English (M.A.)

Course Title Credits
Distributive Requirements
One class in each period:9
Literature before 1500
Literature 1500-1850
Literature 1850-present
Difference and Intersectionality course3
Five electives, chosen from any graduate-level English course 115
ENGL 5998Master's Capstone 23
Language Requirement
Demonstrate reading knowledge of a foreign language, through one of the following: 3
French for Reading
Italian for Reading
Spanish for Reading
Graduate Reading in German I
and Grad.Readg.in German II
Latin for Reading
GSAS Language Exam 1
Total Credits30

Students may enroll in courses in other departments with permission of the English Director of Graduate Studies.


Students must have completed at least two English M.A. courses to register for the 3-credit Capstone, which is normally taken in the fall semester of the second year. More information about the capstone is available on our page on the Fordham website.


Some of our students fulfill this requirement in this way, but more often they opt for one of the other modes of fulfillment, listed on our website (options 3 and 4 are very common).

Students should select their courses carefully and consult periodically with the Graduate Director to ensure that they are fulfilling all requirements. Not all courses are offered every year; students must fulfill their requirements from courses offered during their tenure within the program. 

Literature before 1500 courses

Courses in this group have the ENG1 attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENGL 5111Race, Religion, and Monstrosity in Medieval Literature3
ENGL 5112Medieval Time Travel3
ENGL 5121Medieval Paleography3
ENGL 5135Paleography 3
ENGL 5203The Postcolonial Middle Ages3
ENGL 5208The English Language 1154-17763
ENGL 5210Intro Old Norse Lang & Lit3
ENGL 5211Introduction to Old English Language and Literature3
ENGL 5213Studies in Old English Literature3
ENGL 5215Dissent, Devotion, and Drama in Medieval England: East Anglia 3
ENGL 5216Three Medieval Embodiments3
ENGL 5223Embodied Research in Medieval Drama 3
ENGL 5226Langland's Piers Plowman and the Poetry of Social Justice in the Late Medieval England3
ENGL 5261Malory: Cultures of the C153
ENGL 5264Chaucer3
ENGL 5300Occitania: Language and Power3
ENGL 5670History of Rhetoric3
ENGL 5708Meditation, Contemplation, and the Spiritual Senses3
ENGL 6106Medieval Communities and Modern Thought3
ENGL 6212Medieval to Early Modern Drama3
ENGL 6215Medieval British Historical Writing3
ENGL 6216Late Medieval Autobiography: T. Hoccleve, O. Bokenham, M. Kempe3
ENGL 6224French of England: Texts and Literacies in a Multilingual Culture3
ENGL 6231Late Medieval Women3
ENGL 6235Medieval Travel Narrative3
ENGL 6237The French of England II3
MVST 3501Between Conquest and Convivencia: The Spanish Kingdoms of the Middle Ages4
MVST 5095Medieval Pilgrimage4
MVST 5300Occitania: Language and Power4
MVST 5305Writing East: Outremer and Identity in the Middle Ages4
MVST 5707Meditation, Contemplation, and the Spriritual Senses4
MVST 6225Old French in the Medieval World: Language Contact, Conquest, and Difference4

