Environmental Studies

Who speaks for Earth and addresses the world's big environmental challenges? With a degree in environmental studies at Fordham, you can.

You'll tackle the most pressing issues of our times: Climate change. Habitat loss. Mass species extinction. Natural capital degradation. Environmental health. Environmental justice. Building sustainable societies.

Study both science and the humanities with a focus on policy solutions

You'll complete interdisciplinary coursework in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to gain insight into the physical and societal causes and effects of environmental problems, integrating these disciplines in economic, political, and societal policy solutions.

Choose your own career track

Career tracks, such as conservation biology, pre-health, environmental law, sustainable business, sustainable architecture and urban planning, environmental journalism, and sustainable agriculture, are developed through course electives, internships, study abroad, senior thesis research, and our Alumni Career Advisory Board, allowing you to graduate with a clear academic profile and strong professional resume.

Access world-class Fordham and NYC resources facilities

Resources and facilities include the following:

  • Fordham's Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station
  • St. Rose's Garden (campus urban agriculture garden)
  • The Campus Sustainability Program
  • University partnerships with the New York Botanical Garden, the Wildlife Conservation Society/Bronx Zoo, and the Bronx River Alliance (Department of Parks)
  • Read more about resources and facilities here.

Study around the globe

Study abroad courses and fieldwork can take you to Denmark, South Vietnam, Australia, Africa, and elsewhere, giving you invaluable international experience. They can also count toward the environmental studies major or minor (up to four courses).

Practice in professional internships what you're studying in courses

You'll start practicing what you're studying now by taking advantage of internship opportunities in New York City, abroad, and in our special Bronx River Stewardship and Internship Program, incorporating professional experience into your coursework, employment resume, and graduate-school application.

Pursue your own original research

Your research in courses, study abroad, and internships culminates in the senior research thesis. You'll spend a semester or entire year on an original research project under the guidance of faculty members, and publish your research in an online journal.

Participate in a close-knit community of learners

Environmental clubs at Rose Hill and Lincoln Center sponsored by our program allow you to participate in a close-knit community of learners beyond the classroom and pursue activities such as campus ecology projects, invited speakers, career fairs, and field trips.

Environmental citizenship and mission

You'll serve the mission of Fordham and our program: to respect the environment, serve the greater good, and be an exemplary environmental citizen and leader.

For more information

Visit the Environmental Studies program webpage.

Our Courses

ENST 1000. Introduction to Environmental Studies. (3 Credits)

This course is designed to fulfill major and minor requirements of environmental studies students. It provides an interdisciplinary overview of environmental issues and introduces students to methods in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and applied arts and sciences.

Attributes: ENMI, INST, ISIN, SOIN.

ENST 1999. Tutorial. (1 Credit)

Individualized reading and research under the supervision of a consenting faculty member and with the director's permission.

ENST 2999. Tutorial. (2 Credits)

Individualized reading and research under the supervision of a consenting faculty member and with the director's permission.

ENST 3000. Environmental Research Methods. (4 Credits)

Students use methods in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities to undertake a research project on an environmental issue of their choice, as approved by the instructor. The course (normally offered only each fall) fulfills the Research Methods requirement in the senior year of the environmental studies major and is used to begin work on the required senior research thesis, which is completed in ENST 4000 Senior Thesis (normally offered only each spring semester). The course, which can be taken twice, is open to students before their senior year to fulfill the environmental history and culture requirement of the environmental studies major, or alternatively, to fulfill the environmental politics and law, environmental economics, environmental ethics and justice, or environmental design requirements of the major if the student's research project is focused on one of these areas and if the permission of the environmental studies program director is obtained. The course, when taken once, cannot count for more than one of the above major requirements. The course also counts as an elective in the environmental studies minor and the peace and justice studies minor. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.

Attributes: ESEL, ESHC, PJEN.

