Screen4
FITV 3678Television Comedy and American Values4
FITV 3688Global Television4
FITV 3999Tutorial3
FITV 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
FITV 4625Writing Television Sitcoms4
FITV 4660Ethics of Reality Television4
FITV 4676Television and Society4
FITV 4999Tutorial4
HIST 3799Race and American Popular Music4
HIST 3833Screening America's Past4
HIST 3867United States History Through Television4
HIST 4009Film, Fiction, and Power in the American Century4
JOUR 1761The Power of News3
JOUR 2786Sports Writing and Reporting4
JOUR 3734Explorations in Climate Storytelling4
JOUR 3760The Journalist and the Law4
JOUR 3763The Murrow Years: 1938-654
JOUR 3769History of Television and Radio News4
JOUR 3782Science Journalism4
JOUR 4733Photojournalism4
JOUR 4750Values in the News4
JOUR 4766Television News Innovators4
JOUR 4767History of Women's Magazines4
LACU 3701Villains, Vamps and Vampires: An Introduction to German Cinema4
LACU 4007Oral History, Literature & Film4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
MUSC 1100Introduction to Music History3
MUSC 2014Jazz: A History in Sound4
MUSC 2022Broadway Musicals4
MUSC 2024The Musical Theater of Stephen Sondheim4
MUSC 2031Rock and Pop Music Since World War II4
MUSC 4001Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter4
PHIL 3422Harry Potter and Philosophy4
SOCI 2847The 60s: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll4
SOCI 2925Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence4
SOCI 2960Popular Culture4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3255Sociology of Media4
SPAN 3808Bodies, Touch, and Affect in Argentine Film and Literature4
THEA 2900Theatre Management3
THEA 4045Young, Gifted, and Black4
THEO 3376Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity3
VART 1111Intro to Art & Engagement: Protest, Participation, the Public and other Performance Practices 4
VART 2003Graphic Design and Digital Tools4
VART 2055Environmental Design4
VART 2222Art of the Interview4
VART 3030Art Design and Politics4
VART 313420th Century Art: Modernism and Modernity4
VART 3135Modernism and Its Aftermath4
VART 3333Art Making in Hell's Kitchen4
VART 3535Seminar: History of Photography4
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4

American Religion or Philosophy courses

Courses in this group have the ASRP attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
AFAM 3120Black Religion and Black Politics4
AMCS 3101The Discernment Seminar1
AMCS 3130Faith in U.S. Politics4
AMCS 3150Catholics and Popular Culture4
AMCS 3200American and Catholic4
AMCS 3251Labor, Leisure, and God4
AMCS 3340Catholicism and Democracy4
AMCS 3350American Catholic Poetry4
AMCS 3355American Catholic Novel4
AMCS 3359American Catholic Women Writers4
AMCS 3451Niebuhr in America4
AMCS 3777Jesuit Conspiracy in America4
AMCS 3975Catholic Across Cultures4
AMCS 3982Catholic Studies Seminar II4
ANTH 3354Race, Identity, and Globalization4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
COLI 3652Contemporary French Philosophy4
COLI 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
COMC 4348Religion, Theology, and New Media4
COMC 4380Media and Moral Philosophy4
ECON 4110Ethics and Economics4
FITV 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
FITV 4660Ethics of Reality Television4
HIST 3073African Intellectual History4
HIST 3657American Constitution4
JOUR 4750Values in the News4
MLAL 3535Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias4
PHIL 3195Political Libertarians and Critics4
PHIL 3422Harry Potter and Philosophy4
PHIL 3652Contemporary French Philosophy4
PHIL 3653Latin American Philosophy4
PHIL 3720African American Philosophy4
PHIL 3722Native American Philosophy4
PHIL 3725Philosophies of Race4
PHIL 3731Philosophy of the City4
PHIL 3904Feminist Philosophy4
PHIL 4302Environmental Policy and Ethics4
PHIL 4418Issues of Life and Death4
PHIL 4486Evil, Vice, and Sin4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3404American Political Thought4
POSC 3413Contemporary Political Philosophy4
POSC 3415Politics, Reason, and Revelation4
POSC 4013Religion and American Politics4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
PSYC 4920Youth, Values, and Society4
SOCI 3120Controversies in Religion and International Relations4
SOCI 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4420Religious Freedom and American Democracy4
SPAN 3123Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature4
THEO 3371The American Transcendentalists: Spirituality Without Religion3
THEO 3375American Religious Texts and Traditions3
THEO 3376Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity3
THEO 3380US Latinx Spiritualities3
THEO 3383Latin American Liberation Theologies3
THEO 3546The Bible and Social Justice3
THEO 3611Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice3
THEO 3725Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation3
THEO 3847Latinx Theology4
THEO 3874Religion in America4
THEO 3876Muslims in America4
THEO 3961Religion, Sex, and Culture in America Since 17004
THEO 3970Catholics in America4
THEO 3993Wartime Religion in U.S. History4
THEO 3995Religion and the American Self4
THEO 4013Religion and American Politics4
THEO 4025Future of Marriage in the 21st Century4
THEO 4055What is College For?4
THEO 4355Histories and Cultures of American Evangelicalism4
THEO 4411Religion, Theology, and New Media4
THEO 4600Religion and Public Life4
THEO 4610Malcolm, Martin, Baldwin, and the Church4
THEO 4870Economic Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching4
VART 2424Art and Action on the Bronx River4
WGSS 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4

