Peace and Justice Studies
Who works for peace, justice, and conflict resolution in our contemporary world of national, cultural, religious, racial, gender, and environmental differences?
You can with Fordham's minor in peace and justice studies, addressing issues of war, terrorism, colonialism, poverty, religious conflict, human rights, multiculturalism, economic and environmental justice, race and gender equality, criminal justice reform, and conflict resolution and peacemaking.
Men and Women For Others
Peace and justice studies embodies Fordham's mission of "men and women for others," and is one of the university's oldest interdisciplinary programs, having been founded in 1986. The program was first inspired by the 20th century movements of liberation theology, social justice and civil rights, and peace activism. Central figures were the peace activist Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J., who taught at Fordham for many years, and Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic workers movement, after whom Fordham's Dorothy Day Center For Service and Justice was named (recently renamed as Center for Community Engaged Learning). Other major influences on the program's formation include Mahatma Gandhi, the Buddhist peace movement, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King. Today the program also encompasses the diversity movement and the environmental justice movement, as well as global justice issues inspired by the international human rights movement, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and other international venues of conflict resolution and peacemaking.
Experiential Service and Conflict Resolution Learning
Peace and justice studies is unique among Fordham's programs in that its students are required to perform service work for local charities, government agencies, or international NGO’s. Students complete at least two credits of experiential service and conflict resolution learning through volunteer work, internships, and co-curricular projects in programs such as the Center for Community Engaged Learning, Multicultural Affairs, Campus Ministry, Global Outreach, United Nations Academic Impact, Study Abroad, or the Social Innovation Collaboratory.
A Distinctive Educational and Professional Profile
The peace and justice minor makes your profile distinctive, and sets you apart, whether your career goals are in government, NGOs, law, business, education, healthcare, community development, environmental organizations, or religious organizations. In the words of student Robin Happel, "you don’t necessarily have to handcuff yourself to anything to be an activist. If you want to work on Wall Street, consider a corporate social responsibility division that works for reform, and invest in start-ups like Spes Nova. If you want to be a lawyer, make your pro bono service something meaningful to you, more than just another box to check for the bar. Whatever path you take in life, I promise there is something in Peace and Justice Studies for you."
Complementary Majors
The Peace and Justice minor makes an excellent complement to majors in Political Science, Sociology, Social Work, Economics, Business, Theology, Philosophy, Humanitarian Studies, International Studies, International Political Economy, Urban Studies, Environmental Studies, African and African American Studies, Latin American and Latino Studies, Middle East Studies, and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Two course can be double counted between major and minor.
For more information
- Our Courses
- Courses in Other Areas (by topic area)
- Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking courses (PJCR)
- Religions and Justice courses (PJRJ)
- Social Justice Movements and Revolutions courses (PJSJ)
- Media and Justice courses (PJMJ)
- War, Terrorism, and Violence courses (PJWT)
- Race and Culture courses (PJRC)
- Gender and Sexuality courses (PJGS)
- Economic Justice courses (PJEC)
- Environmental Justice courses (PJEN)
- Criminal Justice Reform courses (PJCJ)
Our Courses
PJST 1800. Internship. (1 Credit)
A proctored internship in a peace-focused or justice-focused organization, with approval of program director. This fulfills one of the two experiential learning requirements for the minor.