ENST 3070. Green Architecture. (4 Credits)

A studio course in sustainable design practices for public spaces, landscapes, furnishings, or buildings. A major design project is prefaced with environmental research, technical strategies and standards, and in-depth case studies. Portfolio layouts. Field trips, workshops, lab fee, and office hours visits are required. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.

Attribute: URST.

ENST 3307. Environmental Politics. (4 Credits)

The course introduces students to the history and evolution of environmentalism and environmental policy in the United States and abroad. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.


ENST 3308. Catastrophe and Human Survival. (4 Credits)

Pandemics, climate change, war, and resulting political and economic crises preoccupy narratives about human survival. As a result, our lives, societies, and political systems seem increasingly unstable and precarious—our futures, uncertain. Examining past natural disasters and pandemics, and how future threats therefore become imagined, this course explores the relationship between thinking about future disasters, and how humans seek to protect themselves from significant danger. Drawing on an interdisciplinary literature from critical and political theory, security studies, other social sciences, and the humanities, this course surrounds the phenomena of future catastrophe and human survival to ask: What does it mean to live in an age of extreme turbulence? Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.


ENST 3999. Tutorial. (3 Credits)

Individualized reading and research under the supervision of a consenting faculty member and with the director's permission.

ENST 4000. Senior Thesis. (4 Credits)

Using methods in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and applied arts and sciences, students in their senior year write an interdisciplinary research thesis on an environmental issue. It is normally offered each spring, and should only be taken within the time frame of the student's last two semesters.

ENST 4900. Internship: Environmental Communications and Media. (4 Credits)

Students will intern in a communications and media organization that deals with environmental issues, or in the communications and media office of an environmental organization, government agency, business, or other entity in order to gain hands-on learning in the emerging field of environmental communications. This kind of hands-on learning and professional experience is normally highly valued by both future employers and graduate school programs. The instructor supports students in their efforts to find an internship placement that meets their interests and needs and advises them throughout the semester on how to derive the maximum amount of value from the experience. Students will learn critical skills in communications and media (e.g., public speaking, public relations, social media marketing, etc.) that will aid them throughout their internship. A sample listing of current internships can be found on the Environmental Studies website, under Internships. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.


Mutually Exclusive: COMM 3701, COMM 4701.

ENST 4999. Tutorial. (4 Credits)

Individualized reading and research under the supervision of a consenting faculty member and with the director's permission.

Courses in Other Areas

The following courses offered in other departments have the ENST attribute and count toward the Environmental Studies major and minor:

