Humanitarian Studies Major

The humanitarian studies program provides students with the technical knowledge and analytical tools necessary to examine and critique the humanitarian action ecosystem at the international, regional, and national levels. This includes learning the governance mechanisms and policies, International Humanitarian Law and principles, humanitarian access and protection of civilians, and internal and external displacement, and a wide range of humanitarian activities at the sectoral level such as food assistance, water and sanitation programming, medical assistance, and refugee and IDP settlements. The combination of rigorous interdisciplinary coursework and experiential learning opportunities prepare students for a host of graduate studies and careers, such as disaster relief, global public health, human rights, and international law. Additionally, the IIHA's New York City location provides students with exposure to various United Nations Agencies, the US Mission to the UN, international NGOs, and prominent research institutions.

Learning Goals

Upon completion of the undergraduate humanitarian studies programs, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the actors and actions in international responses to humanitarian crises;
  2. Employ a wide range of disciplines and case studies to examine complex humanitarian emergencies, including natural disaster, famine, war, and pandemic disease;
  3. Recognize the value of different kinds of knowledge (including both academic and experiential) in formulating appropriate responses to humanitarian crises;
  4. Critically evaluate the way in which humanitarian interventions are understood and assessed, specifically contrasting the differences between effectiveness, efficiency, outcome, and impact.

Our mission for students in the humanitarian studies program at Fordham extends beyond simply satisfying the course requirements for the major or minor, and the IIHA and their advisor will support them in a number of ways. Students are encouraged to:

  • Participate in the life of the humanitarian community at Fordham. Examining contemporary humanitarian issues with their peers through debates, clubs and other activities is an important part of their humanitarian education;
  • Cultivate an in-depth knowledge of a specific area of humanitarian assistance through their elective choices, their internship, andif in the majortheir thesis;
  • Consider their professional development and their range of career options while making use of the IIHA's relationships with practitioners as well as Fordham's location in New York City.

The following ten courses are required for the major in humanitarian studies:

Course Title Credits
HUST 2500The Humanitarian System: Past, Present, and Future4
HUST 3600Evolution of Development and Humanitarian Aid Systems4
HUST 4800International Humanitarian Internship 14
HUST 4888Senior Thesis Seminar 14
Two required electives from each of the following subject areas:20 to 24
History, Philosophy, and Anthropology Area Studies (see below)
Humanitarian Affairs, Political Science, Sociology, and Economics (see below)
Communications, Women’s Studies and Literary Studies (see below)

Please note:

Elective Courses

Students must complete a total of six electives, two from each of the following subject areas.

Note: Because of the diverse range of relevant disciplines and knowledge, the list of electives may not be inclusive of all possible courses. If you are interested in courses that seem relevant but are not listed below, please contact the executive director, Brendan Cahill (, to seek approval for your course.

History, Philosophy, and Anthropology Area Studies

Courses in this group have the HHPA attribute

Course Title Credits
AFAM 3070African Politics4
AFAM 3072Civil Wars in Africa4
ANTH 3380Hazards, Disasters, and Human Experience4
ANTH 3476Latin American Social Movements4
ANTH 3725Anthropological Theory4
ANTH 4200Climate Change and Culture4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ANTH 4490Anthropology of Political Violence4
HIST 3570Genocide4
HIST 3670The Modern Middle East4
HIST 3675History of Modern Israel4
HIST 3911U.S. and East Asia4
HIST 3946African Economies and Humanitarianism4
HIST 3969Latin America and the U.S.4
HIST 3983Apocalypticism and Messianism in Islamic Thought and History4
HIST 4011Why America Fights4
HIST 4331US in the Middle East: 1945-Present4
HIST 4631Seminar: US in the Mid East: 1945-Pres4
HIST 4910Seminar: Genocide4
PHIL 3000Philosophical Ethics3
PHIL 3711Humanitarianism and Philosophy4
PHIL 3712Global Environment and Justice4
PHIL 3713Human Rights and Global Justice4
PHIL 4205Seminar: Justice and Social Identity4
PHIL 4418Issues of Life and Death4
THEO 3542Catholic Social Teaching3
THEO 3711Sacred Texts of the Middle East3
THEO 3715Classic Islamic Texts3
THEO 3720Hindu Literature and Ethics3
THEO 3724Classic Buddhist Texts3
THEO 5400Topics in Islam: Texts and Traditions3

Humanitarian Affairs, Political Science, Sociology, and Economics

Courses in this group have the HPSE attribute.

Course Title Credits
CGPH 2001Introduction to Community and Global Public Health4
ECON 3210Development Economics4
ECON 3235Economy of Latin America4
ECON 3240World Poverty4
ECON 3244International Economic Policy4
ECON 3248Migration and Development: A Social Justice Perspective4
ECON 3346International Trade4
ENST 3308Catastrophe and Human Survival4
FREN 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
HUST 4100Refugee and Asylum Law4
HUST 4200Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action4
HUST 4501Humanitarianism and Global Health: Unequal Access for the Displaced and Marginalized4
LACU 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
PJST 4200Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking4
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment4
POSC 3418Islamic Political Thought4
POSC 3507International Human Rights4
POSC 3516Conflict Analysis/Resolution4
POSC 3521Global Governance4
POSC 3522United Nations4
POSC 3527United Nations Peace Operations4
POSC 3530U.S. Foreign Policy4
POSC 3610Political Economy of Development4
POSC 3616Political Economy of Poverty4
POSC 3645Politics of Immigration4
POSC 3651Comparative Politics of the Middle East4
POSC 4400Seminar: Global Justice4
POSC 4515Seminar: International Politics of Peace4
POSC 4526Seminar: The Politics of Humanitarian Intervention4
SOCI 3046International Sociology4
SOCI 3110Global Conflict: Wars/Religion4
SOCI 3148Population and Economic Development Issues4
SOCI 3401Gender, Crime, and Justice4
SOCI 3410Migration/Globalization4
SOCI 3418Contemporary Immigration in Global Perspective4
SOCI 3714Terrorism and Society4

Communications, Women’s Studies, and Literary Studies

Courses in this group have the HCWL attribute. 

Course Title Credits
CISC 4631Data Mining4
CISC 4650Cyberspace: Issues and Ethics4
COMC 3247Race and Gender in Media4
COMC 3330Peace, Justice, and the Media4
COMC 3380International Communication4
COMC 4360Communication Ethics and the Public Sphere4
ENGL 3059Creating Dangerously: Writing Across Conflict Zones4
ENGL 3333Captives, Cannibals, and Rebels4
ENGL 3683Literature Beyond Borders4
FREN 3490Africa: Society and Culture Through Film4
HUST 5215Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings3
PSYC 3810Trauma and Family Violence4
VART 3030Art Design and Politics4
WGSS 3004Transnational Feminisms4


The major in humanitarian studies is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill and at Fordham College at Lincoln Center. Students in Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies may major in humanitarian studies only if they receive the approval of their advising dean and/or department, and their schedules are sufficiently flexible to permit them to take day courses at the Rose Hill or Lincoln Center campuses.

Fordham College at Rose Hill students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Fordham College at Lincoln Center students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Professional and Continuing Studies students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the PCS Core Curriculum and any additional electives that may be required to earn a minimum of 124 credits.

CIP Code

24.0103 - Humanities/Humanistic Studies.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.