Liberal Arts Core
Students in the Gabelli School of Business are required to complete 13 courses in the liberal arts core as part of their degree requirements.
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 1102 | Composition II 1 | 3 |
Texts and Contexts 2 | 3 | |
PHIL 1000 | Philosophy of Human Nature | 3 |
PHIL 3000 | Philosophical Ethics | 3 |
THEO 1000 | Faith and Critical Reason | 3 |
Sacred Texts and Traditions 2 | 3 | |
Understanding Historical Change 2 | 3 | |
MATH 1108 | Math for Business: Finite 1, 3 | 3 |
MATH 1109 | Math for Business: Calculus 1, 3, 4, 5 | 3 |
ECON 1100 | Principles of Macroeconomics 1, 4 | 3 |
ECON 1200 | Principles of Microeconomics 1, 4 | 3 |
ECON 2140 | Statistics I 1 | 4 |
Fine Arts 2 | 3 |
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Required course for the first year; must be completed prior to beginning the business core. Students in the Ignite Scholars Program complete an honors-level section of this course.
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See below for a list of courses that fulfill these requirements.
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If the student is pursuing a language course or a fundamental course (i.e. MATH 1001 Math for Business: Precalculus or ENGL 1101 Composition I), then this course may be taken later as advised by the student’s class dean.
- 4
Only these courses can be fulfilled by a score of 4 or 5 on an Advanced Placement exam. Other approved Advanced Placement exams with a score of 4 or 5 may fulfill a liberal arts or free elective requirement.
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Gabelli School of Business students interested in pursuing a minor in Mathematics should take MATH 1206 Calculus I in lieu of MATH 1109 Math for Business: Calculus.
In all cases, the core curriculum also includes three distributive requirements: Global Studies, American Pluralism, and Senior Values Seminar. These requirements are satisfied by certain business courses for Gabelli School students.
- The Global Studies requirement is fulfilled by completing any course with the GLBB attribute. All Gabelli School majors already require at least one such course.
- The American Pluralism requirement is fulfilled by the completion of two business core courses: LPBU 3223 Principles of Management and MKBU 3225 Marketing Principles.
- The Senior Values Seminar requirement is fulfilled by another business core course, BLBU 3443 Ethics in Business.
Any Gabelli School student who wishes to complete a liberal arts major must also complete the full liberal arts core required of FCRH and FCLC.
Courses fulfilling Liberal Arts Core requirements
Understanding Historical Change
The following courses, which have the HC attribute, fulfill this requirement:
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 1600 | Understanding Historical Change: Africa | 3 |
CLAS 1210 | Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Greece | 3 |
CLAS 1220 | Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome | 3 |
HIST 1000 | Understanding Historical Change: Modern Europe | 3 |
HIST 1075 | Understanding Historical Change: Renaissance to Revolution in Europe | 3 |
HIST 1100 | Understanding Historical Change: American History | 3 |
HIST 1103 | Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History | 3 |
HIST 1200 | Understanding Historical Change: Ancient History | 3 |
HIST 1210 | Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Greece | 3 |
HIST 1220 | Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome | 3 |
HIST 1240 | Understanding Historical Change: The Ancient World | 3 |
HIST 1300 | Understanding Historical Change: Medieval | 3 |
HIST 1400 | Understanding Historical Change: Latin America | 3 |
HIST 1450 | Understanding Historical Change: South Asian History | 3 |
HIST 1550 | Understanding Historical Change: Modern East Asia | 3 |
HIST 1551 | Understanding Historical Change: Representations of China and The West | 3 |
HIST 1600 | Understanding Historical Change: Africa | 3 |
HIST 1650 | Understanding Historical Change: The Black Atlantic | 3 |
HIST 1700 | Understanding Historical Change: Mideast | 3 |
HIST 1750 | Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture | 3 |
HIST 1850 | Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Ancient and Medieval World | 3 |
HIST 1851 | Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World | 3 |
HIST 1925 | Understanding Historical Change: Science and Technology | 3 |
LALS 1400 | Understanding Historical Change: Latin America | 3 |
Fine Arts
The following courses, which have the FACC attribute, fulfill this requirement:
Course | Title | Credits |
ARHI 1100 | Art History Introduction: World Art | 3 |
ARHI 1101 | Introduction to Art History: Europe | 3 |
ARHI 1102 | Introduction to Art History: Asia | 3 |
ARHI 1103 | Introduction to Art History: Americas | 3 |
ARHI 1104 | Introduction to Art History: Africa and African Diaspora | 3 |
ARHI 1105 | Introduction to Art History: Architecture | 3 |
ARHI 1298 | Art History AP | 3 |
ARHI 3480 | Art and Architecture in London | 4 |
MUSC 1051 | Who Cares If You Listen?! Music, Culture, and the Critical Ear | 3 |
MUSC 1100 | Introduction to Music History | 3 |
THEA 1100 | Invitation to Theatre | 3 |
VART 1101 | Urbanism | 3 |
VART 1135 | Visual Thinking | 3 |
- Gabelli School students in London may also apply MUSC 2031 Rock and Pop Music Since World War II to this requirement, even though it does not have the FACC attribute.
