
Students must check their Degree Works page at each semester to ensure they are making academic progress consistent with their projected date of graduation. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that their Degree Works page accurately reflects their expected semester of graduation, and to notify their advising dean of any adjustments to their indicated expected graduation date by submitting the Graduation Date Change Request Form. Students must also be alert to any deadlines for graduation date changes communicated in the Graduation Date Change Request Form and by their advising dean.

Students can graduate in August, February, or May. The school holds only one diploma ceremony, in May. Our August and February graduates are encouraged to attend the May ceremony.

To be considered for graduation, a student must also apply for graduation according to the guidelines and deadlines communicated by the Academic Records office. Approval for graduation is given only when degree requirements, the minimum residency, and the time limit for the degree have been met.

For additional questions about graduation and the diploma ceremony, on-campus students may contact the academic advising office at, and online students may contact