Pastoral Care (M.A.)

This program is offered online.

The Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in pastoral care is designed to prepare students engaged in ministerial work to be competent and effective pastoral caregivers in their present and future ministries. The program nurtures in-depth study, meaningful reflection, and the interdependence of theory and practice.

At the core of the Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in pastoral care are philosophical, theological, historical, psychological, sociological, and cultural foundations. Various modalities of theological reflection are utilized: pastoral and practical theology, psychology, developmental theory, spirituality, and cultural and multicultural perspectives.

The students enrolled in this program are clergy and laypeople involved in ministry of many kinds: parish ministry, chaplaincy in hospitals or other settings, youth ministry, work with the elderly or with at-risk populations. Those interested in chaplaincy may use this degree to seek certification from the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) or the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC).

The optional concentration in Trauma-Informed Care addresses society's growing need for helping professionals who understand the dynamics and effects of trauma on individuals and communities. Topics covered include the neuropsychology of trauma; the effects of early childhood trauma and attachment; historical, intergenerational, and cultural trauma, and the interaction of trauma, faith, and spirituality. Special attention is paid to issues of context, including race, class, gender, and sexuality, and students will be encouraged to bring in issues from their particular settings.  The trauma courses in the concentration are offered exclusively through a synchronous, live-online format.

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CIP Code

39.0705 - Lay Ministry.

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The Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in Pastoral Care requires 36 credits for completion.

Course Requirements

Course Title Credits
PCGR 6386Pastoral Counseling Theory3
PCGR 6310Human Growth and Development3
PCGR 6384Professional Ethics in Pastoral Counseling3
PCGR 6380Theology of Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care3
PCGR 6440Pastoral Counseling Skills3
PCGR 6382Social and Cultural Foundations of Pastoral Counseling3
Two courses from the following:6
Psychology and Religion/Spirituality
Marriage/Family Therapy
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
One Religious Education course:3
Education for Peace and Justice
Theology of the Human Person
Young Adult & Adult Ministry
Curriculum and Religious Education
One Scripture course:3
Old Testament
New Testament
One Theology course:3
Theology of Ministry
Theology of the Human Person
One Spirituality course:3
Discernment in the Christian Tradition
The Ignatian Way
Total Credits36

The M.A. in Pastoral Care is also available with a concentration in Trauma-Informed Care (see requirements below).

Students who complete the Advanced Certificate in Trauma-Informed Care and are later admitted to the M.A. in Pastoral Care may pursue the M.A. in Pastoral Care with a concentration in Trauma-Informed Care. The advanced certificate courses are accepted towards the M.A. as outlined below.

The courses in Trauma in the Trauma-Informed Care concentration are offered exclusively in a synchronous, live-online format.

M.A. in Pastoral Care with Concentration in Trauma-Informed Care

Course Title Credits
Pastoral Care Core
PCGR 6386Pastoral Counseling Theory3
PCGR 6310Human Growth and Development3
PCGR 6384Professional Ethics in Pastoral Counseling3
PCGR 6380Theology of Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care3
PCGR 6440Pastoral Counseling Skills3
PCGR 6382Social and Cultural Foundations of Pastoral Counseling3
Trauma Courses 1
PCGR 6610Trauma & Trauma-Informed Care3
PCGR 6620Trauma and Society3
PCGR 6630Trauma, Religion & Spirituality3
One pastoral counseling elective:3
Psychology and Religion/Spirituality
Marriage/Family Therapy
Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Choose two courses from the below categories: 26
Religious Education courses
Education for Peace and Justice
Young Adult & Adult Ministry
Scripture courses
Old Testament
New Testament
Spirituality courses
The Ignatian Way
Christian Contemplation and Action
Contemporary Christian Spirituality
Total Credits36

These courses are part of the Advanced Certificate in Trauma-Informed Care.


Each of the two courses must be from a different area of study (Religious Education, Scripture, or Spirituality).

Final Paper

All Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in pastoral care students are required to complete a final paper as part of the degree requirement. The final paper allows students the opportunity to integrate, reflect, expand, and apply their coursework. It should be noted that there is no registration fee for this component of the program. Additionally, no credits are awarded for the paper. However, students are required to register for maintenance and matriculation if not currently registered for classes. 

All students in the 36-credit program have two options for the final paper. Students are to choose the option in consultation with a final project mentor of their choosing. A mentor can be chosen at any point during the program.

Option 1: Complete a 30- to 40-page pastoral care project with a for-ministry focus. 

Students choosing this option are asked to draw upon their current or future pastoral care ministry and, informed by psychological and spiritual scholarship, write a final project that addresses an identifiable issue/concern. The paper is to include three parts: 

  1. A written discussion of the purpose of the project, including a description of the pastoral care need that will be addressed by your project and your goals for the project

  2. A detailed description of the pastoral care project

  3. A reflection on the psychological and spiritual dynamics of your project

Option 2: Complete a 30- to 40-page major paper.

Students choosing this option will have the opportunity to explore a pastoral care issue and the implications of this issue in depth. The major paper may take the following form:

  1. Identify a significant pastoral care issue

  2. Provide an account of why this is an important issue today

  3. Discuss the issue drawing from psychological and spiritual resources

  4. Explore some of the pastoral, clinical, and ethical dimensions or implications of the issue


Ordinarily, mentors of the final project are any of the full-time faculty in the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education in pastoral care and counseling that the student chooses. With permission, students may work with contingent faculty. It is the role of the mentor, who need not be one's faculty advisor, to help the student develop a proposal for the paper, to approve that proposal, to offer suggestions, to give feedback on the writing as needed, and to approve the final copy. It is not the role of the mentor to correct for grammar, spelling, and the manual of style.

Manual of Style

The final paper needs to be written according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style).