Appendix D: Full Time and Half Time Program Requirements

Program Degree FT Fall or Spring HT Fall or Spring FT Summer HT Summer
Applied Developmental Psychology (DEPS) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Applied Psychological Methods (APSM) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Biological Sciences (BISC) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Biological Sciences (BISC) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Biotechnology (BIOT) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Catholic Theology (CTHE) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Classics (CLAS) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Classics (CLAS) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Clinical Psychology (CLPS) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Clinical Research Methodology (CLRM) M.S. 6 3 6 3
Computer Science (COSC) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Computer Science (COSC) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Cybersecurity (CYSC) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Data Science (DASC) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Data Science & Quantitative Economics (DSQE) M.S. 9 5 9 5
Economics (ECGA) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Economics (ECGA) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Elections and Campaign Management (EACM) M.A. 12 6 12 6
English (ENGL) M.A. 9 5 9 5
English (ENGL) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Ethics and Society (ETHS) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Global History (GHIS) M.A. 10 5 10 5
Health Administration (HADM) M.S. 8 4 8 4
History (HIST) M.A. 10 5 10 5
History (HIST) Ph.D. 10 5 10 5
Humanitarian Studies (HUST) M.S. 9 5 9 5
International Humanitarian Action (IHUA) M.A. 12 6 12 6
International Political Economy and Development (IPED) M.A. 12 6 12 6
Medieval Studies (MVST) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Philosophy (PHIL) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Philosophy (PHIL) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Philosophy and Society (PHSO) M.A. 9 5 9 5
Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology (PSYM) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Public Media (PMMA) M.A. 12 6 12 6
Theology (THEO) Ph.D. 9 5 9 5
Theological Studies (THST) M.T.S. 9 5 9 5
Urban Studies (URST) M.A. 9 5 9 5