American History or Social Science courses

Courses in this group have the ASHS attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 3000Introduction to Asian American Studies4
AAST 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
AAST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
AFAM 1650Black Popular Culture4
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 3002African American History II4
AFAM 3003African American Family4
AFAM 3030African American Women4
AFAM 3036Global Black Youth Cultures4
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3102The Black Family4
AFAM 3112The Sixties4
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
AFAM 3132Black Prison Experience4
AFAM 3134From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3136U.S. Civil Rights4
AFAM 3138Nonviolent Protest4
AFAM 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
AFAM 3146African Immigrants in the United States3
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AFAM 3210On the Move: Migration, Labor, and Trans-Nationalism in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3510In "America's Backyard": U.S.-Caribbean Social, Political, and Economic Relations 1850-19504
AFAM 3632Harlem Renaissance4
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 3634Film and the African American4
AFAM 3663Minorities in the Media4
AFAM 3729The Black American Novel4
AFAM 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
AFAM 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
AFAM 4000Affirmative Action and the American Dream4
AFAM 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
AFAM 4600African Americans and the Law4
AFAM 4650Social Welfare and Society4
AFAM 4890Research Seminar4
AFAM 4896Feeling the Funk4
AMCS 3251Labor, Leisure, and God4
AMCS 3982Catholic Studies Seminar II4
AMST 3100Intro to American Culture4
AMST 3610Special Topics: Women and American Comedy4
AMST 4010Approaches to American Studies4
ANTH 2700You Are What You Eat: The Anthropology of Food4
ANTH 2770Anthropology of Childhood4
ANTH 3111Archaeology of the Americas4
ANTH 3180Ethnographic Methods4
ANTH 3333Seeing Race: American Visual Culture in Historical Perspective4
ANTH 3339Irish and Mexican Migration: New York Focus4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ANTH 3354Race, Identity, and Globalization4
ANTH 3356Uprisings: Protest and Resistance Across the Globe4
ANTH 3380Hazards, Disasters, and Human Experience4
ANTH 3393Graffiti: The Challenges and Conundrums of Street Art4
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
ANTH 3510Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s)4
ANTH 3605Mothering and Motherhood4
ANTH 3620Border Cultures in the City: Summer in New York1
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ANTH 3771Pyramids, Gods, and Mummies4
ANTH 4114Anthropology of Health Healing and Social Justice4
ANTH 4341Race, Sex, and Science4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ANTH 4490Anthropology of Political Violence4
ARHI 255020th Century Art4
BISC 1002Ecology: A Human Approach3
COLI 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
COLI 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
COLI 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
COMC 1101Communications and Culture: History, Theory, and Methods4
COMC 2236The Rock Revolution in Music and Media4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3350Media Law4
COMC 3375Children and Media4
COMC 4115Communication and the Food System4
COMC 4222Media and the Environment4
COMC 4338American Political Communication4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
DISA 2500Introduction to Disability Studies4
DTEM 4440Privacy and Surveillance4
DTEM 4480Digital Media and Public Responsibility4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3435Industrial Organization4
ECON 3453Law and Economics4
ECON 3570Labor Market and Diversity4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ECON 3743Stocks, Bonds, Options, and Futures4
ECON 3850Environmental Economics4
ECON 3971Urban Economics4
ECON 4110Ethics and Economics4
ENGL 3001Queer Theories4
ENGL 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
ENGL 4044Incarceration: History, Literature, Film4
ENGL 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
ENST 3307Environmental Politics4
ENST 3308Catastrophe and Human Survival4
ENST 4900Internship: Environmental Communications and Media4
FITV 2601History of Television4
HIST 1100Understanding Historical Change: American History3
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
HIST 1851Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World3
HIST 3002African American History II4
HIST 3073African Intellectual History4
HIST 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
HIST 3417Civil Wars and Revolution in the British Isles4
HIST 3565History of New York4
HIST 3627History of LGBT Movements4
HIST 3633The Cold War Space Race4
HIST 3653Gender in Early America4
HIST 3656The American Revolution4
HIST 3657American Constitution4
HIST 3675History of Modern Israel4
HIST 3682The United States in the 1950s and the Illusion of Happiness4
HIST 3745Colonial America 1492-17654
HIST 3747Slavery and Freedom in Greater New York City4
HIST 3752Coming of the Civil War4
HIST 3753Civil War, Reconstruction, and Slavery4
HIST 3757The American South4
HIST 3759African American Women's Activism, 1815–19154
HIST 3775The Early Republic4
HIST 3780The Era of the Civil War4
HIST 3785Robber Barons and Reformers: The Gilded Age and Progressive Era in the U.S.4
HIST 3795U.S. Between Wars: 1919-19414
HIST 3799Race and American Popular Music4
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3807The U.S in the 1920s and 1930s: From the Jazz Age to Hard Times4
HIST 3808New York City Politics4
HIST 3809Jews in the Modern World4
HIST 3810Jews in America4
HIST 3815East European Jewish History4
HIST 3822U.S. Cultural History4
HIST 3824U.S. Social Movements Since 1900: Struggles for Social Justice4
HIST 3826Modern US Women's History4
HIST 3827Wealth & Poverty in the US: Capitalism, Social Welfare & Inequality4
HIST 3830History of American Women and Gender4
HIST 3833Screening America's Past4
HIST 3838History of U.S. Sexuality4
HIST 3842The Vietnam Wars4
HIST 3844U.S. Foreign Relations in the 19th Century4
HIST 3845The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1898 to the Present4
HIST 3846The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1974 to Present4
HIST 3852The American Radical Tradition4
HIST 3857America Since 19454
HIST 3860The "Long" 1990s in United States History (1989-2008)4
HIST 3866History of Comics and Superheroes4
HIST 3867United States History Through Television4
HIST 3868Culture and Capitalism in the United States4
HIST 38691960s America: Gender, Race and Youth4
HIST 3881New York City's Cold War4
HIST 3911U.S. and East Asia4
HIST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
HIST 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
HIST 3942Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
HIST 3961Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World4
HIST 3963Afro-Latin America4
HIST 3965Colonial Latin America4
HIST 3967Modern Central America4
HIST 3968Mexico4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3977Latin American History Through Film4
HIST 3990Environmental History of the Atlantic World4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 3992Capitalism4
HIST 4008Race and Gender in the Old West4
HIST 4009Film, Fiction, and Power in the American Century4
HIST 4011Why America Fights4
