Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 0912. Requirement Preparation. (0 Credits)
For doctoral and master's students, registration is necessary to maintain continuous enrollment while preparing for a milestone requirement, such as comprehensive exam, master's thesis, or dissertation submission. Students who are studying for comprehensive examinations while still completing coursework do not need to register for any special status; however, if they are neither registered for coursework nor taking comprehensive examinations during the semester in question, they must register for Requirement Preparation.
PSYC 0914. Requirement Preparation in Summer. (0 Credits)
For Ph.D. and Master's students, registration necessary to maintain continuous enrollment while preparing for a milestone requirement during the summer. (e.g., to be used by Ph.D. students after the oral examination/defense and prior to receiving the degree).
PSYC 0930. Psychology Doctoral Comprehensive Examination. (0 Credits)
PSYC 0950. Proposal Development. (1 Credit)
PSYC 0960. Proposal Acceptance. (3 Credits)
PSYC 0970. Dissertation Mentoring-Psychology. (3 Credits)
The Psychology Ph.D. student is required to register for Dissertation Mentoring, which has a 3 credit fee, the semester arfter the student's proposal is accepted.
PSYC 1004. The Mind-Body Connection: Introduction to Behavioral Health. (3 Credits)
The overall goal of the course is to provide a comprehensive perspective on how psychology can augment the understanding and treatment of significant public health problems. In addition, this course will prepare students for future coursework or participation in behavioral health research.
Attributes: PLUR, SL, SSCI.
PSYC 1005. Introduction to the Psychology Major (Seminar). (0 Credits)
This seminar is intended for recently declared psychology majors. Students will be introduced to the psychology major requirements and psychology-related opportunities and resources at Fordham. We will also emphasize the various skills one develops as a psychology student. The course will increase students’ exposure to and engagement with the department’s tenured and tenure-track faculty, as well as increase student awareness of possible career paths in psychology, including graduate school.
PSYC 1100. Biopsychology. (3 Credits)
An introduction to the biological bases of psychology. Research will be presented with an emphasis on how the activity of the nervous system, as shaped by phylogeny and ontogeny, determines behavior. Students replicate classic studies, analyze the results, and prepare lab reports.
Attributes: LSCI, NEUR.
PSYC 1200. Foundations of Psychology. (4 Credits)
A systematic examination of the methods and content of psychology as a life science. A survey of history and development, principles, and theories of psychology related to sensation and perception, learning, cognition, motivation, developmental, personality, abnormal, and social psychology. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: MKLA.
PSYC 1800. Internship. (0 to 1 Credits)
PSYC 1999. Tutorial. (1 Credit)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PSYC 2000. Statistics. (4 Credits)
This course covers descriptive statistics and (parametric and nonparametric) inferential statistics. It emphasizes mastery of statistical concepts and utilization of statistical software. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: NEUR.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 2010. Research Methods Lab. (5 Credits)
A hands-on introduction to research methods in psychology. In the lab, students will replicate classic studies from different areas of psychology, analyze the results, and write APA-style lab reports. The lectures introduce these areas and relevant methods, placing the methods in broad historical and ethical contexts.
Attributes: NECG, NEUR.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2000.
PSYC 2200. Learning. (4 Credits)
Course focuses on the research and theories in animal and human learning. Empirical findings are discussed in relation to competing theories of learning, memory, and adaptive behavior. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYBP.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 2201. Learning Laboratory. (5 Credits)
Course focuses on the research and theories in animal and human learning. Empirical findings are discussed in relation to competing theories of learning and adaptive behavior. Students replicate classic learning studies, analyze their results, and prepare APA style lab reports.
Attributes: PYBP, PYCL.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 2300. Sensation and Perception. (4 Credits)
**NOTE: This course does NOT have a lab and will not have the attribute PYCL. Therefore, this course will NOT fulfill the content lab requirement for psychology.** The purpose of this course is to undertake an in-depth study into how we encode the physical stimuli of our external world (things we see, things we hear, things we feel), and translate them into neural and psychological actions, such as recognizing your parent or hearing music. The course will include a survey of research on the senses, especially vision and hearing. Biological, psychophysical, and cognitive perspectives will be considered. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: NECG, PYBP.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 2301. Sensation and Perception Lab. (5 Credits)
A survey of research on the senses, especially vision and hearing. Biological, psychophysical and cognitive perspectives will be considered. Students replicate classic studies, analyze the results and prepare APA style lab reports.
