Political Science Major

All majors must complete a minimum of 10 semester courses in political science including:

Course Title Credits
POSC 1100Introduction to Politics3
One methods intensive course (listed below) 14
One course at the 2000 or 3000 level from three of the following four subfields (listed below):11 to 12
American Politics
Political Theory
International Politics
Comparative Politics
One seminar course (listed below)4
Select four electives from any course in political science above the 1000 level 2,3Varies

The Methods Intensive course requirement was added in Fall 2017. Students who declared their major prior to Fall 2017 are not required to take this course, and may take an additional elective instead.


Courses outside of political science with the POSC attribute may also fulfill this requirement, as may any course with the attributes POCP (Comparative Politics), POPT (Political Theory), POAP (American Politics), and POIP (International Politics).


POSC 1298 (transfer credit from AP Comparative Government and Politics) and POSC 1299 (transfer credit from AP US Government and Politics) may also fulfill this requirement.

Methods Courses

Courses in this group have the POMI attribute.

Course Title Credits
POSC 3211The U.S. Congress - Methods Intensive4
POSC 3215American Political Parties4
POSC 3231Judicial Politics4
POSC 3303Political Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics4
POSC 3312Introduction to Environmental Politics4
POSC 3313Political Psychology4
POSC 3324Politics of Immigration and Citizenship4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty4
POSC 3636China and the Global Economy4
POSC 4022Seminar: China in Global Affairs4


American Politics

Courses in this group have the POAP attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENST 3307Environmental Politics4
PJST 3200Environmental Justice4
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics4
POSC 2202Introduction to American Politics3
POSC 2203Introduction to the American Legal System4
POSC 3120The Democracy Internship4
POSC 3121New York City Politics4
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment4
POSC 3209Constitutional Law4
POSC 3210Civil Rights and Liberties4
POSC 3211The U.S. Congress - Methods Intensive4
POSC 3213Interest Group Politics4
POSC 3214The U.S. Congress4
POSC 3215American Political Parties4
POSC 3216American Political Institutions4
POSC 3217The American Presidency4
POSC 3219Constitutional Law and the Death Penality4
POSC 3223Constitutional Law: Criminal Justice4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3231Judicial Politics4
POSC 3301Campaigns and Elections4
POSC 3303Political Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 3307Environmental Politics4
POSC 3309Gender in American Politics4
POSC 3310Racial and Ethnic Politics4
POSC 3311American Social Movements4
POSC 3313Political Psychology4
POSC 3315Political Participation4
POSC 3316Mass Media and American Politics4
POSC 3319Film and Politics4
POSC 3321American Public Policy4
POSC 3326Latino Politics4
POSC 4015American Economic Policymaking4
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society4
POSC 4215Seminar: Presidential Elections4
POSC 4302Seminar: Political Masculinity4
POSC 4305Seminar: American Politics Research4
POSC 4315Seminar: Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 4881Seminar: US Supreme Court4
SOCI 3002The New Power Elite4
SOCI 4420Religious Freedom and American Democracy4

Political Theory

Courses in this group have the POPT attribute.

Course Title Credits
LACU 3046Democracy and Democratization in China4
LACU 3048Political Thought in Modern Asia4
LACU 3049Modern Chinese Political Thought4
MAND 3035Confucius and the Analects4
POSC 2401Introduction to Political Philosophy4
POSC 3404American Political Thought4
POSC 3411Classical Political Thought4
POSC 3412Modern Political Thought4
POSC 3413Contemporary Political Philosophy4
POSC 3414Politics, Nature, and History4
POSC 3415Politics, Reason, and Revelation4
POSC 3416Liberalism and Its Critics4
POSC 3418Islamic Political Thought4
POSC 3420Women and Film4
POSC 3421Political Theory in Popular Culture4
POSC 3422Politics of the Present4
POSC 3424Political Philosophy between Islam and the West4
POSC 3425 LGBTQ Politics and Theory4
POSC 3427Islam, Art, and Resistance4
POSC 3429Democratic Theory4
POSC 3437Democracy in a Global Context 3
POSC 3456Late Modern Political Thought4
POSC 3480Islamic Culture and Politics in Spain4
POSC 3550Decolonial Thought in Latin America4
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice4
POSC 4420Seminar: Nationalism and Democracy4

International Politics

Courses in this group have the POIP attribute.