HIST 4015The Second Amendment and the American Gun Debate4
HIST 4031Rise of the American Suburb4
HIST 4104Food and Drink in Modern Society4
HIST 4312Antisemitism and Racism4
HIST 4331US in the Middle East: 1945-Present4
HIST 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
HIST 4591Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 4631Seminar: US in the Mid East: 1945-Pres4
HIST 4657Seminar: New York City History4
HIST 4760Seminar: Immigration to the U.S.4
HIST 4767Seminar: Torture and the Western Experience4
HIST 4768Seminar: Gender, Sex and Society in the Early U.S.4
HIST 4771Seminar: In Search of the Founders' Constitution4
HIST 4780Sem: History of Capitalism4
HIST 4860Seminar: 1970'S: Revolutionary Decade4
HIST 4913Social Darwinism: Theme and Variations in Global Context4
HIST 4922“Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought4
HIST 4933Seminar: Cold War Science and Technology4
HIST 4954Seminar: Law and Empire Iberian Atlantic4
HUST 2500The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future4
IRST 3412Irish America4
JOUR 4766Television News Innovators4
JOUR 4767History of Women's Magazines4
LALS 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
LALS 3343Crime and Minority Rights4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
LALS 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LALS 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
LALS 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
LALS 3963Afro-Latin America4
LALS 3967Modern Central America4
LALS 3968Mexico4
LALS 3977Latin American History Through Film4
LALS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
LALS 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
LALS 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
MEST 3620Islam in America4
MLAL 3535Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias4
MLAL 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
MUSC 1100Introduction to Music History3
MVST 4040Exploring Medieval New York4
PHIL 3725Philosophies of Race4
PHIL 3904Feminist Philosophy4
PHIL 4302Environmental Policy and Ethics4
PHIL 4407Gender, Power, and Justice4
PHIL 4418Issues of Life and Death4
PJST 3200Environmental Justice4
POSC 2001Political Analysis4
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics4
POSC 2203Introduction to the American Legal System4
POSC 3120The Democracy Internship4
POSC 3121New York City Politics4
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment4
POSC 3209Constitutional Law4
POSC 3210Civil Rights and Liberties4
POSC 3211The U.S. Congress - Methods Intensive4
POSC 3213Interest Group Politics4
POSC 3214The U.S. Congress4
POSC 3215American Political Parties4
POSC 3216American Political Institutions4
POSC 3217The American Presidency4
POSC 3219Constitutional Law and the Death Penality4
POSC 3220Criminal Law and Justice in the U.S.4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3231Judicial Politics4
POSC 3303Political Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 3307Environmental Politics4
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3311American Social Movements4
POSC 3315Political Participation4
POSC 3316Mass Media and American Politics4
POSC 3319Film and Politics4
POSC 3321American Public Policy4
POSC 3322Disability Law, Policy, and Advocacy4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3404American Political Thought4
POSC 3408The Civil Rights Movement and the Courts4
POSC 3412Modern Political Thought4
POSC 3426Sex Wars4
POSC 3526Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life4
POSC 3530U.S. Foreign Policy4
POSC 3531US Security Policy4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3614Political Institutions4
POSC 3632China and U.S. in Global Era4
POSC 3633China and US-Global Era/Study Tour4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 3915International Political Economy4
POSC 4010Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
POSC 4025Youth and Politics4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
POSC 4055What Is College For?4
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society4
POSC 4215Seminar: Presidential Elections4
POSC 4216Seminar: Campaigns and Elections4
POSC 4260Seminar: Sex and Sexuality in U.S Politics4
POSC 4305Seminar: American Politics Research4
POSC 4315Seminar: Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 5100American Political Behavior3
PSYC 3600Multicultural Psychology4
PSYC 3640Cross-Cultural-Psychology4
PSYC 3700Human Sexuality4
PSYC 4310Aging and Society4
PSYC 4340Law and Psychology4
PSYC 4920Youth, Values, and Society4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 2200Sociology of Culture4
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2701Introduction to Criminal Justice4
SOCI 2800Sociological Theory4
SOCI 2847The 60s: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll4
SOCI 2925Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence4
SOCI 2960Popular Culture4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3002The New Power Elite4
SOCI 3017Inequality in America4
SOCI 3021Sociology of Medicine4
SOCI 3070The City and Its Neighborhoods4
SOCI 3102Contemporary Social Issues and Policies4
SOCI 3110Global Conflict: Wars/Religion4
SOCI 3114Sociology of Health and Illness4
SOCI 3134 Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Higher Education4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3149Economic Sociology4
SOCI 3255Sociology of Media4
SOCI 3401Gender, Crime, and Justice4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3406Race/Social Construct4
SOCI 3415Development and Globalization4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3425Racial Segregation: An American Story4
SOCI 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
SOCI 3456Modern Social Movements4
SOCI 3471Undocumented Migration4
SOCI 3500Contemporary Family Issues4
SOCI 3502Work, Inequality, and Society in 21st Century America4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3601Urban Poverty4
SOCI 3602Urban Sociology4
SOCI 3610The Family4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SOCI 3708Law and Society4
SOCI 3710Violence and Politics4
SOCI 3711American Criminal Justice4
SOCI 3714Terrorism and Society4
SOCI 3720Mass Incarceration4
SOCI 4010Taming “Wicked Problems”: Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
SOCI 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4408Diversity in American Society4
SOCI 4420Religious Freedom and American Democracy4
SOCI 4421Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental, & Cognitive Difference In Culture & Context4
SOCI 4961Urban Issues and Policies4
SOCI 4965Science Fiction and Social Crisis4
SOCI 4970Community Service/Social Action4
SOCI 4971Dilemmas of the Modern Self4
SPAN 3123Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature4
THEO 3375American Religious Texts and Traditions3
THEO 3611Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice3
THEO 3725Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation3
THEO 3876Muslims in America4
THEO 4600Religion and Public Life4
VART 1101Urbanism3
VART 2050Designing the City4
VART 2424Art and Action on the Bronx River4
VART 3070Urban Architectural Design4
WGSS 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4
WGSS 3002Feminist and Women's Studies4
WGSS 3004Transnational Feminisms4
WGSS 3826Modern US Women's History4
WGSS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
WGSS 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
WGSS 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4