Attributes: NECG, NEUR, PYBP, PYCL.
PSYC 2401. Memory Laboratory. (5 Credits)
Covers historical approaches to memory, information processing and connectionist models of memory studies, analyze the results, and prepare APA style lab reports.
Attributes: NECG, NEUR, PYBP, PYCL.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 2500. Cognition. (4 Credits)
The analysis of the process of acquiring and using knowledge: perceptual recognition, attention, memory, imagery, language, problem solving, decision making, and the development of these processes throughout one's life. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: LING, PYBP.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 2501. Cognition Laboratory. (5 Credits)
The analysis of the process of acquiring and using knowledge: preceptual recognition, attention, memory, imagery, language, problem solving and decision making. Students replicate classic studies, analyze the results, and prepare APA style lab reports.
Attributes: NECG, NEUR, PYBP, PYCL.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 2600. Social Psychology. (4 Credits)
An examination of how others shape an individual's behavior. A review of selected topics of interpersonal behavior, including antisocial and prosocial behavior, prejudice, attraction, social influence, attitudes and persuasion, research methods. (Every semester) Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: MKLA, PYCP, SSCI, URST.
PSYC 2601. Lab in Social Psychology. (5 Credits)
(formerly PSYC 3470) This course involves social psychological research concerned with relationship formation, nonverbal behavior, attitude change, and group processes. Research on these topics will be conducted using laboratory designs, survey research, and observational techniques. Students will conduct both laboratory and naturalistic observations, analyze the results, and prepare APA-style lab reports and may be offered an opportunity to propose and conduct a research project of their own choosing.
Attributes: PYCL, PYCP, SSCI.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 2700. Infant and Child Development. (4 Credits)
A study within the framework of research and theory of emotional, intellectual and social growth of the child, with emphasis on norms in development and child-rearing practices. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: MKLA, PYCP, SSCI.
PSYC 2710. Adolescent and Adult Development. (4 Credits)
This course reviews the study of physiological, cognitive, emotional, personality and social change from puberty across the remainder of the life span. This course will also consider the influence of theories and methods of research on what we know, and can find out, about people and the contexts in which they live their lives. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: LING, MKLA, PYCP, SSCI.
PSYC 2800. Personality. (4 Credits)
A critical survey of theories concerned with the origin and development of personality, including psychoanalytic theory, behaviorism, trait theory, field theory and humanistic psychology. Attention will be given to conceptual problems, controversies and empirical verification. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: FRSS, MKLA, PYCP, SSCI.
PSYC 2900. Psychopathology. (4 Credits)
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an overview of psychological disorders, or psychopathology. Etiology, prevalence, symptoms, and course of various psychological disorders will be covered, with an emphasis on the scientific investigation of psychopathology. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: PYCP, SSCI.
PSYC 2999. Tutorial. (2 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PSYC 3010. Bilingual Minds. (4 Credits)
Worldwide, there are more bilinguals than monolinguals. Bilingualism research has revealed dynamic social, cultural, linguistic, and psychological characteristics of the bilingual experience. This course focuses on the study of the bilingual mind—that is, how bilinguals learn and process their languages and how the bilingual experience of living with two or more languages influences linguistic and non-linguistic skills and behaviors. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: EP3, LING, MLL.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3100. Health Psychology. (4 Credits)
(Formerly PSYC 3020) An introduction to the study of psychological factors in health and illness. The major models, research methods, interventions, and issues in health psychology and behavioral medicine will be examined. Topics include stress-illness, compliance, social support and coping, as well as prevention and health education. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, BESN, BIOE, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3110. Cognitive Neuroscience. (4 Credits)
This course reviews the neural basis for cognitive and perceptual processes including attention, vision, sensation, perception, language, motor control, learning and memory, executive functions, emotion, and social behavior. Basic structural and functional neuroanatomy are explored and empirical methods which inform inferences about the brain bases of cognition are reviewed. The course surveys research in cognitive neuroscience and covers a functional analysis of disorders vis a vis cognitive theory and the brain behavior relationship. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or PSYC 1100 or BISC 1403 or NSCI 1433.
