ESG Finance Secondary Concentration

ESG finance is a framework of taking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into account when making business and investment decisions. There has been exponential growth in sustainable assets in capital markets. Investors have emphasized ESG more and more to further environmental agendas and social good. Accordingly, investment communities have integrated the ESG lens into their investment selection process, and corporations have committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) when assessing corporate strategy, operational risks, and competitive positioning. Evidently, many financial and industrial companies, including industry heavyweights, routinely engage in ESG planning/discussions and issue CSR reports to investors.

To earn the secondary concentration in ESG finance, students must earn 9 credits of courses from the list below:

Course Title Credits
FNGB 74BZESG & Portfolio Management 13
FNGB 749RESG - Student Managed Investment Fund 1 23
FNGB 74CGESG - Student Managed Investment Fund 2 33
Total Credits9

FNGB 7421 Prins of Modern Finance is the prerequisite to this course; FNGB 7460 Portfolio Management is the corequisite.


FNGB 74BZ ESG & Portfolio Management is the corequisite to this course.


FNGB 749R ESG - Student Managed Investment Fund 1 and FNGB 7421 Prins of Modern Finance are the prerequisites to this course.