The major in American studies is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill and at Fordham College at Lincoln Center. Students in Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies may major in American studies only if they receive the approval of their advising dean and/or department, and their schedules are sufficiently flexible to permit them to take day courses at the Rose Hill or Lincoln Center campuses.

Fordham College at Rose Hill students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Fordham College at Lincoln Center students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Professional and Continuing Studies students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the PCS Core Curriculum and any additional electives that may be required to earn a minimum of 124 credits.

CIP Code

05.0102 - American/United States Studies/Civilization.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.

American studies majors can tailor their coursework to their interests by selecting from a wide range of courses that fall into three areas of concentration.

The three possible areas of concentration are:

  1. Cultural Products: the arts, literature, thought and media. This concentration focuses on American literature, arts, media, and thought, examining their history and place in American culture and society. Students take courses in literature, film, media, music, the visual arts, the performing arts, popular culture, philosophy, and intellectual history.
  2. Diversity and Difference: This concentration takes up the problem of American social and cultural pluralism. Students will consider the place of categories such as race, ethnicity, class, gender, and religion in American history. Students will most likely take courses in literature, philosophy, African American studies, Latino studies, history, political science, urban studies, women’s studies, religion, American Catholic studies, and sociology.
  3. Power, Politics, and Institutions: This concentration focuses on American society and institutions, such as politics and religion. Students will primarily take courses in political science, history, sociology, Latino studies, American Catholic studies, African American studies, and urban studies.

Four courses are required in a concentration.