- Gabelli School students may also apply ARHI 2534 The Victorian City: Art and Architecture in the 19th Century London to this requirement, even though it does not have the FACC attribute.
- VART 1135 Visual Thinking has the FACC attribute effective Spring 2019.
Texts and Contexts
The following courses, which have the TC attribute, fulfill this requirement:
Course | Title | Credits |
CLAS 2000 | Texts and Contexts | 3 |
COLI 2000 | Texts and Contexts | 3 |
ENGL 1004 | Texts and Contexts: Upward Mobility and the Common Good | 3 |
ENGL 2000 | Texts and Contexts | 3 |
HPLC 1201 | Honors: English | 3 |
LACU 1010 | Spanish Colonialism Through Film | 3 |
LACU 2000 | Texts and Contexts | 3 |
Sacred Texts and Traditions
The following courses, which have the STXT attribute, fulfill this requirement:
Course | Title | Credits |
HPLC 2811 | Honors Sacred Texts | 3 |
THEO 3100 | Introduction to Old Testament / Tanakh | 3 |
THEO 3102 | Book of Genesis | 3 |
THEO 3105 | The Torah | 3 |
THEO 3120 | The Prophets | 3 |
THEO 3130 | Bible as Migration Literature: Then and Now | 4 |
THEO 3200 | Introduction to New Testament | 3 |
THEO 3207 | The First Three Gospels | 3 |
THEO 3212 | Gospel of John | 3 |
THEO 3250 | Jesus in History and Faith | 3 |
THEO 3300 | Who Cares About the Bible? | 3 |
THEO 3310 | Early Christian Writings | 3 |
THEO 3312 | Encounters between Jews and Christians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages | 3 |
THEO 3314 | St. Augustine of Hippo | 3 |
THEO 3316 | Byzantine Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3317 | Women of the Christian East | 3 |
THEO 3320 | Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther | 3 |
THEO 3330 | Medieval Theology Texts | 3 |
THEO 3332 | Christians, Muslims, Jews in the Medieval Period | 3 |
THEO 3335 | Queer Interpretations of Sacred Texts and Theology | 3 |
THEO 3340 | Christian Mystical Texts | 3 |
THEO 3345 | The Book of Revelation | 3 |
THEO 3350 | Apocalyptic Literature: Ancient & Modern | 3 |
THEO 3360 | Reformation Texts | 3 |
THEO 3361 | Protestant Texts | 3 |
THEO 3365 | Pentecostal Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3371 | The American Transcendentalists: Spirituality Without Religion | 3 |
THEO 3375 | American Religious Texts and Traditions | 3 |
THEO 3376 | Spirituals, the Blues, and African-American Christianity | 3 |
THEO 3380 | US Latinx Spiritualities | 3 |
THEO 3383 | Latin American Liberation Theologies | 3 |
THEO 3390 | Church in Controversy | 3 |
THEO 3542 | Catholic Social Teaching | 3 |
THEO 3546 | The Bible and Social Justice | 3 |
THEO 3605 | Scripture and the Human Response to Trauma | 3 |
THEO 3610 | Christ in World Cultures | 3 |
THEO 3611 | Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice | 3 |
THEO 3620 | Great Christian Hymns | 3 |
THEO 3652 | Liturgy That Does Justice | 3 |
THEO 3655 | The Journey of Faith: Autobiography as Sacred Text | 3 |
THEO 3711 | Sacred Texts of the Middle East | 3 |
THEO 3712 | Shari'ah (Islamic Law) | 3 |
THEO 3713 | Classic Jewish Texts | 3 |
THEO 3715 | Classic Islamic Texts | 3 |
THEO 3716 | Islam and Modernity | 3 |
THEO 3720 | Hindu Literature and Ethics | 3 |
THEO 3723 | Tibetan Religion: Visionary Experience | 3 |
THEO 3724 | Classic Buddhist Texts | 3 |
THEO 3725 | Buddhism in America: A Multimedia Investigation | 3 |
THEO 3728 | Buddhist Meditation | 3 |
THEO 3731 | Japanese Religions: Texts and Arts | 3 |
THEO 3733 | Chinese Religions | 3 |
THEO 3785 | Spiritual Exercises and Culture | 3 |
THEO 3854 | Ignatian Spirituality | 3 |
THEO 3882 | Comparative Mysticism | 3 |
THEO 3884 | Sufism: Islam's Mystical Tradition | 3 |