Literature 1500-1850 courses

Courses in this group have the ENG2 attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENGL 5022Shakespeare's History Plays3
ENGL 5029The Invention of Nature 3
ENGL 5104Natural History and Ecology3
ENGL 5106Early American Novel3
ENGL 5107From Slave Narratives to Black Lives Matter3
ENGL 5108Visionary Epic Writers from the Late Renaissance to the 19th Century: Spenser, Milton, and Blake3
ENGL 5117Language, Voice, and Sound in 19th-Century Literature3
ENGL 5118Writing That Heals: Storytelling Lab3
ENGL 5119Early Caribbean Literatures 3
ENGL 5124Early Modern Lyric And Analogues3
ENGL 5131Theory of Mind and Literature 3
ENGL 5132Early Environmental Humanities3
ENGL 5145Geographies of the Book: Nation, Colony, Plantation 3
ENGL 5189Birdsong3
ENGL 5201Autobiography and Politics3
ENGL 5225Jane Austen in Context3
ENGL 5301Romanticism and Ecocriticism3
ENGL 5315Periodization: Early Modern and Other Literatures3
ENGL 5345Theatrical Enterprise in Early Modern England3
ENGL 5541Climate Change and Literature3
ENGL 5542Early Black Atlantic Archives3
ENGL 5603Romantic Works/Audiences3
ENGL 5616Romanticism and Private Life3
ENGL 562218th-Century Travel3
ENGL 5670History of Rhetoric3
ENGL 5718Modern Language Politics3
ENGL 5841Early American Media3
ENGL 5843Early Women Novelists3
ENGL 5845Early American Novel3
ENGL 5849Pre-1900 American Literature3
ENGL 5930Neuro-Literature in Historical Perspective3
ENGL 5985Introduction to Early Modern Studies3
ENGL 5989Major Early Modern Texts and the Dynamics of Space and Place3
ENGL 6101Rereading Close Reading:Hist Perspectives,Contemporary Challenges/Shakespeare's Poetry,Spenser,Don3
ENGL 6103News and Plays: 1660-17793
ENGL 6107Early Modern Lyric3
ENGL 6108The Dynamics of Space and Place: Early Modern and Other English Texts 3
ENGL 6212Medieval to Early Modern Drama3
ENGL 6216Late Medieval Autobiography: T. Hoccleve, O. Bokenham, M. Kempe3
ENGL 6236Romanticism and Peace3
ENGL 6506The Joseph Johnson Circle3
ENGL 6751The New Formalism and Early Modern Literature3
ENGL 6800God and Mammon in British America3
ENGL 7007Displacing the Renaissance: Travel, Race, and Colonialism3
ENGL 7829Fict Pub Sph: Am Lit 1776-19003

Literature 1850-Present courses

Courses in this group have the ENG3 attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENGL 5018Modern American Drama3
ENGL 5019Staging Blackness: Black Drama and the African American Literary Tradition3
ENGL 5021Modernism, Cinema, and Literature: Edison to Cuarón3
ENGL 5023The Phenomenon of Oprah's Book Club 3
ENGL 5024Cultural Studies and Literary Studies: Keywords 3
ENGL 5025Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter3
ENGL 5026Ethnic Camera: Race and the Visual Archive 3
ENGL 5028Expatriates in Paris3
ENGL 5029The Invention of Nature 3
ENGL 5102Global Postmodernisms3
ENGL 5103Feminism and American Poetry3
ENGL 5106Early American Novel3
ENGL 5107From Slave Narratives to Black Lives Matter3
ENGL 5109African American Literature3
ENGL 5116African American Fiction3
ENGL 5118Writing That Heals: Storytelling Lab3
ENGL 5120Im/possible Worlds: Race, Social Difference, Speculative Fiction, and American Writers of Color3
ENGL 5122Camp, Art, and Kitsch: Questions in Postmodern Aesthetics3
ENGL 5123The Literature and Psychology of Disgust 3
ENGL 5125Hybrid Forms and Literary Liminality3
ENGL 5128Four American Authors, 1850-19503
ENGL 5130Poetry and Politics3
ENGL 5131Theory of Mind and Literature 3
ENGL 5141African American Autobiography3
ENGL 5201Autobiography and Politics3
ENGL 5212Asian Diasporic Literature3
ENGL 5252Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention 3
ENGL 5311Modern Irish Literature3
ENGL 5634Modernists/Victorians3
ENGL 5707High Modernism: 19223
ENGL 5717Transatlantic Women Modernists3
ENGL 5718Modern Language Politics3
ENGL 5746Instances of Autofiction: Postmodernist Literature in Translation3
ENGL 5747Late Modernism3
ENGL 5749Twentieth-Century Studies: Decolonization and World Literature3
ENGL 575820th Century American Autobiography3
ENGL 5778Flawless/Freedom/Formations: Writing on Race, Gender and Popular Culture3
ENGL 5788Memory, Trauma, Narrative3
ENGL 5832Slavery in American Fiction3
ENGL 5838African American Print Culture3
ENGL 5839Literary Darwinism3
ENGL 5844American Bestseller 1870-19403
ENGL 5863Three American Authors: Alcott, Chesnutt, and Twain3
ENGL 5905Modern Poetry3
ENGL 591920th Century American Novel: A Violent Survey3
ENGL 5940Novel, She Wrote3
ENGL 6104Crip, Queer, and Critical Race Theory3
ENGL 6105Post-1945 US Literature and Culture3
ENGL 6201Race and Affect Theory3
ENGL 6552Film/Theory/Literature: Horror and Madness3
ENGL 6769Finnegans Wake3
ENGL 6905Concepts of Culture3
ENGL 6914Home, Exile and Diaspora in Asian American Literature3
ENGL 6921Modern Language Politics3
ENGL 7007Displacing the Renaissance: Travel, Race, and Colonialism3
ENGL 7829Fict Pub Sph: Am Lit 1776-19003