Courses for the Cultural Products concentration

Courses in this group have the ACUP attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 3357Writing Asian America4
AAST 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
AAST 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
AAST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
AAST 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
AAST 4603Asian American Critique4
AFAM 1650Black Popular Culture4
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 3002African American History II4
AFAM 3036Global Black Youth Cultures4
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3102The Black Family4
AFAM 3112The Sixties4
AFAM 3120Black Religion and Black Politics4
AFAM 3134From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3146African Immigrants in the United States3
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AFAM 3210On the Move: Migration, Labor, and Trans-Nationalism in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3630Harlem Century4
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 3634Film and the African American4
AFAM 3637Black Feminism: Theory and Expression4
AFAM 3663Minorities in the Media4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AFAM 3729The Black American Novel4
AFAM 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
AFAM 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
AFAM 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
AFAM 4896Feeling the Funk4
AMCS 3150Catholics and Popular Culture4
AMCS 3320The Writing Irish4
AMCS 3333American Catholic Fictions4
AMCS 3350American Catholic Poetry4
AMCS 3975Catholic Across Cultures4
AMST 3100Intro to American Culture4
AMST 3610Special Topics: Women and American Comedy4
ANTH 2700You Are What You Eat: The Anthropology of Food4
ANTH 3006Arab-Americans and the Diasporic Experience4
ANTH 3111Archaeology of the Americas4
ANTH 3333Seeing Race: American Visual Culture in Historical Perspective4
ANTH 3339Irish and Mexican Migration: New York Focus4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ANTH 3393Graffiti: The Challenges and Conundrums of Street Art4
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
ANTH 3510Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s)4
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2520American Art4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 255020th Century Art4
ARHI 3555Contemporary Art4
ARHI 4230Art and Ethics: Articulating Function in the Visual Arts4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4530Gender and Modern Art4
ARHI 4540Seminar: Modern Art4
CISC 4001Computers and Robots in Film4
CISC 4660Minds, Machines, and Society4
COLI 3000Literary Theories4
COLI 3137World Cinema Masterpieces4
COLI 3143World Cinema Masterpieces 1960-19804
COLI 3357Writing Asian America4
COLI 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
COLI 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
COLI 3438American Modernism4
COLI 3450The City in Literature and Art4
COLI 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
COLI 3522Strange Memories, Strange Desires4
COLI 369120th Century African-American and African Women4
COLI 3692Anglophone African Literature4
COLI 3840Latin American Culture Through Film4
COLI 3910US Latino Film Making4
COLI 3912Literature of the Americas4
COLI 4020Literature, Film and Development4
COLI 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
COLI 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
COLI 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
COLI 4603Asian American Critique4
COMC 1101Communications and Culture: History, Theory, and Methods4
COMC 2236The Rock Revolution in Music and Media4
COMC 2377Mass Communication and Media Effects4
COMC 3232Class, Taste, and Popular Culture4
COMC 3235Popular Music as Communication4
COMC 3240Photography, Identity, Power4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3272History and Culture of Advertising4
COMC 3330Peace, Justice, and the Media4
COMC 3370Ethical Issues in Media4
COMC 4115Communication and the Food System4
COMC 4170Dissent and Disinformation4
COMC 4268Media and the Social Construction of Reality4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
COMC 4348Religion, Theology, and New Media4
COMC 4380Media and Moral Philosophy4
DTEM 1402Digital Cultures4
DTEM 2414Media Ecology4
DTEM 3447Race, Gender, and Digital Media4
DTEM 3476Social Media4
DTEM 4440Privacy and Surveillance4
DTEM 4480Digital Media and Public Responsibility4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ENGL 1004Texts and Contexts: Upward Mobility and the Common Good3
ENGL 3001Queer Theories4
ENGL 3037US Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3038Latinx Performance Studies: Image, Fashion, and Politics4
ENGL 3137World Cinema Masterpieces4
ENGL 3143World Cinema Masterpieces, 1960-19804
ENGL 3333Captives, Cannibals, and Rebels4
ENGL 3336Early American Novel4
ENGL 3350Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media4
ENGL 3357Writing Asian America4
ENGL 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
ENGL 3424Romantics and Their World4
ENGL 3436American Dream in Literature4
ENGL 3438American Modernism4
ENGL 3441American Modernism4
ENGL 3450The City in Literature and Art4
ENGL 3512British and American Poetry: Romantic to Modern4
ENGL 3523Very Contemporary American Fiction4
ENGL 3535Modern Poetry4
ENGL 3603American Renaissance4
ENGL 3604American Literature to 18704
ENGL 3609Feminism and American Poetry4
ENGL 3611Modern American Autobiography4
ENGL 3613Modern American Novels4
ENGL 3616American Cultures of War4
ENGL 3617American Short Story4
ENGL 3620Ordinariness4
ENGL 3624Melville4
ENGL 3625Early American Literature4
ENGL 3630Black American Icons4
ENGL 3631Contemporary American Fiction4
ENGL 3635Future Environments: Human Life After the End4
ENGL 3636Introduction to African American Literature4
ENGL 3641Slavery and American Fiction4
ENGL 3645The Middle Passage4
ENGL 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
ENGL 3650Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature4
ENGL 3652New Wave Immigrant Literature4
ENGL 3653Major American Authors4
ENGL 3658Migrations/Movements/Masks4
ENGL 3664Queer Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3673Postmodern Literature and Culture4
ENGL 3680One Big Book4
ENGL 3683Literature Beyond Borders4
ENGL 3691Black Atlantic Literature: Modernisms4
ENGL 3695Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage4
ENGL 3701American Writers in Paris4
ENGL 3702American Naturalism4
ENGL 3841Contemporary Fiction4
ENGL 3855The Jazz Age: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 3916Animals in Literature4
ENGL 3930Introduction to Queer Literature4
ENGL 3964Homelessness4
ENGL 4008Seminar: Black Letters 4
ENGL 4010Seminar: American Crime Stories4
ENGL 4033Sound in U.S. Culture, History, and Literature4
ENGL 4106Seminar: The Great Depression: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4113Seminar: Writing Whiteness4
ENGL 4116Seminar: The Beat Generation and U.S. Culture4
ENGL 4119Seminar: God and Money in Early America4
ENGL 4121New York City in Fiction4
ENGL 4149Modern Drama as Moral Crucible4
ENGL 4184Postwar American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4185Caribbean Islands and Oceans4
ENGL 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
ENGL 4216Animal Welfare in Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4228Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter4
ENGL 4236Seminar: Latin American Short Story4
ENGL 4370Disgust in Literature and Psychology4
