Peace and Justice Studies Minor

The minor requires six courses and two further credits linked to experiential learning. Up to two courses may be double-counted from a major, as well as from another minor.

Course Title Credits
One introductory course (PJIN attribute)4
Four electives 116
Two credits in experiential learning2
One capstone course (PJCP attribute)4

Any course with the PJST attribute code (or PJST 4999) may qualify for this requirement. 

Introductory courses

Students are encouraged to take PJST 3110, but may substitute any of the courses listed below as well.

Courses in this group have the PJIN attribute. 

Course Title Credits
COMC 3330Peace, Justice, and the Media4
PHIL 4310Human Rights in Context4
PHIL 4473War and Peace: Just War Theory4
PJST 3110Introduction to Peace and Justice4
POSC 3228Civil Rights4
POSC 3511War and Peace4
POSC 3522United Nations4
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace4
SOCI 2420Social Problems of Race and Ethnicity4
SOCI 3001Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice4
SOCI 3110Global Conflict: Wars/Religion4
SOCI 3405Gender, Race, and Class4
THEO 4847Theologies of Liberation4

Experiential Learning

The required two credits of experiential learning regarding peace and justice issues may be earned by completing two of the following short- or long-term service opportunities, or one of them twice. Most students use (6.) below (volunteer or internship work). Service learning work should be reported to the program director after it is completed, so that the credits can be recorded on the student's Degree Works page.

  1. an approved course with a Community-Engaged Learning attribute (SL)
  2. an approved Global Outreach trip
  3. an approved program at the Center for Community Engaged Learning or other Fordham office (e.g., Multicultural Affairs, Campus Ministry)
  4. an approved practicum at the Social Innovation Collaboratory
  5. an approved study abroad program that includes service learning, e.g., Casa de la Solidaridad (El Salvador), Ubuntu (South Africa), or CIEE Capetown
  6. other approved volunteer work or internship

To apply for approval of credits, email the program director 1) a description of the experiential learning service work and 2) the number of work hours/days.

Capstone courses

Students are encouraged to take SOCI 4970 Community Service/Social Action, SOCI 4990 Conflict Resolution and Justice Creation, PJST 4200 Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking or POSC 3516 Conflict Analysis/Resolution, but may substitute any of the courses listed below as well.

Courses in this group have the PJCP attribute.

Course Title Credits
HIST 4922“Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought4
ORGL 2600Mediation, Negotiation, Alternative Dispute Resolution4
PHIL 3712Global Environment and Justice4
PJST 4200Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking4
POSC 3516Conflict Analysis/Resolution4
POSC 3522United Nations4
POSC 3527United Nations Peace Operations4
POSC 4010Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice4
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace4
POSC 4547Seminar: War, Peace, Law, and the United Nations Security Council4
SOCI 4010Taming “Wicked Problems”: Social Science Research and Solutions Lab4
SOCI 4970Community Service/Social Action4
SOCI 4990Conflict Resolution and Justice Creation4
THEO 4026Theologies of Peace4
THEO 4630G.O. Deeper. Interdisciplinary Inquiries4


The peace and justice studies minor is available to students in Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies, and to undergraduate students at the Gabelli School of Business.