PSYC 3270. Clinical Child Psychology. (4 Credits)
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of clinical child psychology, including historical and theoretical bases and state-of-the-art methods for studying, assessing, and treating child psychopathology. Students will learn about psychological conditions that affect children and adolescents as well as the contextual, developmental, and biological factors that impact the development and maintenance of these conditions.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3300. Industrial Organizational Psychology. (4 Credits)
This course covers the application of psychological methods and concepts to business and industry. It includes personnel selection, placement and training, work environment, motivation and morale, the organization as a complex system, and an introduction to organization development. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3320. Consumer Behavior. (4 Credits)
The role of psychological factors such as learning and memory, perception, motivation, personality, and information processing in the behavior of humans as consumers. Emphasis is placed on the two-way information flow between consumers and producers. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, FASH, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3330. Family Psychology. (4 Credits)
(Formerly PSYC 4250) An introduction is given to the transgenerational emotional process within the family, that is, to the family as a system across generations. Subsystems (such as parent child, sibling, family of origin) will be studied in relationship to individual development and family functioning. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3340. Urban Psychology. (4 Credits)
How living in a large city can affect an individual's behavior and personality. Investigations into the "urban personality," stress, family, friends and strangers, crowding, the built environment, adaptation. Includes field research. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ENST, ESEL, PYAC, URST.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3360. Sports Psychology. (4 Credits)
This course involves an application of psychological theory and research to athletes and sport at youth recreational, and elite levels. Special attention is devoted to the connection between sports and spirituality, ethics, character development, and parenting. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: PYAC, SJOR.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3400. Psychology of Education. (4 Credits)
An overview of psychological principles relevant to the process of learning and teaching. The relationship of education to society in general and to the student in particular is stressed. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYAC.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3410. Creativity. (4 Credits)
An investigation of the creative process, both theoretically and phenomenologically. Students conduct case studies of a creative enterprise, based on autobiographical and/or interview material. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYAC.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3530. Gender Roles. (4 Credits)
The study of the development of sex differences and sex roles in women and men, and the study of the psychological implications and consequences of sex role development in men and women will be discussed in this course. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: PSDV, PYAC, WGSS.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3550. Consciousness. (4 Credits)
This course critically reviews philosophical/historical, psychological, and biological approaches to consciousness. Topics include the mind/body problem, phenomenology, psychoanalysis and the unconscious, altered states of consciousness, attention, volition and the will, and theories of consciousness. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: NECG, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3600. Multicultural Psychology. (4 Credits)
The focus of this course is the multicultural applicability of scientific and professional psychology. Traditional psychological theories, scientific psychology, psychological tests, and the practice of psychology will be examined and critiqued from cultural and socio-historical perspectives. Contemporary psychological theories and research specific to men, women, gay men, lesbians, and race/ethnicity will be reviewed. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PSYC 3610. Global Health and Psychology. (4 Credits)
In order to address the needs of diverse populations, culturally-congruent training in health psychology is essential. The goal of this course is to provide a global perspective on understanding and treating significant public health probelms and integrating cultural considerations into this framework. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3640. Cross-Cultural-Psychology. (4 Credits)
This course examines the role of culture in shaping a broad spectrum of human experience around the globe. This course begins with a consideration of three important themes: Culture as meaning ; the nature of cultural competence & ethnocentrism; and the phenomena of international migrations and acculturation. Then, it examines important conceptual and methodological issues in cross-cultural research. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3700. Human Sexuality. (4 Credits)
An exploration of the physical characteristics that make up the core of male and female sexuality, as well as the psychological components in all sexual unions. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3730. Men and Masculinities. (4 Credits)
Traditional/classical psychodynamic theories on masculinity will be reviewed, as well as the more contemporary "new psychology of men" literature and research. Traditional masculinity ideology as a system of values will be examined and critiqued, with focus on examining how masculine values underline men's personal morality and societal mores. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3810. Trauma and Family Violence. (4 Credits)
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the field of trauma and family violence, including the causes and consequences of rape, partner violence and child abuse and neglect. Assessment, treatment and prevention issues will also be discussed. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: HCWL, HUST, PYAC.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3820. Forensic Psychology. (4 Credits)
Focuses on the interaction of clinical psychology and the law. Addresses issues related to forensic assessment and expert testimony, understanding and treatment of criminal offenders, similarities and differences between assessment of adult and juvenile offenders. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1200 or AP Psychology with a score of 004.