Course Title Credits
AFAM 3530Race, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice in the African Diaspora4
AFAM 4147Food and Globalization4
ANTH 1200Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 2700You Are What You Eat: The Anthropology of Food4
ANTH 3380Hazards, Disasters, and Human Experience4
ANTH 4200Climate Change and Culture4
ANTH 4373Environment and Human Survival4
ANTH 4722Primate Ecology and Conservation4
ARHI 2565Architecture and the Environment4
ARHI 4555Art & Ecology in the 19th, 20th & 21st century4
BISC 1000Life on the Planet Earth3
BISC 1002Ecology: A Human Approach3
BISC 1403Introductory Biology I3
BISC 1404Introductory Biology II3
BISC 2561Ecology3
BISC 3000Environmental Science3
BISC 4035Ecology and Economics of Food Systems4
BISC 4575Conservation Biology4
CHEM 1109Chemistry of the Environment3
CHEM 1321General Chemistry I4
COMC 4115Communication and the Food System4
COMC 4222Media and the Environment4
ECON 1200Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 3430ST: Sustainable Business4
ECON 3850Environmental Economics4
ECON 4030Environmental-Economic Policy4
ECON 4035Ecology and Economics of Food Systems4
ENGL 3122Extinction4
ENGL 3209Ecoliterature from Milton to Today4
ENGL 3424Romantics and Their World4
ENGL 3633The Enlightened Earth: American Environment Cultures After 19604
ENGL 3634The Literature of Climate Crisis4
ENGL 3635Future Environments: Human Life After the End4
ENGL 3704How to Bloom: Nature Writing, Justice, and Liberation4
ENGL 3909Interspecies Friendship4
ENGL 3910Nature and Horror4
ENGL 3916Animals in Literature4
ENGL 4107Seminar: Ecology on the Edge: Climate Change and Literature4
ENGL 4147Food and Globalization4
ENGL 4216Animal Welfare in Literature and Culture4
ENST 3308Catastrophe and Human Survival4
ENVS 3000Environmental Science3
FREN 3270Écocritique: Francophone environments and cultures4
FREN 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
HIST 3364Environmental History of the Atlantic World, 1250-16504
HIST 3538The Good Earth?4
HIST 3564Environmental History of New York City: A Research Seminar4
HIST 3990North American Environmental History4
HIST 3991History of the American Indians4
HIST 3992Capitalism4
HIST 3993Environmental History: New York City4
HIST 3994Climate and Society4
HIST 3998People and Other Animals in History4
HIST 4780Sem: History of Capitalism4
HIST 5563Readings in Environmental History4
HPLC 1603Honors: Natural Science I4
HPLC 1604Honors: Natural Science II4
HPRH 1101Interdisciplinary STEM I3
HPRH 1201Interdisciplinary STEM II3
HUST 4501Humanitarianism and Global Health: Unequal Access for the Displaced and Marginalized4
INST 3100The Global Environment4
JOUR 3734Explorations in Climate Storytelling4
LACU 3492Climate Change and Sustainable Development in the Francophone World4
LPBU 3430ST: Sustainable Business3
LPBU 3432ST: Modern Economics for a Sustainable World3
LPBU 3461ST: Sustainable Fashion3
MKBU 3461ST: Sustainable Fashion3
NSCI 1020Physical Science: Today's World3
NSCI 1040People and the Living Environment3
NSCI 1321General Chemistry Lecture I4
NSCI 1403General Biology Lecture I3
NSCI 1404General Biology Lecture II3
NSCI 1423Concepts in Biology Lecture I3
NSCI 1424Concepts in Biology Lecture II3
NSCI 1501General Physics Lecture I3
NSCI 2010Global Ecology Lecture3
NSCI 2020An Introduction to Geology3
NSCI 2050Foundations in Animal Behavior3
NSCI 2142Paleoecology Lecture3
PHIL 3109Environmental Ethics4
PHIL 3712Global Environment and Justice4
PHIL 3722Native American Philosophy4
PHIL 3990Environmental Worldviews and Ethics4
PHIL 4302Environmental Policy and Ethics4
PHIL 4409Environmental Ethics4
PHYS 1203Environmental Physics3
PHYS 1350The Physics of Climate Change3
PHYS 1501General Physics I3
PHYS 1601Introduction to Physics I4
PHYS 1701Physics I3
PJST 3200Environmental Justice4
POSC 3131Politics, Urban Health, and Environment4
POSC 3307Environmental Politics4
POSC 3312Introduction to Environmental Politics4
POSC 4040Seminar: Sustainable Development4
PSYC 3340Urban Psychology4
SOCI 3142Environmental Sociology4
SOCI 3145Environment Technology Society4
THEO 3371The American Transcendentalists: Spirituality Without Religion3
THEO 4008Religion and Ecology4
THEO 4444Anthropocene: Sciences, Fictions, and Ethical Futures4
THEO 4520Animals, Angels, and Aliens: Beyond the Human in Christian Thought3
URST 5066Urban Health and Environment3
URST 5070Environmental History of the American City3
VART 2040Elements of Architecture4
VART 2050Designing the City4
VART 2055Environmental Design4
VART 2070Architectural Design4
VART 2424Art and Action on the Bronx River4
VART 3055Ecology for Designers4
VART 3056Urban Environmental Design4
VART 3541The Streets of New York4