Applied Psychological Methods (M.S.)

The applied psychological methods master’s degree program currently requires 30 semester hours for the M.S. degree. After no more than one semester, students specialize in one of two concentrations. The program focuses on the evaluation of programs and program delivery, social policy, organizational change, and specific content areas such as education, development, or cognition. It also focuses on applying advanced statistical approaches to real-world problems, using techniques such as item response theory, structural equation modeling, and hierarchical linear modeling.

Students will complete a total of three core courses (9 credits), and six specialization courses (18 credits), and a one-semester internship (3 credits). Full-time students are expected to take three or four 3-credit courses a semester, part-time students one or two. Internships may be arranged following one semester of completed work. Any substitutions must be reviewed and approved by the director of the M.S. program. Additional coursework completed over the summer or transferred from a prior institution may reduce the number of courses required per semester.

Course Title Credits
PSYC 6802Introduction to Psychology Statistics w/ Lab3
PSYC 6010Research Ethics and Social Justice3
PSYC 6830Psychology Research Methodology3
PSYC 8001Internship in Applied Psychological Methods 13
Three required and three elective courses from one of the following concentrations:18
Program Evaluation
Tests and Measurement
Total Credits30

For more information on the Internship requirement, visit our page on the Fordham website.

Program Evaluation concentration

Course Title Credits
POSC 5251Political Survey Research3
PSYC 6850Evaluation of Psychological and Social Programs3
PSYC 7890Qualitative Methods3
Three electives with the PMPE attribute9
Total Credits18

Courses in this group have the PMPE attribute.

Course Title Credits
PSYC 5200Fixing Psychology's Replication Crisis3
PSYC 5710Issues in Social Psychology3
PSYC 6225Personality Theories and Research 3
PSYC 6290Health Disparities and Social Justice in Research and Practice3
PSYC 6300Developmental Psychology: Foundations3
PSYC 6330Cognitive Development3
PSYC 6360Social Policy and Applied Psychology3
PSYC 7122Developmental and Prevention Science3

Tests and Measurement concentration

Course Title Credits
PSGE 7711Psychometric Theory3
or PSYC 5100 Psychometric Theory
PSYC 7804Regression with Lab3
or PSYC 7816 Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
PSYC 7920Item Response Theory3
or PSYC 7960 Equating Test Scores
Three electives with the PMTM attribute9
Total Credits18

Courses in this group have the PMTM attribute.

Course Title Credits
CISC 5500Data Analytics Tools and Scripting3
CISC 5700Cognitive Computing3
CISC 5790Data Mining3
CISC 5900Information Fusion3
PSGE 7418Non-Biased Assessment and Decision-Making3
PSYC 5200Fixing Psychology's Replication Crisis3
PSYC 7812Factor Analysis3
PSYC 7830Structural Equation Modeling3
PSYC 7850Hierarchical Linear Models3
PSYC 7940Bayesian Statistics3
PSYC 7950Correspondence Analysis3
PSYC 7965Experimental Design3