ENGL 4403Extraordinary Bodies4
ENGL 4425Seminar: Nathaniel Hawthorne4
ENGL 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4603Asian American Critique4
ENGL 4606Seminar: James Baldwin4
FITV 1601Understanding Television4
FITV 2425Digital Video Production I for FITV4
FITV 2501History of Film, 1895-19504
FITV 2511Screenwriting I4
FITV 2531Serials, Series, and Franchise Films4
FITV 2533Fashion Costuming in Film4
FITV 2601History of Television4
FITV 2670Television and Social Change4
FITV 2674Teen Television4
FITV 3501Film Theory and Criticism4
FITV 3511Screenwriting II4
FITV 3535Film Adaptation4
FITV 3545Film and Television of Hitchcock4
FITV 3548Film and Gender4
FITV 3551Film History 1950-Present4
FITV 3553Hollywood Genres4
FITV 3555The City in Film and Television4
FITV 3565The Documentary Idea4
FITV 3571Science Fiction in Film and Television4
FITV 3578American Film Comedy4
FITV 3579Movies and American Experience4
FITV 3585Transnational Asian Media4
FITV 3588Global Cinema4
FITV 3601Television Theory and Criticism4
FITV 3624Writing Television Dramas4
FITV 3637Queer Studies in Film and Television4
FITV 3639Quality Television/Cult TV4
FITV 3647TV, Identity, and Representation4
FITV 3648Television, Race, and Civil Rights4
FITV 3658Italian Americans on Screen4
FITV 3678Television Comedy and American Values4
FITV 4570Films of Moral Struggle4
FITV 4625Writing Television Sitcoms4
FITV 4660Ethics of Reality Television4
FITV 4676Television and Society4
FREN 3225Hollywood's Holy Grail: Medieval French Literature on the Screen4
FREN 3480Francophone Caribbean Literature4
FREN 3675America! French and Francophone Perspectives4
GERM 3030Kafkas Welt4
HIST 3653Gender in Early America4
HIST 3682The United States in the 1950s and the Illusion of Happiness4
HIST 3757The American South4
HIST 3799Race and American Popular Music4
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3807The U.S in the 1920s and 1930s: From the Jazz Age to Hard Times4
HIST 3809Jews in the Modern World4
HIST 3810Jews in America4
HIST 3822U.S. Cultural History4
HIST 3826Modern US Women's History4
HIST 3833Screening America's Past4
HIST 3838History of U.S. Sexuality4
HIST 3860The "Long" 1990s in United States History (1989-2008)4
HIST 3866History of Comics and Superheroes4
HIST 3867United States History Through Television4
HIST 3868Culture and Capitalism in the United States4
HIST 3881New York City's Cold War4
HIST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
HIST 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3977Latin American History Through Film4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 4005American Photography: History and Art4
HIST 4009Film, Fiction, and Power in the American Century4
HIST 4104Food and Drink in Modern Society4
HIST 4312Antisemitism and Racism4
HIST 4860Seminar: 1970'S: Revolutionary Decade4
HIST 4954Seminar: Law and Empire Iberian Atlantic4
IRST 3412Irish America4
JOUR 3734Explorations in Climate Storytelling4
JOUR 3769History of Television and Radio News4
JOUR 4766Television News Innovators4
JOUR 4767History of Women's Magazines4
LACU 3001The Italian American Experience in Literature and Film4
LACU 3442Arabic Culture and the News Media4
LACU 3701Villains, Vamps and Vampires: An Introduction to German Cinema4
LACU 4007Oral History, Literature & Film4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
LALS 3275Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
LALS 3346Latinos and the Media4
LALS 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
LALS 3421Latin American Fiction4
LALS 3601Latin American Archeology4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3840Latin America Through Film4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LALS 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
LALS 3977Latin American History Through Film4
LALS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
LALS 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
LALS 4347Latinx Borders4
LING 2675Sounds of New York4
MLAL 3005Themes in Latina/o and Latin American Studies4
MLAL 3535Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias4
MLAL 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
MUSC 1100Introduction to Music History3
MUSC 2014Jazz: A History in Sound4
MUSC 2022Broadway Musicals4
MUSC 2024The Musical Theater of Stephen Sondheim4
MUSC 2031Rock and Pop Music Since World War II4
MUSC 4001Music, Text, and the Imperial Encounter4
MVST 1250Traditions of Storytelling4
MVST 3225Hollywood's Holy Grail: Medieval French Literature on the Screen4
MVST 4040Exploring Medieval New York4
PHIL 3422Harry Potter and Philosophy4
PHIL 3606Early Modern Philosophy: Self and World4
PHIL 3722Native American Philosophy4
PHIL 3725Philosophies of Race4
PHIL 3904Feminist Philosophy4
POSC 3316Mass Media and American Politics4
POSC 3319Film and Politics4
POSC 4013Religion and American Politics4
POSC 4025Youth and Politics4
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society4
PSYC 4370Disgust in Literature and Psychology4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 2200Sociology of Culture4
SOCI 2847The 60s: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll4
SOCI 2960Popular Culture4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3500Contemporary Family Issues4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3602Urban Sociology4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SOCI 4408Diversity in American Society4
SOCI 4965Science Fiction and Social Crisis4
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3066Survey of Latin American Film4
SPAN 3072Geographies of Power/Injustice4
SPAN 3123Questioning Race in Mexican Film and Literature4
SPAN 3166Trends in Latin American Film4
SPAN 3275Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction4
SPAN 3300Modern Latin American Visual Culture4
SPAN 3405Women Translators in the Spanish-Speaking World4
SPAN 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit (1980-2015)4
SPAN 3560Reimagining the Colonies4
SPAN 3582New York in Latinx Literature and Film4
SPAN 3610Children's Gaze in Latin American Literature4
SPAN 3625Spanish-American Short Fiction4
SPAN 3642Spanish-American Literature and Popular Music4
SPAN 3701Feminism in Latin American Literature & Film4
SPAN 3710Contemporary Latin American Fiction4
SPAN 3712Literatures of the Latin American Boom and Post-Boom4
SPAN 3715Latin American Cyberliterature4
SPAN 3808Bodies, Touch, and Affect in Argentine Film and Literature4
SPAN 3820Hispanic Caribbean Literature4
SPAN 3850Narrating the City4
SPAN 4347Latinx Borders4
THEA 4045Young, Gifted, and Black4
THEO 3375American Religious Texts and Traditions3
THEO 3376Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity3
THEO 3383Latin American Liberation Theologies3
THEO 3961Religion, Sex, and Culture in America Since 17004
THEO 4013Religion and American Politics4
THEO 4025Future of Marriage in the 21st Century4
THEO 4355Histories and Cultures of American Evangelicalism4
THEO 4600Religion and Public Life4
VART 1101Urbanism3
VART 1111Intro to Art & Engagement: Protest, Participation, the Public and other Performance Practices 4
VART 2424Art and Action on the Bronx River4
VART 3060Visual Justice: Enacting Change Through Image-Based Storytelling 4
VART 313420th Century Art: Modernism and Modernity4
VART 3135Modernism and Its Aftermath4
VART 3333Art Making in Hell's Kitchen4
VART 3535Seminar: History of Photography4
WGSS 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4
WGSS 3826Modern US Women's History4
WGSS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4