PSYC 3850. Psychology of Well-Being. (4 Credits)
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead a more fulfilling and happy life. It will show how to handle stressors and demands more efficiently, approach mistakes as opportunities cultivate personal relationships , develop personally meaningful goals, and achieve greater equaminity.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3930. Introduction to Clinical Psychology. (4 Credits)
An introduction to clinical psychology, including major schools of clinical interventions, the relation between assessment and clinical practice, including specific areas of evaluation (such as intellectual, personality, and observational/behavioral). Areas of specialization will also be covered. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ASSC, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3950. Behavior Modification. (4 Credits)
The goals of the course are to teach the principles of behavior and their application to complex human behavior. Students will understand basic principles of behavior, how to analyze complex human behavior in terms of those principles, how to collect data and plot it on graphs, how conduct research to determine the causes of behavior, and the basics of how to change behavior. This course does not make a student competent to conduct therapy. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 3999. Tutorial. (3 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4000. History and Systems of Psychology. (4 Credits)
The development of psychological thought through the history of psychology as a science is traced. Attention is given to the application of the philosophy of science to psychology. Systems covered include associationism, structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and cognition. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ICC, PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4015. Language and Thought. (4 Credits)
This course discusses theories and research in the study of language from a cognitive science perspective. The course elaborates on contemporary issues in the relationships between language and thought, including linguistic relativity and embodied cognition, among other areas. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ICC, LING, PYAC.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4200. Advanced Statistics w/Lab. (4 Credits)
This course is the second course of statistics for psychology majors. It is best suited for students who (a) want to build a stronger background in statistics, (b) are planning to apply to graduate schools or medical schools, (c) are planning to pursue careers related to statistics and data analytics, (d) are working on an honor’s thesis. The goals of this course are the following: 1. To strengthen students’ statistical thinking, including understanding the basis of probability, probability distributions, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, frequentist statistics and Bayesian statistics, as well as the recent challenge of replication crisis. 2. To strengthen students’ familiarity with the selected statistical methods that are covered in the first statistics course (PSYC 2000 Statistics), such as analysis of variance and multiple regression. These selected statistical methods are popular in psychological research and in real-world applications. We will review the basics of these methods and will teach the details of these statistical methods that are not covered in the first course, including assumptions, consequences of violating the assumptions, diagnostics of the assumptions, power analysis, and alternative statistical procedures when the assumptions are violated. 3. To teach students statistical methods that are popular in psychological research and in the real-world applications but are not covered in the first course, such as mediation analysis, moderation analysis, and factor analysis. When teaching each statistical method, students will be exposed to real research data and problems. In the lab section, students will learn the concepts, mathematical machinery, and software implementation of each statistical method using R. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2000.
PSYC 4245. Ethics in Research. (4 Credits)
This course will examine approaches to responsible research practices across the natural and social sciences, with particular attention to research involving human participants. The course will provide an overview of the research process, foundations in research ethics, and provide examples of research across disciplines that exemplify scientifically valid and ethically sound research methods planning, implementation, and dissemination. In particular, the course will draw on long-standing research traditions in the field of sociology, and psychology in order to provide a foundation upon which ethical issues can be discussed. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: BIOE, ICC, PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4310. Aging and Society. (4 Credits)
A cross-disciplinary course that draws on research and theory from psychology and such other disciplines as sociology, anthropology, economics and political science to explore the biological, cognitive and psychosocial features of human aging. Attention is given to normal and abnormal development, to the interrelations between physical and mental health and to optimal aging. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4330. Music and Psychology. (4 Credits)
A cross-disciplinary course that examines what psychological research and theories and an analytical approach tell us about music. Topics include perception and performance of music, emotional responses and cross-cultural approaches. Requires a background in psychology and/or music. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ICC, NECG, PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4340. Law and Psychology. (4 Credits)
An introduction to (a) the issues relevant to understanding human behavior from the perspective of law and psychology and (b) the contributions of psychology as a behavorial science to such legal issues as legal evidence, juries, and criminal and civil responsibility. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PSYC 4350. The Psychology of Race, Place, and Power. (4 Credits)
Social psychologists have long demonstrated that people are stereotyped and excluded on the basis of race and class. This interdisciplinary course explores how these social relations permeate the places where people live and is designed to be a curated selection of literature, bridging research from psychology and geography to better understand the psychology of race, place, and power, as well as the resulting effects when power is used to exclude and/or usurp racialized others (e.g., gentrification and segregation). Using New York City as a case study, the first half of the course explores the drivers of gentrification-induced neighborhood change; what causes it? We will also examine the psychological origins of social group exclusion and implications on a neighborhood level, considering attachments to place and potential disruptions to well-being, a sense of belonging, and health when neighborhoods change abruptly and rapidly. Integrating scholarship in geography and psychology, lectures will discuss these topics as well as the tools used to facilitate these processes (e.g., policy). In the second half of the course, we will apply the material learned in the classroom to interrogate race, place, and power on an actual neighborhood scale. The instructor and students will conduct neighborhood walks and audits, and document soft indicators of neighborhood change. In this way, the course integrates research and praxis, involving students in understanding and documenting hard-to-study phenomena. The material covered in this course will help students think critically and logically about real world issues, and the role of power in shaping place. Please note that accommodations are available for students unable to physically participate in walks.