Difference and Intersectionality courses

Courses in this group have the ENGD attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENGL 5019Staging Blackness: Black Drama and the African American Literary Tradition3
ENGL 5021Modernism, Cinema, and Literature: Edison to Cuarón3
ENGL 5023The Phenomenon of Oprah's Book Club 3
ENGL 5024Cultural Studies and Literary Studies: Keywords 3
ENGL 5025Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter3
ENGL 5026Ethnic Camera: Race and the Visual Archive 3
ENGL 5028Expatriates in Paris3
ENGL 5102Global Postmodernisms3
ENGL 5106Early American Novel3
ENGL 5107From Slave Narratives to Black Lives Matter3
ENGL 5109African American Literature3
ENGL 5111Race, Religion, and Monstrosity in Medieval Literature3
ENGL 5118Writing That Heals: Storytelling Lab3
ENGL 5119Early Caribbean Literatures 3
ENGL 5120Im/possible Worlds: Race, Social Difference, Speculative Fiction, and American Writers of Color3
ENGL 5122Camp, Art, and Kitsch: Questions in Postmodern Aesthetics3
ENGL 5125Hybrid Forms and Literary Liminality3
ENGL 5127Queer Ladies3
ENGL 5129Disability Studies and Justice3
ENGL 5130Poetry and Politics3
ENGL 5132Early Environmental Humanities3
ENGL 5134Queer Theory 3
ENGL 5141African American Autobiography3
ENGL 5145Geographies of the Book: Nation, Colony, Plantation 3
ENGL 5201Autobiography and Politics3
ENGL 5203The Postcolonial Middle Ages3
ENGL 5212Asian Diasporic Literature3
ENGL 5252Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention 3
ENGL 5542Early Black Atlantic Archives3
ENGL 5543New Theories in Black Studies 3
ENGL 5600Special Topics in Rhetorical Theory & Criticism3
ENGL 5650Special Topics in Writing Studies3
ENGL 5717Transatlantic Women Modernists3
ENGL 5746Instances of Autofiction: Postmodernist Literature in Translation3
ENGL 5749Twentieth-Century Studies: Decolonization and World Literature3
ENGL 5778Flawless/Freedom/Formations: Writing on Race, Gender and Popular Culture3
ENGL 5832Slavery in American Fiction3
ENGL 5838African American Print Culture3
ENGL 5845Early American Novel3
ENGL 5863Three American Authors: Alcott, Chesnutt, and Twain3
ENGL 5905Modern Poetry3
ENGL 6104Crip, Queer, and Critical Race Theory3
ENGL 6105Post-1945 US Literature and Culture3
ENGL 6201Race and Affect Theory3
ENGL 6235Medieval Travel Narrative3
ENGL 6769Finnegans Wake3
ENGL 7007Displacing the Renaissance: Travel, Race, and Colonialism3

CIP Code

23.0101 - English Language and Literature, General.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.