PJST 1999. Tutorial. (1 Credit)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PJST 2999. Tutorial. (2 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PJST 3110. Introduction to Peace and Justice. (4 Credits)
This course introduces students a wide variety of theories and applications within the field of Peace and Justice Studies -- surveying insights from fields such as political science, international relations, criminal justice, psychology, religion, gender studies, economics, sociology, anthropology, urban studies, the fine arts and others. This class is intended to be interactive and participatory in nature. The course includes readings, lectures, class discussions, games, case studies, role plays, training exercises and simulations; students examine a range of conflict intervention options and are able to evaluate the relative strengths and disadvantages of a variety of skills and techniques. Each week of the class explores a dominant theme and branch of research in this wide and diverse discipline, which provides a foundation for further investigation and engagement in the field. The class builds the capacity analyze and intervene in a variety of conflicts at an interpersonal, organizational, neighborhood, state, national and international level. In particular, students learn how and why various conflict interventions succeed or fail depending on contextual factors. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PJST 3200. Environmental Justice. (4 Credits)
This course focuses on the environmental justice movement in the United States and internationally. Environmental justice is defined as the equitable distribution of environmental burdens and benefits among racial and socioeconomic groups and among developed and developing countries. Issues such as pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, industrial agriculture, food security, urban sprawl, and public health are treated. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PJST 3999. Tutorial. (3 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PJST 4200. Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking. (4 Credits)
This course focuses on interdisciplinary theories in peace and justice studies regarding conflict resolution and peacemaking in our contemporary globalized world. Conflicts between and within countries, and options for intervention, will be studied. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PJST 4999. Tutorial. (4 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
Courses in Other Areas (by topic area)
Each of the following areas represents a topic area within Peace and Justice Studies. Although they do not represent requirements for the minor, the groups are intended to represent areas in which students may be interested.
All courses below also have the PJST attribute and count toward the Peace and Justice Studies minor.
Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking courses (PJCR)
The following courses have the PJCR attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
CLAS 3030 | Athenian Democracy | 4 |
COMC 3174 | Public Relations | 4 |
ENGL 4209 | Literature of Peace and War | 4 |
HUST 2500 | The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future | 4 |
HUST 4200 | Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action | 4 |
INST 4620 | The World of Democracy | 4 |
ORGL 2600 | Mediation, Negotiation, Alternative Dispute Resolution | 4 |
ORGL 2800 | U.N. and Political Leadership | 4 |
PHIL 3702 | Rights, Justice, and Global Governance | 4 |
PHIL 3711 | Humanitarianism and Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 4310 | Human Rights in Context | 4 |
PHIL 4470 | Lincoln: Democratic Values | 4 |
PHIL 4473 | War and Peace: Just War Theory | 4 |
PJST 4200 | Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking | 4 |
POSC 3210 | Civil Rights and Liberties | 4 |
POSC 3228 | Civil Rights | 4 |