Attributes: AFAM, ICC, PSDV, PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4370. Disgust in Literature and Psychology. (4 Credits)
This course will analyze disgust in literature (and related disciplines) and in psychology as primary emotion that exists in every culture. We will study fiction, poetry, and film--and also psychological research, as we explore what it means to be disgusted, and why we are motivated to read and view things that provoke disgust. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ACUP, ASLT, ICC, PYCA.
PSYC 4800. Internship. (3 to 4 Credits)
PSYC 4820. Community Psychology. (5 Credits)
This course focuses on the prevention of psychological disorders and the promotion of wellness across the life span. Topics covered include stress, coping, and social support; risk and protective factors for adjustment and maladjustment; empowering disenfranchised groups; developing and evaluating prevention and early intervention programs; and facilitating social change and responsive community organizations. Includes a fieldwork component that is integrated with class discussion.
Attributes: PSDV, PYCA, SL, URST.
PSYC 4850. Community Mental Health. (4 Credits)
This course considers issues that arise when implementing mental health interventions within diverse communities, especially those communities traditionally underserved by our health care system. Topics covered include factors that maintain inequality in mental health treatment, culturally-sensitive practices in conducting clinical psychological research, and ethical approaches to translating evidence-based psychological principles into practice. Includes a fieldwork component that is integrated with class discussion and seeks to address mental health needs within the Bronx. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: PJRC, PJST, PSDV, PYCA, SL.
PSYC 4855. Participatory Action Research. (4 Credits)
This interdisciplinary, community-engaged learning course, situated at the intersection of psychology and public health, is intended to give upper-level students the opportunity to advance their content knowledge and apply their research training in a real-world setting. The theme of this course is Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR), which is an innovative approach to positive youth and community development based on social justice principles in which young people are trained to conduct systematic research to improve their lives, their communities, and the institutions intended to serve them. YPAR can be useful for any young people wanting to make a difference, and is an especially powerful approach for youth who are experiencing marginalization due to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism, or other forms of oppression. College and high school co-investigators will critically examine issues faced by young people in our local Bronx community through a semester-long YPAR project. The course also includes readings and audio-visual materials from psychology and public health, journal entries and reflective writing assignments, and a collaborative research report. Through this course, students will develop their own critical consciousness by exploring systematic inequalities and positive youth development with the depth of psychology and the breadth of public health. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: ICC, PSDV, PYCA, SL.
PSYC 4900. Psychology and Human Values. (4 Credits)
This senior values seminar explores pioneering theories and research in the psychology of values. Topics include human motives/goals; the sense of right and wrong; cognitive, social, cultural, spiritual and gender aspects of ethical decision making; behavior in morally challenging situation; and virtue in relationships, work and community. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: BEVL, BIOE, EP4, PYCA, VAL.
PSYC 4910. Global Mental Health & Psychosocial Humanitarian Aid. (4 Credits)
The field of global mental health, and the related field of psychosocial humanitarian aid, combines elements of cultural and clinical psychology, epidemiology, anthropology, public health, human rights, and international development to address a mental health gap between Global North and Global South countries. This course provides a survey of models, mechanisms, and critiques surrounding both. Materials are drawn from the burgeoning global mental health literature (e.g., Vikram Patel, Charlotte Hanlon, Helena Verdeli), transcultural psychiatry (Arthur Kleinman, Laurence Kirmayer), post-conflict psychosocial mental health (Alistair Ager, Judy Bass, Mark Jordans), and mental health capacity-building. Note: Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1200.