Courses for the Diversity and Difference concentration

Courses in this group have the ADVD attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 3357Writing Asian America4
AAST 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
AAST 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
AAST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
AAST 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
AAST 4603Asian American Critique4
AFAM 1650Black Popular Culture4
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 2010Black Trad in Amer Dance3
AFAM 3002African American History II4
AFAM 3003African American Family4
AFAM 3030African American Women4
AFAM 3036Global Black Youth Cultures4
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3102The Black Family4
AFAM 3112The Sixties4
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
AFAM 3120Black Religion and Black Politics4
AFAM 3132Black Prison Experience4
AFAM 3134From Rock-N-Roll to Hip-Hop4
AFAM 3136U.S. Civil Rights4
AFAM 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
AFAM 3146African Immigrants in the United States3
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3162Value in Black and White Drama4
AFAM 3210On the Move: Migration, Labor, and Trans-Nationalism in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 3510In "America's Backyard": U.S.-Caribbean Social, Political, and Economic Relations 1850-19504
AFAM 3632Harlem Renaissance4
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 3634Film and the African American4
AFAM 3637Black Feminism: Theory and Expression4
AFAM 3663Minorities in the Media4
AFAM 3667Caribbean Literature4
AFAM 3729The Black American Novel4
AFAM 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
AFAM 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
AFAM 4000Affirmative Action and the American Dream4
AFAM 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
AFAM 4650Social Welfare and Society4
AFAM 4890Research Seminar4
AFAM 4896Feeling the Funk4
AMCS 3200American and Catholic4
AMCS 3340Catholicism and Democracy4
AMST 3610Special Topics: Women and American Comedy4
ANTH 2700You Are What You Eat: The Anthropology of Food4
ANTH 2800The Anthropology of Food: Community Engaged Learning4
ANTH 3006Arab-Americans and the Diasporic Experience4
ANTH 3180Ethnographic Methods4
ANTH 3333Seeing Race: American Visual Culture in Historical Perspective4
ANTH 3339Irish and Mexican Migration: New York Focus4
ANTH 3351Comparative Cultures4
ANTH 3354Race, Identity, and Globalization4
ANTH 3356Uprisings: Protest and Resistance Across the Globe4
ANTH 3470People and Cultures of Latin America4
ANTH 3620Border Cultures in the City: Summer in New York1
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ANTH 3771Pyramids, Gods, and Mummies4
ANTH 4341Race, Sex, and Science4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4530Gender and Modern Art4
COLI 3357Writing Asian America4
COLI 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
COLI 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
COLI 3522Strange Memories, Strange Desires4
COLI 369120th Century African-American and African Women4
COLI 3692Anglophone African Literature4
COLI 3840Latin American Culture Through Film4
COLI 3912Literature of the Americas4
COLI 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
COLI 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
COLI 4603Asian American Critique4
COMC 3232Class, Taste, and Popular Culture4
COMC 3240Photography, Identity, Power4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3272History and Culture of Advertising4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
DANC 2010Black Tradition in American Dance3
DISA 2500Introduction to Disability Studies4
DTEM 3447Race, Gender, and Digital Media4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3570Labor Market and Diversity4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ENGL 3001Queer Theories4
ENGL 3037US Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3038Latinx Performance Studies: Image, Fashion, and Politics4
ENGL 3350Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media4
ENGL 3357Writing Asian America4
ENGL 3359Asian Diasporic Literatures4
ENGL 3609Feminism and American Poetry4
ENGL 3630Black American Icons4
ENGL 3636Introduction to African American Literature4
ENGL 3641Slavery and American Fiction4
ENGL 3645The Middle Passage4
ENGL 3647Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives4
ENGL 3650Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature4
ENGL 3652New Wave Immigrant Literature4
ENGL 3658Migrations/Movements/Masks4
ENGL 3664Queer Latinx Literature4
ENGL 3683Literature Beyond Borders4
ENGL 3691Black Atlantic Literature: Modernisms4
ENGL 3695Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage4
ENGL 3701American Writers in Paris4
ENGL 3855The Jazz Age: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 3930Introduction to Queer Literature4
ENGL 3964Homelessness4
ENGL 4008Seminar: Black Letters 4
ENGL 4044Incarceration: History, Literature, Film4
ENGL 4106Seminar: The Great Depression: Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4
ENGL 4113Seminar: Writing Whiteness4
ENGL 4185Caribbean Islands and Oceans4
ENGL 4228Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter4
ENGL 4403Extraordinary Bodies4
ENGL 4600Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture4
ENGL 4603Asian American Critique4
ENGL 4606Seminar: James Baldwin4
FITV 2670Television and Social Change4
FITV 3548Film and Gender4
FITV 3555The City in Film and Television4
FITV 3585Transnational Asian Media4
FITV 3588Global Cinema4
FITV 3637Queer Studies in Film and Television4
FITV 3647TV, Identity, and Representation4
FITV 3648Television, Race, and Civil Rights4
FITV 3658Italian Americans on Screen4
FITV 3678Television Comedy and American Values4
FITV 4660Ethics of Reality Television4
FITV 4676Television and Society4
GERM 3307Germany and Migration4
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 1851Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World3
HIST 3002African American History II4
HIST 3073African Intellectual History4
HIST 3139Buffalo Soldiers: Race and War4
HIST 3627History of LGBT Movements4
HIST 3653Gender in Early America4
HIST 3675History of Modern Israel4
HIST 3757The American South4
HIST 3759African American Women's Activism, 1815–19154
HIST 3799Race and American Popular Music4
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3809Jews in the Modern World4
HIST 3810Jews in America4
HIST 3815East European Jewish History4
HIST 3824U.S. Social Movements Since 1900: Struggles for Social Justice4
HIST 3826Modern US Women's History4
HIST 3827Wealth & Poverty in the US: Capitalism, Social Welfare & Inequality4
HIST 3830History of American Women and Gender4
HIST 3838History of U.S. Sexuality4
HIST 3866History of Comics and Superheroes4
HIST 3911U.S. and East Asia4
HIST 3929History of Chinese in the Americas3
HIST 3939History of Global Popular Music: From Africa to the Americas and Back4
HIST 3942Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
HIST 3961Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World4
HIST 3963Afro-Latin America4
HIST 3965Colonial Latin America4
HIST 3968Mexico4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3977Latin American History Through Film4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 4008Race and Gender in the Old West4
HIST 4104Food and Drink in Modern Society4
HIST 4331US in the Middle East: 1945-Present4
HIST 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
HIST 4591Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 4631Seminar: US in the Mid East: 1945-Pres4
HIST 4760Seminar: Immigration to the U.S.4
HIST 4768Seminar: Gender, Sex and Society in the Early U.S.4
HIST 4922“Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought4
HIST 4954Seminar: Law and Empire Iberian Atlantic4
HUST 2500The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future4
IRST 3412Irish America4
LACU 3001The Italian American Experience in Literature and Film4
LACU 3307Germany and Migration4
LACU 3442Arabic Culture and the News Media4
LACU 3701Villains, Vamps and Vampires: An Introduction to German Cinema4
LACU 4347Latinos: Fact and Fiction4
LALS 2005American Pluralism4
LALS 3000Latinx Images in Media4
LALS 3005Latin American Themes4
LALS 3275Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction4
LALS 3343Crime and Minority Rights4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
LALS 3346Latinos and the Media4
LALS 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit4
LALS 3421Latin American Fiction4
LALS 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
LALS 3600Latin America: Current Trends4
LALS 3601Latin American Archeology4
LALS 3670Hispanic Women4
LALS 3840Latin America Through Film4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LALS 3955Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World4
LALS 3963Afro-Latin America4
LALS 3968Mexico4
LALS 3977Latin American History Through Film4
LALS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
LALS 4105Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas4
LALS 4347Latinx Borders4
LALS 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
LING 2675Sounds of New York4
MEST 3620Islam in America4
MLAL 3005Themes in Latina/o and Latin American Studies4
MLAL 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
PHIL 3720African American Philosophy4
PHIL 3722Native American Philosophy4
PHIL 4407Gender, Power, and Justice4
PHIL 4418Issues of Life and Death4
POSC 3210Civil Rights and Liberties4
POSC 3220Criminal Law and Justice in the U.S.4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3322Disability Law, Policy, and Advocacy4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3408The Civil Rights Movement and the Courts4
POSC 3426Sex Wars4
POSC 3632China and U.S. in Global Era4
POSC 3633China and US-Global Era/Study Tour4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
POSC 4055What Is College For?4
POSC 4260Seminar: Sex and Sexuality in U.S Politics4
PSYC 3600Multicultural Psychology4
PSYC 3640Cross-Cultural-Psychology4
PSYC 3700Human Sexuality4
PSYC 4310Aging and Society4
PSYC 4920Youth, Values, and Society4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 2200Sociology of Culture4
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2800Sociological Theory4
SOCI 3000Latinx Images in Media4
SOCI 3017Inequality in America4
SOCI 3070The City and Its Neighborhoods4
SOCI 3102Contemporary Social Issues and Policies4
SOCI 3134 Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Higher Education4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3401Gender, Crime, and Justice4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3406Race/Social Construct4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3425Racial Segregation: An American Story4
SOCI 3427Hispanics/Latinos in the USA4
SOCI 3456Modern Social Movements4
SOCI 3471Undocumented Migration4
SOCI 3502Work, Inequality, and Society in 21st Century America4
SOCI 3503Work, Family, and Gender4
SOCI 3506Diversity in American Families4
SOCI 3670Hispanic Women4
SOCI 3720Mass Incarceration4
SOCI 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4
SOCI 4408Diversity in American Society4
SOCI 4421Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental, & Cognitive Difference In Culture & Context4
SOCI 4961Urban Issues and Policies4
SOCI 4970Community Service/Social Action4
SPAN 3002Latin America: Literature and Culture Survey4
SPAN 3066Survey of Latin American Film4
SPAN 3072Geographies of Power/Injustice4
SPAN 3166Trends in Latin American Film4
SPAN 3275Hybrid Futures: A Panorama of Mexican Short Fiction4
SPAN 3300Modern Latin American Visual Culture4
SPAN 3407Foreignness & Translation: Multilingual Autobio Writing in Contemp Latin-Am & Latino Lit (1980-2015)4
SPAN 3560Reimagining the Colonies4
SPAN 3582New York in Latinx Literature and Film4
SPAN 3610Children's Gaze in Latin American Literature4
SPAN 3625Spanish-American Short Fiction4
SPAN 3642Spanish-American Literature and Popular Music4
SPAN 3701Feminism in Latin American Literature & Film4
SPAN 3710Contemporary Latin American Fiction4
SPAN 3712Literatures of the Latin American Boom and Post-Boom4
SPAN 3715Latin American Cyberliterature4
SPAN 3808Bodies, Touch, and Affect in Argentine Film and Literature4
SPAN 3820Hispanic Caribbean Literature4
SPAN 3850Narrating the City4
SPAN 4347Latinx Borders4
THEA 4045Young, Gifted, and Black4
THEO 3376Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity3
THEO 3380US Latinx Spiritualities3
THEO 3725Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation3
THEO 3847Latinx Theology4
THEO 3876Muslims in America4
THEO 4610Malcolm, Martin, Baldwin, and the Church4
VART 2222Art of the Interview4
VART 3333Art Making in Hell's Kitchen4
WGSS 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
WGSS 3001Queer Theories4
WGSS 3002Feminist and Women's Studies4
WGSS 4005Queer Theory and the Americas4
WGSS 4105Religion, Gender, and Sexuality4
WGSS 4400Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality4