POSC 3511 | War and Peace | 4 |
POSC 3516 | Conflict Analysis/Resolution | 4 |
POSC 3522 | United Nations | 4 |
POSC 3527 | United Nations Peace Operations | 4 |
POSC 3534 | The International Politics of Civilian Protection | 4 |
POSC 4400 | Seminar: Global Justice | 4 |
POSC 4515 | Seminar: International Politics of Peace | 4 |
POSC 4526 | Seminar: The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention | 4 |
POSC 4620 | Seminar: The World of Democracy | 4 |
SOCI 4970 | Community Service/Social Action | 4 |
SOCI 4990 | Conflict Resolution and Justice Creation | 4 |
THEO 4026 | Theologies of Peace | 4 |
THEO 4630 | G.O. Deeper. Interdisciplinary Inquiries | 4 |
Religions and Justice courses (PJRJ)
The following courses have the PJRJ attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 3120 | Black Religion and Black Politics | 4 |
AFAM 3154 | Black, White, and Catholic: Race, Religion, and Civil Rights | 4 |
AMCS 3340 | Catholicism and Democracy | 4 |
ANTH 3110 | Ancient Cultures of the Bible | 4 |
CPBU 4003 | Spirituality and Fair Trade | 3 |
HIST 1850 | Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Ancient and Medieval World | 3 |
HIST 3818 | The History of Islam in the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3986 | Religion and Politics in Islamic History | 4 |
LALS 4620 | Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador | 4 |
LPBU 4003 | Spirituality and Fair Trade | 3 |
PHIL 3591 | Medieval Political Philosophy | 4 |
POSC 3418 | Islamic Political Thought | 4 |
SOCI 2505 | Religion and Social Change | 4 |
SOCI 3110 | Global Conflict: Wars/Religion | 4 |
THEO 3130 | Bible as Migration Literature: Then and Now | 4 |
THEO 3383 | Latin American Liberation Theologies | 3 |
THEO 3542 | Catholic Social Teaching | 3 |
THEO 3546 | The Bible and Social Justice | 3 |
THEO 3605 | Scripture and the Human Response to Trauma | 3 |
THEO 3611 | Scripture and the Struggle for Racial Justice | 3 |
THEO 3652 | Liturgy That Does Justice | 3 |
THEO 3715 | Classic Islamic Texts | 3 |
THEO 3716 | Islam and Modernity | 3 |
THEO 3876 | Muslims in America | 4 |
THEO 3960 | Religion and Race in America | 4 |
THEO 4620 | Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador | 4 |
THEO 4847 | Theologies of Liberation | 4 |
THEO 4853 | Spirituality and Politics | 4 |
Social Justice Movements and Revolutions courses (PJSJ)
The following courses have the PJSJ attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 3720 | African American Philosophy | 4 |
ANTH 3476 | Latin American Social Movements | 4 |
ANTH 4114 | Anthropology of Health Healing and Social Justice | 4 |
COLI 4020 | Literature, Film and Development | 4 |
COLI 4206 | Comparative Studies in Revolution | 4 |
COMC 4246 | Media, Disability, Futurity | 4 |
COMC 4266 | Communicating Revolution | 4 |
DTEM 3475 | Digital Media and Advocacy | 4 |
ENGL 3047 | Rhetorics of Resistance and Social Movements | 4 |
ENGL 3068 | Writing London: Outsiders | 4 |
ENGL 3637 | The Rhetoric of Social Movements | 4 |
ENGL 4184 | Postwar American Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4206 | Comparative Studies in Revolution | 4 |
ENGL 4246 | Media, Disability, Futurity | 4 |
ENGL 4421 | Disability, Literature, Culture: Neurological, Mental & Cognitive Difference in Culture & Context | 4 |
HIST 3550 | Fascism from Mussolini to the Present | 4 |
HIST 3852 | The American Radical Tradition | 4 |
HIST 3948 | Gandhi: A Global Intellectual History | 4 |
HIST 3951 | Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas | 4 |
HIST 3961 | Rebellion and Revolution in Latin America and the Atlantic World | 4 |
HIST 3972 | Revolution in Central America | 4 |
HIST 4922 | “Freedom Now”: Black Political Thought | 4 |
HPRH 2101 | Justice I: The American Experience | 3 |
HPRH 2201 | Justice II: Global Contexts | 3 |
HUST 4501 | Humanitarianism and Global Health: Unequal Access for the Displaced and Marginalized | 4 |