Course Title Credits
ENST 3308Catastrophe and Human Survival4
PJST 4200Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking4
POSC 2501Introduction to International Politics4
POSC 2800Introduction to Political Economy4
POSC 3312Introduction to Environmental Politics4
POSC 3507International Human Rights4
POSC 3511War and Peace4
POSC 3516Conflict Analysis/Resolution4
POSC 3520Mideast and the World4
POSC 3521Global Governance4
POSC 3522United Nations4
POSC 3526Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life4
POSC 3527United Nations Peace Operations4
POSC 3530U.S. Foreign Policy4
POSC 3532The Development of Human Rights Law4
POSC 3534The International Politics of Civilian Protection4
POSC 3535Comparative Foreign Policy4
POSC 3540Politics of Cyberspace4
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty4
POSC 3617The Politics of Nuclear Weapons4
POSC 3636China and the Global Economy4
POSC 3637Russian Foreign Policy4
POSC 3915International Political Economy4
POSC 4010Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
POSC 4022Seminar: China in Global Affairs4
POSC 4040Seminar: Sustainable Development4
POSC 4041Seminar: Technology and War4
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace4
POSC 4547Seminar: War, Peace, Law, and the United Nations Security Council4

Comparative Politics

Courses in this group have the POCP attribute.

Course Title Credits
FREN 3070France Votes!4
LACU 3046Democracy and Democratization in China4
MAND 3060Contemporary Chinese Politics4
MVST 3501Between Conquest and Convivencia: The Spanish Kingdoms of the Middle Ages4
POSC 2102Introduction to Urban Politics4
POSC 2610Introduction to Comparative Politics4
POSC 3107Dystopian Politics4
POSC 3312Introduction to Environmental Politics4
POSC 3324Politics of Immigration and Citizenship4
POSC 3535Comparative Foreign Policy4
POSC 3605Comparative Democracy4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3613Political Movements4
POSC 3614Political Institutions4
POSC 3620British Government and Politics4
POSC 3621European Politics4
POSC 3622Politics of the European Union4
POSC 3630South Asian Politics4
POSC 3631China and Russia in Comparative Perspective4
POSC 3632China and U.S. in Global Era4
POSC 3636China and the Global Economy4
POSC 3637Russian Foreign Policy4
POSC 3641Latin American Politics4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 3651Comparative Politics of the Middle East4
POSC 3652State-Society Relations in the Middle East4
POSC 3653Religion and Society in the Middle East4
POSC 4001Rhetorical Arts & Politics in the Ignatian Tradition: A London Study Tour4
POSC 4022Seminar: China in Global Affairs4
POSC 4025Youth and Politics4
POSC 4037Social Movements and Revolutions4
POSC 4040Seminar: Sustainable Development4
POSC 4425Seminar: Contemporary Politics and Cultures in the Islamic World4
POSC 4545Seminar: Russian Politics and Society4
POSC 4605Political Violence4
POSC 4620Seminar: The World of Democracy4

Seminar Courses

Courses in this group have the POSM attribute.

Course Title Credits
POSC 4002Seminar: Global Migration 4
POSC 4022Seminar: China in Global Affairs4
POSC 4040Seminar: Sustainable Development4
POSC 4041Seminar: Technology and War4
POSC 4210Seminar: State, Family, and Society4
POSC 4215Seminar: Presidential Elections4
POSC 4216Seminar: Campaigns and Elections4
POSC 4240Seminar: Black Ethnic Politics4
POSC 4260Seminar: Sex and Sexuality in U.S Politics4
POSC 4302Seminar: Political Masculinity4
POSC 4305Seminar: American Politics Research4
POSC 4315Seminar: Polarization in American Politics4
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice4
POSC 4401Seminar: Urban Politics4
POSC 4420Seminar: Nationalism and Democracy4
POSC 4425Seminar: Contemporary Politics and Cultures in the Islamic World4
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace4
POSC 4526Seminar: The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention4
POSC 4535Seminar: Post-Cold War Human Rights and Protection Architecture4
POSC 4545Seminar: Russian Politics and Society4
POSC 4547Seminar: War, Peace, Law, and the United Nations Security Council4
POSC 4620Seminar: The World of Democracy4
POSC 4881Seminar: US Supreme Court4
POSC 4900Seminar: Democracy, Development, and the Global Economy4


The major in political science is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center.

Fordham College at Rose Hill students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Fordham College at Lincoln Center students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Professional and Continuing Studies students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the PCS Core Curriculum and any additional electives that may be required to earn a minimum of 124 credits.

CIP Code

45.1001 - Political Science and Government, General.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.