Art History Major

Majors in art history must complete a minimum of nine one-semester courses.

Course Title Credits
ARHI 1100Art History Introduction: World Art 13
or ARHI 1101 Introduction to Art History: Europe
or ARHI 1102 Introduction to Art History: Asia
or ARHI 1103 Introduction to Art History: Americas
or ARHI 1104 Introduction to Art History: Africa and African Diaspora
or ARHI 1105 Introduction to Art History: Architecture
VART 1135Visual Thinking3
ARHI 4600Senior Seminar4
One required course from each of the following areas of study:16
Two elective courses 28

Students in the FCRH Honors Program may fulfill this requirement with HPRH 1205 Foundational Topics: Art. Students in the FCLC Honors Program may fulfill this requirement with HPLC 2501 Honors: Art History at the Museums.

Please note:
  • Any course with the subject code ARHI numbered 1100-4999 (except for ARHI 4900 Internship) may fulfill this requirement. Both elective courses should preferably be taken in the same area of study (Ancient/Medieval, Renaissance/Baroque, Modern, or Global).
  • A second introductory art history course (ARHI 1100, ARHI 1101, ARHI 1102, ARHI 1103, ARHI 1104, or ARHI 1105), not otherwise used for the major, may count as one of the two electives. Given overlapping course content, students who have taken ARHI 1100 Art History Introduction: World Art may not take ARHI 1101 Introduction to Art History: Europe, and vice versa. In no case can more than two introductory courses apply towards the major.

Students who have taken the art history AP exam and have scored 4 or 5 can count this AP credit (ARHI 1298) toward their fine arts core requirement.

Art history majors who have taken the art history AP and have scored 4 or 5 must still take nine art history courses to complete the major.

Art history majors may earn academic credit for internships (via ARHI 4900 Internship), but may not apply such credit towards the major.

Courses belonging to the art history areas of study are listed in the areas of study section.

Current Fordham students may count toward the art history major or minor up to two courses taken on study abroad programs or in special cases at other U.S. institutions. Students must meet with their adviser in the art history program in advance to discuss plans. Credit of such non-Fordham courses toward the art history major or minor will be granted at the discretion of the department. 

Incoming transfer students may count up to four courses taken at their previous institution toward the Fordham art history major or minor. Application of non-Fordham credits toward the major or minor is not automatic and will be decided at the discretion of the Chair or Associate Chair. 


The major in art history is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies at Lincoln Center.

Fordham College at Rose Hill students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Fordham College at Lincoln Center students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the Core Curriculum.

Professional and Continuing Studies students: The requirements above are in addition to those of the PCS Core Curriculum and any additional electives that may be required to earn a minimum of 124 credits.

CIP Code

50.0703 - Art History, Criticism and Conservation.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.

The major requires students to take one course from each of the areas of study below. Students are encouraged to complete the major's elective requirement with two additional courses from a single area of study.

Renaissance/Baroque area of study courses

Courses in this group have the AHRB attribute

Course Title Credits
ARHI 2410Northern Renaissance Art4
ARHI 2415Italian Renaissance Art4
ARHI 2418Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Art4
ARHI 2430Renaissance Portraits4
ARHI 2432Renaissance Centers4
ARHI 245017th Century Art4
ARHI 3316Art and Architecture of Rome4
ARHI 3455Michelangelo4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4435Art of the Tudor Courts4
HIST 4435Art of the Tudor Courts4

Modern area of study courses

Courses in this group have the AHMO attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 2528Asian American Art4
ARHI 2100History of Architecture4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2260Global Modern Architecture4
ARHI 251018th Century Art4
ARHI 2520American Art4
ARHI 2525Museums from Revolution to Restitution (1793-present)4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 2527London Monuments: Power, Protest, and Public Space4
ARHI 2528Asian American Art4
ARHI 253019th Century Art4
ARHI 2534The Victorian City: Art and Architecture in the 19th Century London4
ARHI 2535History of Photography4
ARHI 2545Museum Architecture4
ARHI 255020th Century Art4
ARHI 2552Modern Asian Art4
ARHI 2553Art, Gender, and Sexuality in Asia4
ARHI 2565Architecture and the Environment4
ARHI 2571Topics in Modern Art4
ARHI 2575Visualizing Black Queer Feminisms4
ARHI 2580Contemporary Black and Indigenous Art4
ARHI 2620Introduction to Fashion History4
ARHI 3100Museum Methods4
ARHI 3110Can Museums Be Decolonized?4
ARHI 3300Art Crime and the Law4
ARHI 3480Art and Architecture in London4
ARHI 3540Seminar: Contemporary Architecture4
ARHI 3555Contemporary Art4
ARHI 3565Issues: Contemporary Art4
ARHI 3621Museum Collaboration4
ARHI 4100Contemporary Art in Exhibition4
ARHI 4530Gender and Modern Art4
ARHI 4535Contemporary Black and Indigenous Art4
ARHI 4540Seminar: Modern Art4
ARHI 4555Art & Ecology in the 19th, 20th & 21st century4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4

Global area of study courses

Courses in this group have the AHGL attribute.

Course Title Credits
AAST 2528Asian American Art4
ARHI 1102Introduction to Art History: Asia3
ARHI 1103Introduction to Art History: Americas3
ARHI 1104Introduction to Art History: Africa and African Diaspora3
ARHI 1105Introduction to Art History: Architecture3
ARHI 2211The Arts and Visual Culture of China and Beyond4
ARHI 2221Japanese Visual Culture: Prehistory to Present4
ARHI 2223Art and Violence in Modern Asia4
ARHI 2230Islamic Art4
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2254Topics in Global Art4
ARHI 2257Modern Latin American Art4
ARHI 2260Global Modern Architecture4
ARHI 2526Art and the Black Atlantic4
ARHI 2527London Monuments: Power, Protest, and Public Space4
ARHI 2528Asian American Art4
ARHI 2552Modern Asian Art4
ARHI 2553Art, Gender, and Sexuality in Asia4
ARHI 2565Architecture and the Environment4
ARHI 2575Visualizing Black Queer Feminisms4
ARHI 2580Contemporary Black and Indigenous Art4
ARHI 3110Can Museums Be Decolonized?4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
ARHI 4562Art and the Second World War4
ENGL 4108Seminar: Exhibiting Latinidad: Curation/Display/Intervention4

Ancient/Medieval area of study courses

Courses in this group have the AHAM attribute.

Course Title Credits
ARHI 2230Islamic Art4
ARHI 2250Ancient American Art4
ARHI 2254Topics in Global Art4
ARHI 2305Gods, Monsters, Heroes, and Mortals: Narrative in Greek Art4
ARHI 2311Athens and Ancient Greece: Athens and Pericles in the Fifth Century BC "Golden Age"4
ARHI 2314Ancient Architecture and New York City4
ARHI 2315Roman Art4
ARHI 2320The Fall of Ancient Rome: A Material Culture Investigation4
ARHI 2341Medieval Desire and Devotion4
ARHI 2360Illuminated Manuscripts4
ARHI 2361Italian Art, Politics, and Religion in the Age of Dante4
ARHI 2365Medieval Art and the Museum4
ARHI 2370Art and Science in the Middle Ages4
ARHI 3200Museum Studies in Ancient Art4
ARHI 3316Art and Architecture of Rome4
ARHI 3350Age of Cathedrals4
ARHI 4250Aztec Art4
MVST 2360Illuminated Manuscripts4
MVST 2370Art and Science in the Middle Ages4