LACU 3450 | The Arab Spring in Arabic Literature | 4 |
LALS 3972 | Revolution in Central America | 4 |
LALS 4620 | Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador | 4 |
PHIL 3623 | Marx as a Philosopher | 4 |
PHIL 3653 | Latin American Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 3701 | Human Rights Theories: Foundations and History | 4 |
PHIL 3713 | Human Rights and Global Justice | 4 |
PHIL 3720 | African American Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 3905 | Philosophy of Disability | 4 |
POSC 3322 | Disability Law, Policy, and Advocacy | 4 |
POSC 3326 | Latino Politics | 4 |
POSC 3427 | Islam, Art, and Resistance | 4 |
POSC 3532 | The Development of Human Rights Law | 4 |
POSC 3645 | Politics of Immigration | 4 |
POSC 4010 | Taming "Wicked Problems": Social Science Research and Solutions Lab | 4 |
POSC 4022 | Seminar: China in Global Affairs | 4 |
POSC 4037 | Social Movements and Revolutions | 4 |
SOCI 2505 | Religion and Social Change | 4 |
SOCI 3456 | Modern Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 3457 | Medicine, Science, and Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 4010 | Taming “Wicked Problems”: Social Science Research and Solutions Lab | 4 |
THEA 3520 | Producing through a Social Justice Lens | 4 |
THEA 4050 | Arts, Social Justice, and Human Rights: Foundations | 4 |
THEO 4620 | Oscar Romero: Faith and Politics in El Salvador | 4 |
THEO 4847 | Theologies of Liberation | 4 |
THEO 4853 | Spirituality and Politics | 4 |
VART 1111 | Intro to Art & Engagement: Protest, Participation, the Public and other Performance Practices | 4 |
VART 3030 | Art Design and Politics | 4 |
VART 3060 | Visual Justice: Enacting Change Through Image-Based Storytelling | 4 |
VART 3070 | Urban Architectural Design | 4 |
Media and Justice courses (PJMJ)
The following courses have the PJMJ attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
CLAS 3034 | The Rhetoric of Athenian Democracy | 4 |
COLI 4570 | Films of Moral Struggle | 4 |
COMC 3240 | Photography, Identity, Power | 4 |
COMC 3247 | Race and Gender in Media | 4 |
COMC 3268 | Media and National Identity | 4 |
COMC 3330 | Peace, Justice, and the Media | 4 |
COMC 4114 | Speaking for Change | 4 |
COMC 4222 | Media and the Environment | 4 |
COMC 4268 | Media and the Social Construction of Reality | 4 |
COMC 4340 | Freedom of Expression | 4 |
COMC 4360 | Communication Ethics and the Public Sphere | 4 |
DTEM 4480 | Digital Media and Public Responsibility | 4 |
ENGL 3006 | Nonprofit and Advocacy Writing | 4 |
FITV 3647 | TV, Identity, and Representation | 4 |
FITV 4570 | Films of Moral Struggle | 4 |
RUSS 2650 | Media and the Russian State: News Outlets From 19th Century to Present Day Russia | 4 |
SOCI 2925 | Media, Crime, Sex, and Violence | 4 |
War, Terrorism, and Violence courses (PJWT)
The following courses have the PJWT attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 3072 | Civil Wars in Africa | 4 |
ANTH 4490 | Anthropology of Political Violence | 4 |
COLI 3006 | Trauma Theory | 4 |
COLI 3802 | Literature and Imperialism | 4 |
ENGL 3059 | Creating Dangerously: Writing Across Conflict Zones | 4 |
ENGL 3616 | American Cultures of War | 4 |
ENGL 3802 | Literature and Imperialism | 4 |
ENGL 4209 | Literature of Peace and War | 4 |
HIST 3192 | The United States, Africa, and the Cold War | 4 |
HIST 3305 | Medieval Warfare | 4 |
HIST 3566 | War and Imperialism | 4 |
HIST 3570 | Genocide | 4 |
HIST 3846 | The History of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1974 to Present | 4 |
HIST 3925 | The Holocaust | 4 |
HIST 4011 | Why America Fights | 4 |
HIST 4310 | Africa, Race, and the Global Cold War | 4 |
HIST 4767 | Seminar: Torture and the Western Experience | 4 |
PHIL 4473 | War and Peace: Just War Theory | 4 |
POSC 3225 | Human Trafficking and the Law | 4 |
POSC 3511 | War and Peace | 4 |
POSC 3526 | Democracy, Terrorism, and Modern Life | 4 |
