School Psychology (Adv Cert)

66 credits

NYSED 14379

The Fordham Graduate School of Education offers two Advanced Certificate (formerly Professional Diploma) programs in school psychology. Both programs lead to certification as a school psychologist. One of these programs, the bilingual Advanced Certificate program, leads specifically to a school psychology certificate with a bilingual extension. 

Both Advanced Certificate programs prepare students to serve as practicing school psychologists. Beginning with a foundation in undergraduate psychology coursework, the student completes a minimum of 66 graduate credits of academic study, including one year of supervised internship. The student is then awarded the Advanced Certificate. Students who complete the program successfully are eligible to apply for National Certification as a School Psychologist, and students who are U.S. citizens are recommended to New York state for New York certification as a school psychologist.

Graduates of the bilingual school psychology program who complete the master's in the psychology of the bilingual students are eligible for New York state certification as bilingual school psychologists (i.e. certification as a school psychologist with a bilingual extension).

Completion Requirements

To complete an Advanced Certificate in school psychology or bilingual school psychology, students must

  • complete the prescribed program of study, including a minimum of 66 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree, with a minimum of 30 graduate credits taken at Fordham with the approval of an adviser (credit for previous graduate work is granted depending on its relation to the program);
  • maintain a minimum overall graduate grade point average of 3.25 (between B and B+);
  • successfully complete an end-of-program comprehensive assessment; and
  • successfully complete any required related practica or field experiences.

Consistent with accreditation guidelines of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), students earning an Advanced Certificate in School Psychology at Fordham University must take the National Certification in school psychology Exam and request that their scores be submitted to the program director prior to graduation. Although a passing score on the test is not required for graduation, students are encouraged but not required to seek national certification. Because the Fordham school psychology program is fully approved by NASP, students who successfully complete the program and obtain passing scores on the national certification exam are eligible for National Certification as a School Psychologist.

Acceptance into the program carries with it the responsibility to uphold the published ethical standards of the American Psychological Association. Violation of ethical standards may result in termination from the program. The program is committed to fostering and maintaining a learning environment in which all members of the community feel valued and respected. The program reserves the right to review the progress of students and to terminate students from the program on the basis of inability to meet academic, personal, or professional standards. Students may be terminated from the program if they fail to complete any of these requirements. 

Admission Requirements

Applicants seeking admission to one of the Advanced Certificate (formerly Professional Diploma) programs in school psychology must meet the general requirements for admission to graduate study in the Graduate School of Education and the following program-specific criteria:

  • Possess a baccalaureate or a master’s degree from an accredited college or university with a suitable foundation in the behavioral sciences, including successful completion of courses or their equivalent in the following areas, at either the undergraduate or graduate level: general psychology, child/developmental psychology, educational psychology, abnormal psychology, and psychology of personality. Applicants who lack one or more of these prerequisites may be admitted to the program; however, all but two prerequisites must be completed prior to taking any program coursework. These two prerequisites may be taken concurrently with program coursework. It is preferred that missing prerequisites be taken at Fordham.
  • Choose to take and pass a minimum competency examination in psychological and educational measurement. (Students who do not meet the criterion level or choose not to take the exam will be required to enroll in PSGE 6702 Fundamentals of Educational and Psychological Measurement during their first semester at Fordham).
  • Have academic and professional goals consistent with the objectives and purposes of the program.
  • Show evidence of a high degree of emotional stability, as well as personal and social maturity as indicated by both the student’s record and by an interview with school psychology faculty.
  • Have earned a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 (B or better) or a minimum graduate grade point average of 3.5 (B+ or better).
  • Provide two letters of reference.
  • Demonstrate satisfactory command of oral and written English.
  • Provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps, meningitis, and rubella.

Applicants for the bilingual program must also demonstrate competency in both English and a second language through a license as a bilingual teacher or a successful rating on a test of dual language proficiency (for example, New York state Education Department Language Proficiency Examination).

Program of Study

Course Title Credits
PSGE 7412Personality Assessment 13
PSGE 7432Personality Assessment Lab 10
PSGE 7418Non-Biased Assessment and Decision-Making3
PSGE 7508Cognitive Assessment3
PSGE 7518Cognitive Assessment Lab0
PSGE 6311Applications of Behavior Analysis in Educational Settings3
PSGE 7423Therapeutic Interventions in the Schools3
PSGE 7445Theories of School-Based Consultation3
PSGE 7620Theories of Counseling3
Professional Role
PSGE 7422Instructional Consultation3
PSGE 7442Role and Function of the School Psychologist3
PSGE 7372Adv Cert Pro-Seminar in the Professional Practice of School Psychology 20
Research 3
PSGE 5203Introduction to Research3
PSGE 6702Fundamentals of Educational and Psychological Measurement3
PSGE 7429Integration of Assessment Techniques 43
PSGE 7499Integration of Assessment Techniques Lab0
PSGE 7480Advanced Certificate Internship in School Psychology I 53
PSGE 7481Advanced Certificate Internship in School Psychology II 53
PSGE 7500Clinical Practicum in School Psychology 63
PSGE 7502Consultation Practicum in School Psychology 73
PSGE 6312Psychology of Cognition and Affect3
or PSGE 6446 Consultation With Families in a Diverse Society
PSGE 6417Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities3
PSGE 6418Emotional Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence3
Urban Education
EDGE 6101Race and Multicultural Education in American Society 83
Select 6 credits, in consultation with an advisor.6
Comprehensive Assessment
PSGE 0810Adv Cert/Professional Practice in School Psychology Comprehensive Assessment0
Total Credits66

Students pursuing a Ph.D. in school psychology along with this advanced certificate may fulfill this requirement with PSGE 7609 Advanced Personality Assessment and PSGE 7619 Advanced Personality Assessment Lab, in lieu of PSGE 7412 and PSGE 7432.


Students pursuing a Ph.D. in school psychology along with this advanced certificate may fulfill this requirement with PSGE 7900 Proseminar in Psychological and Educational Services, in lieu of PSGE 7372.


Students pursuing a Ph.D. in school psychology along with this advanced certificate may fulfill this requirement with PSGE 7210 Experimental Design and PSGE 7211 Correlational Design and Analysis, or PSGE 7681 Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology and Education I and PSGE 7682 Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology and Education II, in lieu of PSGE 5203 and PSGE 6702.


Requires a minimum of 1 day per week with onsite supervision for 15 weeks in an approved assessment setting.


Internship includes one full academic year or a minimum of 1500 hours of supervised fieldwork (full time for one year or part time over two years). Students pursuing a Ph.D. in school psychology along with this advanced certificate may fulfill this requirement with PSGE 7490 Doctoral Internship in School Psychology I and PSGE 7492 Doctoral Internship in School Psychology II, in lieu of PSGE 7480 and PSGE 7481.


Requires a minimum of 1 day per week with onsite supervision for 15 weeks in an approved clinical setting.


Requires a minimum of 1 day per week with onsite supervision for 15 weeks in an approved school setting.


Students pursuing a Ph.D. in school psychology along with this advanced certificate may fulfill this requirement with PSGE 6603 Multicultural Issues in Professional Psychology, in lieu of EDGE 6101.