Group Prerequisites

Texts and Contexts (PRALC and PRENG)

Courses with the PRALC and PRENG group prerequisite require one course from the list below. All English courses 3000-level or above have this requirement. 

Course Title Credits
ENGL 2000Texts and Contexts3
CLAS 2000Texts and Contexts3
COLI 2000Texts and Contexts3
ENGL 1004Texts and Contexts: Upward Mobility and the Common Good3
HPLC 1201Honors: English3
HPRH 1102Foundational Texts: Theology/Classics3
LACU 1010Spanish Colonialism Through Film3
LACU 2000Texts and Contexts3

The PRALC group prerequisite is concurrent, meaning the prerequisite course can be taken either at the same time or before the applicable course. The PRENG group is not concurrent.

Life Science (PRLIFESCI)

Courses with the PRLIFESCI group prerequisite require one course from the list below.

Course Title Credits
CHEM 1102Drug Discovery: From the Laboratory to the Clinic3
CHEM 1104Chemistry and the Artistic Image3
CHEM 1109Chemistry of the Environment3
CHEM 1110Forensic Science3
CHEM 1321General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1322General Chemistry II4
NSCI 1010Physical Sciences: From Past to Present3
NSCI 1020Physical Science: Today's World3
PHYS 1201Introduction to Astronomy3
PHYS 1203Environmental Physics3
PHYS 1206Physics of Everyday Life3
PHYS 1207Physics of Light and Color3
PHYS 1242Science Fiction Physics3
PHYS 1501General Physics I3
PHYS 1601Introduction to Physics I4
PHYS 1701Physics I3
NSCI 1701Physics I3
Score of 4 or 5 on the following AP exams:
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Physics E - Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics C - Mechanics

Physical Science (PRPHYSICAL)

Courses with the PRPHYSICAL group prerequisite require one course from the list below.

Course Title Credits
MATH 1003Mathematics and Democracy3
MATH 1100Finite Mathematics3
MATH 1203Applied Calculus I3
MATH 1206Calculus I4
MATH 1700Mathematical Modelling4
CISC 1100Structures of Computer Science3
CISC 1400Discrete Structures4
CISC 1600Computer Science I3
MATH 1108Math for Business: Finite3
MATH 1109Math for Business: Calculus3
BISC 1001Human Biology (only when earned via AP or IB Biology exam credit)3
BISC 1002Ecology: A Human Approach (only when earned via AP Environmental Science exam credit)3
BISC 1008The Finch, the Seed, and the Storm: Adventures in Contemporary Evolution3
Score of 4 or 5 on the following AP exams:
AP Mathematics: Calculus AB
AP Mathematics: Calculus BC
AP Computer Science AB

Faith and Critical Reason (PRTHFR)

Courses with the PRTHFR group prerequisite require one course from the list below.

Course Title Credits
HPRH 1102Foundational Texts: Theology/Classics3
THEO 1000Faith and Critical Reason3
THEO 1006Sin and Salvation in Medieval Theology3
THEO 1007Sinners, Saints, and Stories3
THEO 1008Mystics Monks and Mindfulness: Contemplation-In-Action Today3
THEO 1010Restless Heart: Quest3
HPLC 1401Honors: Theology3

Understanding Historical Change (PRUHC)

Courses with the PRUHC group prerequisite require one course from the list below.

Course Title Credits
HIST 1000Understanding Historical Change: Modern Europe3
HIST 1075Understanding Historical Change: Renaissance to Revolution in Europe3
HIST 1100Understanding Historical Change: American History3
HIST 1103Understanding Historical Change: Fighting for Equal Rights in American History3
HIST 1200Understanding Historical Change: Ancient History3
HIST/CLAS 1210Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Greece3
HIST/CLAS 1220Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome3
HIST 1240Understanding Historical Change: The Ancient World3
HIST 1300Understanding Historical Change: Medieval3
HIST 1400Understanding Historical Change: Latin America3
HIST 1450Understanding Historical Change: South Asian History3
HIST 1550Understanding Historical Change: Modern East Asia3
HIST 1551Understanding Historical Change: Representations of China and The West3
HIST/AFAM 1600Understanding Historical Change: Africa3
HIST 1650Understanding Historical Change: The Black Atlantic3
HIST 1700Understanding Historical Change: Mideast3
HIST 1750Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture3
HIST 1850Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Ancient and Medieval World3
HIST 1851Understanding Historical Change: Jews in the Modern World3
HIST 1925Understanding Historical Change: Science and Technology3