SOCI 3110 | Global Conflict: Wars/Religion | 4 |
SOCI 3470 | Global Refugee Migration | 4 |
SOCI 3714 | Terrorism and Society | 4 |
SPAN 3730 | Writing Violence: Peru, 1980-2000 | 4 |
Race and Culture courses (PJRC)
The following courses have the PJRC attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AAST 3357 | Writing Asian America | 4 |
AAST 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
AAST 3647 | Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives | 4 |
AAST 3838 | Postcolonial Literature and Film | 4 |
AAST 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
AAST 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
AAST 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
AFAM 1600 | Understanding Historical Change: Africa | 3 |
AFAM 3001 | African American History I | 4 |
AFAM 3002 | African American History II | 4 |
AFAM 3037 | Being and Becoming Black in the Atlantic World | 4 |
AFAM 3115 | Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X | 4 |
AFAM 3120 | Black Religion and Black Politics | 4 |
AFAM 3132 | Black Prison Experience | 4 |
AFAM 3136 | U.S. Civil Rights | 4 |
AFAM 3141 | Women and Social Change in Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3146 | African Immigrants in the United States | 3 |
AFAM 3148 | History of South Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3560 | "We Can't Breathe...": The History of Black Protest | 4 |
AFAM 3633 | The Bronx: Immigration, Race, and Culture | 4 |
AFAM 4000 | Affirmative Action and the American Dream | 4 |
ANTH 3340 | Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
ANTH 3343 | Ghettos and Gated Communities | 4 |
ANTH 3355 | Culture and Anticolonialism | 4 |
ANTH 4006 | Palestinian Culture at Home and in Diaspora | 4 |
ARAB 2400 | Approaches to Arabic Culture | 4 |
CLAS 4055 | Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity and Today | 4 |
COLI 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
COLI 3624 | Music and Nation in the Arab World | 4 |
COLI 4011 | Narrating Childhood | 4 |
COLI 4016 | Rewriting the Mediterranean (20th and 21st Centuries) | 4 |
COLI 4055 | Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity and Today | 4 |
COLI 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
COLI 4210 | Comparative Studies in Atlantic Revolutions | 4 |
COLI 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
COLI 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
DTEM 3447 | Race, Gender, and Digital Media | 4 |
ENGL 3003 | Introduction to Professional Writing | 4 |
ENGL 3012 | Novel, She Wrote | 4 |
ENGL 3037 | US Latinx Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3075 | Pride & Prejudice: An Examination of Black Britain and the Problem of Belonging | 4 |
ENGL 3104 | Medieval English Blackness? | 4 |
ENGL 3106 | After the Apocalypse | 4 |
ENGL 3152 | Race and Religion in Literature: Beowulf to Wuthering Heights | 4 |
ENGL 3241 | Immigrant Imaginaries | 4 |
ENGL 3330 | The Global Eighteenth Century | 4 |
ENGL 3350 | Ethnic Camera: Race and Visual Media | 4 |
ENGL 3357 | Writing Asian America | 4 |
ENGL 3359 | Asian Diasporic Literatures | 4 |
ENGL 3585 | Contemporary Indigenous Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3608 | (De)Constructing the American Renaissance | 4 |
ENGL 3610 | Abolition | 4 |
ENGL 3630 | Black American Icons | 4 |
ENGL 3636 | Introduction to African American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3641 | Slavery and American Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 3645 | The Middle Passage | 4 |
ENGL 3646 | Black Disability Studies | 4 |
ENGL 3647 | Seeing Stories: Reading Race and Graphic Narratives | 4 |
ENGL 3650 | Stayin' Alive: Performing Blackness and Whiteness in 1970s US Film and Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3691 | Black Atlantic Literature: Modernisms | 4 |
ENGL 3695 | Black Protest, Black Resistance, Black Freedom, Black Rage | 4 |