Courses for the Power, Politics, and Institutions concentration

Courses in this group have the APPI attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 2005American Pluralism4
AFAM 3002African American History II4
AFAM 3030African American Women4
AFAM 3037Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World4
AFAM 3102The Black Family4
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
AFAM 3120Black Religion and Black Politics4
AFAM 3132Black Prison Experience4
AFAM 3136U.S. Civil Rights4
AFAM 3138Nonviolent Protest4
AFAM 3146African Immigrants in the United States3
AFAM 3150Caribbean Peoples and Culture4
AFAM 3510In "America's Backyard": U.S.-Caribbean Social, Political, and Economic Relations 1850-19504
AFAM 3633The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture4
AFAM 4000Affirmative Action and the American Dream4
AFAM 4600African Americans and the Law4
AFAM 4650Social Welfare and Society4
AMCS 3130Faith in U.S. Politics4
AMCS 3200American and Catholic4
AMCS 3340Catholicism and Democracy4
AMCS 3451Niebuhr in America4
ANTH 3180Ethnographic Methods4
ANTH 3354Race, Identity, and Globalization4
ANTH 3356Uprisings: Protest and Resistance Across the Globe4
ANTH 3380Hazards, Disasters, and Human Experience4
ANTH 3510Museums: Representing / Engaging Culture(s)4
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ANTH 4490Anthropology of Political Violence4
BISC 1002Ecology: A Human Approach3
CISC 4650Cyberspace: Issues and Ethics4
COLI 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
COLI 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
COMC 2377Mass Communication and Media Effects4
COMC 3232Class, Taste, and Popular Culture4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3268Media and National Identity4
COMC 3272History and Culture of Advertising4
COMC 3330Peace, Justice, and the Media4
COMC 3350Media Law4
COMC 3370Ethical Issues in Media4
COMC 3375Children and Media4
COMC 3378Media, Youth Culture, and Civic Discourse4
COMC 4170Dissent and Disinformation4
COMC 4222Media and the Environment4
COMC 4268Media and the Social Construction of Reality4
COMC 4338American Political Communication4
COMC 4340Freedom of Expression4
COMC 4360Communication Ethics and the Public Sphere4
DTEM 1402Digital Cultures4
DTEM 4440Privacy and Surveillance4
DTEM 4480Digital Media and Public Responsibility4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3435Industrial Organization4
ECON 3453Law and Economics4
ECON 3580Economics of Diversity4
ECON 3743Stocks, Bonds, Options, and Futures4
ECON 3850Environmental Economics4
ECON 3971Urban Economics4
ECON 4110Ethics and Economics4
ENGL 3695Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage4
ENGL 4044Incarceration: History, Literature, Film4
ENGL 4119Seminar: God and Money in Early America4
ENGL 4206Comparative Studies in Revolution4
ENGL 4207Comparative Studies in Empire4
ENGL 4228Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter4
ENST 3307Environmental Politics4
ENST 3308Catastrophe and Human Survival4
ENST 4900Internship: Environmental Communications and Media4
FITV 2601History of Television4
FITV 3648Television, Race, and Civil Rights4
HIST 1100Understanding Historical Change: American History3
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 3073African Intellectual History4
HIST 3417Civil Wars and Revolution in the British Isles4
HIST 3566War and Imperialism4
HIST 3633The Cold War Space Race4
HIST 3653Gender in Early America4
HIST 3657American Constitution4
HIST 3747Slavery and Freedom in Greater New York City4
HIST 3752Coming of the Civil War4
HIST 3753Civil War, Reconstruction, and Slavery4
HIST 3757The American South4
HIST 3759African American Women's Activism, 1815–19154
HIST 3775The Early Republic4
HIST 3780The Era of the Civil War4
HIST 3785Robber Barons and Reformers: The Gilded Age and Progressive Era in the U.S.4
HIST 3795U.S. Between Wars: 1919-19414
HIST 3806U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity4
HIST 3808New York City Politics4
HIST 3824U.S. Social Movements Since 1900: Struggles for Social Justice4
HIST 3826Modern US Women's History4
HIST 3830History of American Women and Gender4
HIST 3838History of U.S. Sexuality4
HIST 3842The Vietnam Wars4
HIST 3844U.S. Foreign Relations in the 19th Century4
HIST 3845The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1898 to the Present4
HIST 3846The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1974 to Present4
HIST 3852The American Radical Tradition4
HIST 3857America Since 19454
HIST 3860The "Long" 1990s in United States History (1989-2008)4
HIST 3868Culture and Capitalism in the United States4
HIST 38691960s America: Gender, Race and Youth4
HIST 3950Latino History4
HIST 3961Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World4
HIST 3967Modern Central America4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3990Environmental History of the Atlantic World4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 3992Capitalism4
HIST 4008Race and Gender in the Old West4
HIST 4009Film, Fiction, and Power in the American Century4
HIST 4011Why America Fights4
HIST 4015The Second Amendment and the American Gun Debate4
HIST 4331US in the Middle East: 1945-Present4
HIST 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
HIST 4591Seminar: Race, Sex, and Colonialism4
HIST 4631Seminar: US in the Mid East: 1945-Pres4
HIST 4767Seminar: Torture and the Western Experience4
HIST 4771Seminar: In Search of the Founders' Constitution4
HIST 4780Sem: History of Capitalism4
HIST 4922“Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought4
HIST 4933Seminar: Cold War Science and Technology4
HPRH 2101Justice I: The American Experience3
HUST 2500The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future4
IRST 3412Irish America4
JOUR 1761The Power of News3
JOUR 3734Explorations in Climate Storytelling4
JOUR 3760The Journalist and the Law4
JOUR 4750Values in the News4
JOUR 4766Television News Innovators4
LALS 3343Crime and Minority Rights4
LALS 3344Crime, Literature, and Latinos4
LALS 3950Latino History4
LALS 3951Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas4
LALS 3967Modern Central America4
LALS 4347Latinx Borders4
LALS 4510Conquest, Conversion, Conscience4
MLAL 3535Building the Ideal City: Ethics and Economics Foundations of Realizable Utopias4
PHIL 3725Philosophies of Race4
PHIL 3904Feminist Philosophy4
PHIL 4302Environmental Policy and Ethics4
PHIL 4407Gender, Power, and Justice4
PHIL 4418Issues of Life and Death4
PJST 3200Environmental Justice4
POSC 1100Introduction to Politics3
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics4
POSC 2202Introduction to American Politics3
POSC 2203Introduction to the American Legal System4
POSC 3121New York City Politics4
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment4
POSC 3209Constitutional Law4
POSC 3210Civil Rights and Liberties4
POSC 3211The U.S. Congress - Methods Intensive4
POSC 3213Interest Group Politics4
POSC 3214The U.S. Congress4
POSC 3215American Political Parties4
POSC 3216American Political Institutions4
POSC 3217The American Presidency4
POSC 3219Constitutional Law and the Death Penality4
POSC 3220Criminal Law and Justice in the U.S.4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3231Judicial Politics4
POSC 3303Political Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 3307Environmental Politics4
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3311American Social Movements4
POSC 3315Political Participation4
POSC 3321American Public Policy4
POSC 3322Disability Law, Policy, and Advocacy4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 3404American Political Thought4
POSC 3408The Civil Rights Movement and the Courts4
POSC 3412Modern Political Thought4
POSC 3413Contemporary Political Philosophy4
POSC 3415Politics, Reason, and Revelation4
POSC 3426Sex Wars4
POSC 3526Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life4
POSC 3527United Nations Peace Operations4
POSC 3530U.S. Foreign Policy4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3614Political Institutions4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 3915International Political Economy4
POSC 4010Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
POSC 4013Religion and American Politics4
POSC 4025Youth and Politics4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society4
POSC 4215Seminar: Presidential Elections4
POSC 4216Seminar: Campaigns and Elections4
POSC 4260Seminar: Sex and Sexuality in U.S Politics4
POSC 4305Seminar: American Politics Research4
POSC 4315Seminar: Polarization in American Politics4
PSYC 4340Law and Psychology4
PSYC 4920Youth, Values, and Society4
SOCI 1025Sociology of American Culture3
SOCI 2200Sociology of Culture4
SOCI 2410Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 2701Introduction to Criminal Justice4
SOCI 2847The 60s: Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll4
SOCI 2925Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence4
SOCI 2960Popular Culture4
SOCI 3002The New Power Elite4
SOCI 3017Inequality in America4
SOCI 3070The City and Its Neighborhoods4
SOCI 3102Contemporary Social Issues and Policies4
SOCI 3110Global Conflict: Wars/Religion4
SOCI 3134 Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Higher Education4
SOCI 3136Inequality-Why/Effects4
SOCI 3149Economic Sociology4
SOCI 3255Sociology of Media4
SOCI 3401Gender, Crime, and Justice4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
SOCI 3415Development and Globalization4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3425Racial Segregation: An American Story4
SOCI 3456Modern Social Movements4
SOCI 3471Undocumented Migration4
SOCI 3502Work, Inequality, and Society in 21st Century America4
SOCI 3503Work, Family, and Gender4
SOCI 3601Urban Poverty4
SOCI 3602Urban Sociology4
SOCI 3708Law and Society4
SOCI 3710Violence and Politics4
SOCI 3711American Criminal Justice4
SOCI 3713Criminology4
SOCI 3714Terrorism and Society4
SOCI 3720Mass Incarceration4
SOCI 4004Art Worlds: Anthropology and Sociology Perspectives4
SOCI 4010Taming “Wicked Problems”: Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
SOCI 4420Religious Freedom and American Democracy4
SOCI 4961Urban Issues and Policies4
SOCI 4970Community Service/Social Action4
SOCI 4971Dilemmas of the Modern Self4
SPAN 3072Geographies of Power/Injustice4
SPAN 4347Latinx Borders4
THEO 3375American Religious Texts and Traditions3
THEO 3383Latin American Liberation Theologies3
THEO 3546The Bible and Social Justice3
THEO 3611Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice3
THEO 3874Religion in America4
THEO 3876Muslims in America4
THEO 3993Wartime Religion in U.S. History4
THEO 3995Religion and the American Self4
THEO 4013Religion and American Politics4
THEO 4025Future of Marriage in the 21st Century4
THEO 4411Religion, Theology, and New Media4
THEO 4600Religion and Public Life4
THEO 4870Economic Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching4
VART 1101Urbanism3
VART 2050Designing the City4
VART 2424Art and Action on the Bronx River4
VART 3030Art Design and Politics4
VART 3070Urban Architectural Design4
WGSS 3000Gender and Sexuality Studies4
WGSS 3004Transnational Feminisms4
WGSS 3826Modern US Women's History4