Core Business (CBBU)
CBBU 1000. ST: Business Intensive. (6 Credits)
This 5-week, 6-credit intensive course delivers the essential, technical, and conceptual basics of the business. Mornings are dedicated to learning the building blocks of business, the accounting discipline, while afternoons focus on business from the entrepreneur's viewpoint. Units include spreadsheet building and analysis; capital raising; budgeting; consumer insights and behavior; and strategic planning. Students will also be introduced to job search skills and will visit financial, marketing, new venture, and other institutions in New York City. The academic and non-curricular experience will help differentiate students in a tight job market and make them attractive to employers.
CBBU 1001. The Ground Floor: Starting and Succeeding at the Gabelli School of Business. (3 Credits)
This course introduces first-year Gabelli School of Business students to key business concepts and the major business disciplines. It creates an awareness of the interdependency of these business disciplines—an awareness which is key to operating a successful business. Students will begin to develop critical thinking, business writing, and teamwork skills that are essential for success in today’s global business environment. Students will also be introduced to Stakeholder Capitalism and the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, revealing how they align with the Gabelli vision of creating students with mindsets and capabilities that enable business to move society forward.
CBBU 1002. ST: Consulting Challenge IP. (1 Credit)
The Consulting Challenge Integrated Project (CCIP) is a team-based semester-long project that provides a learning environment for applying and integrating concepts and perspectives covered in core courses and allows students to use critical and entrepreneurial thinking to solve a business challenge currently facing a real company. The CCIP course guides students through the process of completing the consulting challenge while familiarizing them with business concepts and tools that will be helpful in completing the CCIP. Effective oral and written communication is also a point of emphasis.
CBBU 1003. ST: Career Exploration. (1 Credit)
The Career Exploration course serves as a starting point for all Gabelli School students to develop critical skills to support career development. It provides an overview of Gabelli School resources, helps students understand and hone their skills, and provides direction on developing a compelling portfolio for their future careers. Students hear from distinguished faculty, guest speakers, and alumni as part of this course.
CBBU 1004. ST: Analytics Requirement. (1 Credit)
Business analytics is the application of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools to data in order to gain insight and make informed decisions. The confluence of an increasingly complex world, the vast availability and rapid proliferation of data, and the urgent need to stay ahead of the competition has sharpened the focus on using analytics within organizations. This course provides students with a foundation in business analytics concepts and tools.
CBBU 1005. Marketing Analytics Requirement. (1 Credit)
From high, brand-level strategic decisions such as selecting a target market to the evaluation of specific marketing tactics and campaigns, analytics are being used more than ever to optimize the entire marketing process for the benefit of businesses and customers alike. Drawing on advanced features in Microsoft Excel and other widely available analytics platforms, this course will teach students to use data visualization and modeling in the service of decisions that build durable, profitable customer relationships.
CBBU 1006. ST: Senior Seminar. (1 Credit)
The Senior Seminar serves as a capstone on the Gabelli School’s curriculum, drawing upon and integrating what students have learned in core, major, and elective courses. Students choose a seminar from an array of possible topics including leadership, service learning, business ethics, consulting for social change, management simulation, and innovation brokering.
CBBU 1007. EY DEB. (3 Credits)
This DEB course, sponsored by EY, seeks to expand a student's understanding of DEB through relevant literature related to DEI, social justice, and business cases. Students will create an inclusive definition of diversity, understand the impact of diversity in business, and be challenged to develop personal practice to understand their role in DEB in business and their personal lives.
CBBU 4999. Tutorial. (1 to 3 Credits)
Tutorial/independent study between student and faculty member in a topic connected to the Gabelli School's business core curriculum.