ENGL 3703 | Dreaming of Liberation | 4 |
ENGL 3838 | Postcolonial Literature and Film | 4 |
ENGL 3918 | The Phenomenon of Oprah’s Book Club | 4 |
ENGL 4007 | Seminar: Othello | 4 |
ENGL 4031 | Seminar: The Tempest | 4 |
ENGL 4109 | Seminar: Latinx Speculation | 4 |
ENGL 4112 | Seminar: Borders, Migrants, and Refugees | 4 |
ENGL 4113 | Seminar: Writing Whiteness | 4 |
ENGL 4125 | Seminar: Im/Possible Worlds: Race, Social Difference, and Pop Genres | 4 |
ENGL 4150 | Race and Contemporary Film | 4 |
ENGL 4227 | Black Literature and Film | 4 |
ENGL 4228 | Black Protest from Slavery to #BlackLivesMatter | 4 |
ENGL 4600 | Anger in Asian American Literature and Culture | 4 |
ENGL 4603 | Asian American Critique | 4 |
ENGL 4605 | Sem: Anti-Racist Methods | 4 |
FITV 3648 | Television, Race, and Civil Rights | 4 |
HIST 1400 | Understanding Historical Change: Latin America | 3 |
HIST 1450 | Understanding Historical Change: South Asian History | 3 |
HIST 1550 | Understanding Historical Change: Modern East Asia | 3 |
HIST 1600 | Understanding Historical Change: Africa | 3 |
HIST 1700 | Understanding Historical Change: Mideast | 3 |
HIST 1750 | Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture | 3 |
HIST 1851 | Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World | 3 |
HIST 3001 | African American History I | 4 |
HIST 3002 | African American History II | 4 |
HIST 3073 | African Intellectual History | 4 |
HIST 3555 | Hitler's Germany | 4 |
HIST 3670 | The Modern Middle East | 4 |
HIST 3747 | Slavery and Freedom in Greater New York City | 4 |
HIST 3789 | Modern South Africa Stories | 4 |
HIST 3806 | U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity | 4 |
HIST 3915 | Contemporary China | 4 |
HIST 3946 | African Economies and Humanitarianism | 4 |
HIST 3950 | Latino History | 4 |
HIST 3955 | Slavery Freedom/Atlantic World | 4 |
HIST 3969 | Latin America and the U.S. | 4 |
HIST 3974 | Spaniards and Incas | 4 |
HIST 3991 | History of the American Indians | 4 |
HIST 4008 | Race and Gender in the Old West | 4 |
HIST 4111 | Modern African Stories | 4 |
HIST 4308 | Antisemitism | 4 |
HIST 4310 | Africa, Race, and the Global Cold War | 4 |
HIST 4312 | Antisemitism and Racism | 4 |
HIST 4331 | US in the Middle East: 1945-Present | 4 |
HIST 4510 | Conquest, Conversion, Conscience | 4 |
ITAL 3452 | Italophone Migrant Literature From Africa and Beyond | 4 |
JOUR 3740 | Ethics and Diversity in Journalism | 4 |
LACU 3050 | Becoming Germany—German Literature, Film, and Popular Culture after World War II | 4 |
LACU 3110 | Anti-Racist Pedagogy | 4 |
LACU 3450 | The Arab Spring in Arabic Literature | 4 |
LACU 3498 | Harlem Renaissance and Africa: Struggle for Freedom | 4 |
LACU 3624 | Music and Nation in the Arab World | 4 |
LACU 4016 | Rewriting the Mediterranean (20th and 21st Centuries) | 4 |
LALS 1400 | Understanding Historical Change: Latin America | 3 |
LALS 3130 | Race and Gender in Latin American Popular Music | 4 |
LALS 3600 | Latin America: Current Trends | 4 |
LALS 4510 | Conquest, Conversion, Conscience | 4 |
MAND 3040 | Topics in Mandarin Chinese Literature | 4 |
MAND 3050 | China in the Headlines: An Advanced Newspaper Reading Course in Mandarin Chinese | 4 |
MUSC 3130 | Race and Gender in Latin American Popular Music | 4 |
MVST 3501 | Between Conquest and Convivencia: The Spanish Kingdoms of the Middle Ages | 4 |
PHIL 4205 | Seminar: Justice and Social Identity | 4 |
POSC 3310 | Racial and Ethnic Politics | 4 |
POSC 3424 | Political Philosophy between Islam and the West | 4 |
POSC 3520 | Mideast and the World | 4 |
POSC 3550 | Decolonial Thought in Latin America | 4 |
POSC 4020 | Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities | 4 |
POSC 4025 | Youth and Politics | 4 |
POSC 4210 | Seminar: State, Family, and Society | 4 |
PSYC 3600 | Multicultural Psychology | 4 |
PSYC 4310 | Aging and Society | 4 |
PSYC 4850 | Community Mental Health | 4 |
PSYC 4910 | Global Mental Health & Psychosocial Humanitarian Aid | 4 |
SOCI 2410 | Inequality: Class, Race, and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOCI 3017 | Inequality in America | 4 |
SOCI 3102 | Contemporary Social Issues and Policies | 4 |
SOCI 3136 | Inequality-Why/Effects | 4 |
SOCI 3242 | Mental Health and Human Rights | 4 |
SOCI 3405 | Gender, Race, and Class | 4 |
SOCI 3410 | Migration/Globalization | 4 |
SOCI 3418 | Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective | 4 |
SOCI 3603 | Urban America | 4 |
SOCI 4020 | Place, Space, and Immigrant Cities | 4 |
SOCI 4408 | Diversity in American Society | 4 |
SOCI 4961 | Urban Issues and Policies | 4 |
SPAN 3561 | Representing the Gypsy | 4 |
Gender and Sexuality courses (PJGS)
The following courses have the PJGS attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 3030 | African American Women | 4 |
AFAM 3141 | Women and Social Change in Africa | 4 |
AFAM 3637 | Black Feminism: Theory and Expression | 4 |
AFAM 4105 | Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas | 4 |
ANTH 2886 | Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality | 4 |
ANTH 3260 | Politics of Reproduction | 4 |
ANTH 3888 | Arab Women and Social Movements | 4 |
ANTH 4341 | Race, Sex, and Science | 4 |
CEED 3856 | Introduction to Bioethics | 4 |
COLI 3803 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
COLI 4211 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
COMC 2277 | Media and Sexuality | 4 |
ENGL 3001 | Queer Theories | 4 |
ENGL 3002 | Queer Iconoclasts: Sexuality, Religion, Race | 4 |
ENGL 3067 | Contemporary Women Poets | 4 |
ENGL 3235 | Dangerous Women | 4 |
ENGL 3342 | Women, Crime, & Punishment in Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3361 | The Female Bildungsroman | 4 |
ENGL 3468 | Transatlantic Modern Women | 4 |
ENGL 3609 | Feminism and American Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 3619 | Crip, Queer and Critical Race Studies | 4 |
ENGL 3648 | Novels by Women | 4 |
ENGL 3664 | Queer Latinx Literature | 4 |
ENGL 3803 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
ENGL 3930 | Introduction to Queer Literature | 4 |
ENGL 4146 | The Body in Contemporary Women's Literature and Art | 4 |
ENGL 4211 | Empire and Sexuality | 4 |
HIST 3301 | Medieval Women's Lives | 4 |
HIST 3459 | Transgender History | 4 |
HIST 3826 | Modern US Women's History | 4 |
HIST 3838 | History of U.S. Sexuality | 4 |
HIST 4008 | Race and Gender in the Old West | 4 |
HUST 5215 | Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings | 3 |
LALS 4105 | Queer Caribbean and Its Diasporas | 4 |
PHIL 3904 | Feminist Philosophy | 4 |
POSC 3327 | Gender and Sexuality in US Politics | 4 |
SOCI 3260 | Politics of Reproduction | 4 |
SOCI 3401 | Gender, Crime, and Justice | 4 |
SOCI 3405 | Gender, Race, and Class | 4 |
SOCI 3503 | Work, Family, and Gender | 4 |
SOCI 3670 | Hispanic Women | 4 |
SOCI 4400 | Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality | 4 |
THEO 3317 | Women of the Christian East | 3 |
THEO 3335 | Queer Interpretations of Sacred Texts and Theology | 3 |
THEO 3856 | Introduction to Bioethics | 4 |
THEO 4005 | Women and Theology | 4 |
WGSS 3000 | Gender and Sexuality Studies | 4 |
WGSS 3001 | Queer Theories | 4 |
WGSS 3002 | Feminist and Women's Studies | 4 |
WGSS 3067 | Contemporary Women Poets | 4 |
WGSS 3318 | Early Women Novelists | 4 |
WGSS 4400 | Gender, Bodies, and Sexuality | 4 |
Economic Justice courses (PJEC)
The following courses have the PJEC attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
BLBU 4437 | ST: International Bus Ethics | 3 |
CPBU 4001 | Fair Trade and Microfinance 1 | 3 |
CPBU 4003 | Spirituality and Fair Trade | 3 |
CPBU 4004 | Entrepreneurship and Fair Trade | 3 |
CPBU 4005 | ST:Fair Trade Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ECON 3235 | Economy of Latin America | 4 |
ECON 3240 | World Poverty | 4 |
ECON 3244 | International Economic Policy | 4 |
ECON 3570 | Labor Market and Diversity | 4 |
ECON 3580 | Economics of Diversity | 4 |
ECON 4005 | Fair Trade Entrepreneurship | 4 |
ECON 4020 | Disability: Economic and Other Approaches | 4 |
ECON 4025 | Bronx Urban Economic Development | 4 |
ENGL 3964 | Homelessness | 4 |
HIST 3946 | African Economies and Humanitarianism | 4 |
HUST 3600 | Evolution of Development and Humanitarian Aid Systems | 4 |
HUST 4100 | Refugee and Asylum Law | 4 |
LPBU 3446 | ST:Social Entrepreneurship | 3 |
LPBU 4001 | Fair Trade and Microfinance | 3 |
LPBU 4003 | Spirituality and Fair Trade | 3 |
LPBU 4004 | Entrepreneurship and Fair Trade | 3 |
LPBU 4005 | ST:Fair Trade Entrepreneurship | 3 |
MVST 4010 | Medieval Franciscans and the Dream of a Just Economy | 4 |
PHIL 3140 | Market Failures, Public Goods, and Justice | 4 |
PHIL 3702 | Rights, Justice, and Global Governance | 4 |
PHIL 4423 | Business Ethics | 4 |
POSC 3610 | Political Economy of Development | 4 |
POSC 3616 | Political Economy of Poverty | 4 |
POSC 3915 | International Political Economy | 4 |
POSC 4900 | Seminar: Democracy, Development, and the Global Economy | 4 |
SOCI 3002 | The New Power Elite | 4 |
SOCI 3044 | Poverty and Community Development | 4 |
SOCI 3148 | Population and Economic Development Issues | 4 |
SOCI 3601 | Urban Poverty | 4 |
Environmental Justice courses (PJEN)
The following courses have the PJEN attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
AFAM 3530 | Race, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice in the African Diaspora | 4 |
ANTH 4200 | Climate Change and Culture | 4 |
BISC 1002 | Ecology: A Human Approach | 3 |
COMC 4115 | Communication and the Food System | 4 |
COMC 4222 | Media and the Environment | 4 |
ECON 3430 | ST: Sustainable Business | 4 |
ECON 3850 | Environmental Economics | 4 |
ECON 4030 | Environmental-Economic Policy | 4 |
ENST 3000 | Environmental Research Methods | 4 |
ENST 3307 | Environmental Politics | 4 |
ENST 3308 | Catastrophe and Human Survival | 4 |
ENST 4900 | Internship: Environmental Communications and Media | 4 |
FREN 3492 | Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World | 4 |
INST 3100 | The Global Environment | 4 |
LACU 3492 | Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World | 4 |
LPBU 3430 | ST: Sustainable Business | 3 |
NSCI 1040 | People and the Living Environment | 3 |
NSCI 2010 | Global Ecology Lecture | 3 |
PHIL 3109 | Environmental Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 3712 | Global Environment and Justice | 4 |
PHIL 3722 | Native American Philosophy | 4 |
PHIL 3990 | Environmental Worldviews and Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 4302 | Environmental Policy and Ethics | 4 |
PHIL 4409 | Environmental Ethics | 4 |
PJST 3200 | Environmental Justice | 4 |
POSC 3131 | Politics, Urban Health, and Environment | 4 |
POSC 3307 | Environmental Politics | 4 |
POSC 3312 | Introduction to Environmental Politics | 4 |
SOCI 3142 | Environmental Sociology | 4 |
SOCI 3145 | Environment Technology Society | 4 |
SOCI 3456 | Modern Social Movements | 4 |
SOCI 4962 | Health/Inequality in the US | 4 |
THEO 4008 | Religion and Ecology | 4 |
THEO 4444 | Anthropocene: Sciences, Fictions, and Ethical Futures | 4 |
VART 3541 | The Streets of New York | 4 |
Criminal Justice Reform courses (PJCJ)
The following courses have the PJCJ attribute.
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 4044 | Incarceration: History, Literature, Film | 4 |
JOUR 3731 | Criminal Justice Reporting | 4 |
LALS 3343 | Crime and Minority Rights | 4 |
POSC 3225 | Human Trafficking and the Law | 4 |
POSC 3231 | Judicial Politics | 4 |
POSC 3408 | The Civil Rights Movement and the Courts | 4 |
PSYC 4340 | Law and Psychology | 4 |
SOCI 3401 | Gender, Crime, and Justice | 4 |
SOCI 3713 | Criminology | 4 |
SOCI 3720 | Mass Incarceration | 4 |