PSYC 4920. Youth, Values, and Society. (4 Credits)
This course explores the history and current place of youth in society from a multidisciplinary perspective and consider how this social construction of youth influences their development of values. It explores the history of social constructions of adolescence and youth and the current place of youth in our society. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
PSYC 4930. Codes for Mental Health Services. (4 Credits)
This course introduces students to contemporary standards of research and practice in the delivery of mental health care services to a variety of populations (e.g., children, institutionalized individuals, and cultural minorities) across a variety of contexts (e.g., schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and industrial settings). Students learn to examine the relationship of current professional codes of conduct to historical and political issues and contemporary social values. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attributes: BEVL, BIOE, EP4, PYCA, VAL.
PSYC 4997. Honors Thesis in Psychology I. (4 Credits)
This course, typically taken in the fall of senior year, involves carrying out the Honors Thesis. Typically, this includes data collection and analysis, and initial work on the written report. Students should have reviewed the relevant literature and completely planned the thesis prior to beginning the course. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Attribute: PYCA.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 4998. Honors Thesis in Psychology II. (4 Credits)
This course, taken in the spring of senior year, involves completion of the thesis. The student prepares and revises the final written report, and defends the thesis orally. Four-credit courses that meet for 150 minutes per week require three additional hours of class preparation per week on the part of the student in lieu of an additional hour of formal instruction.
Prerequisite: PSYC 2010.
PSYC 4999. Tutorial. (4 Credits)
Independent research and reading with supervision from a faculty member.
PSYC 5100. Psychometric Theory. (3 Credits)
This course mainly covers what is commonly referred to as the classical test theory (CTT). It intends to provide you with the conceptual and technical skills necessary to develop and evaluate psychological tests and measures, and to provide foundations for further study of measurement theory, including but not limited to factor analysis and item response theory. A list of topics covered in this course include introduction to CTT, reliability, and validity of a test, and item analysis. The lab will assist software implementations (including Excel, SPSS, AMOS, and possibly R) and provide students hands-on experiences on how to plan psychometric analysis for a newly developed scale.
Attribute: PSYM.
PSYC 5123. The Literature and Psychology of Disgust. (3 Credits)
Disgust is considered a primary emotion—that is, all cultures have similar expressions and experiences that characterize the presence of disgust. Interestingly, despite the universal experience of disgust, we don’t understand it very well. Literature and other media are full of disgust; you might even say that storytelling depends on it. The idea of emotion opens the door to psychology and the interdisciplinary partnership at the heart of this course. In this team-taught course, we will use the imaginative and philosophical literature of disgust to understand the emotion, and vice versa: We will use disgust, which we will explore with the tools afforded us by psychology, to understand literature and the human imagination that produces it. In implicating the work of one discipline with another, we will put them into dialogue as we seek to understand a complex and powerful human response.
PSYC 5200. Fixing Psychology's Replication Crisis. (3 Credits)
This course is an introduction to the open science approach to psychology. We will trace the origins of a “replication crisis” that shook the field over the past 10 years. This involves understanding some faulty research practices and misguided incentives within the discipline that arguably undermined the scientific process. We engage those issues primarily by reviewing “autopsies” of some psychological findings that have been challenged recently. Then we explore some reform practices that are intended to foster a more transparent, reproducible, and accurate research enterprise. Our ultimate goal is to help you to figure out whether open science practices might enhance the ways you “do” and consume research, the way that you teach undergraduates and interact with peers when conducting or analyzing research, and how you might advocate for reform in your own academic networks.
Attributes: CLMB, PMPE, PMTM, PSIC.
PSYC 5335. Social Development. (3 Credits)
This course explores social development from infancy through young adulthood. Focusing on biological bases, social groups, peers, family, community, and culture, the course will explore multiple facets of social development. The course materials include primary readings, and the course format will be discussion based. At the end of the course, students are expected to have a solid foundation in the primary domains of social development as well as an understanding of the importance of social development across the lifespan.
Attribute: CLMB.
PSYC 5710. Issues in Social Psychology. (3 Credits)
The person in society: interdisciplinary approaches; personality and culture: subculture, class, and community. Development and the self-cognitive and motivational elements in the acquisition of language, attitudes, and values. Group membership, role behavior, and group dynamics.
Attributes: CLMB, PMPE.
PSYC 6005. Ethics in Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course provides general and specific guidance for ethical conduct in the science and practice of pyschology. Using case examples and readings the coursecovers the clinical practice of pyschology, research, teaching, supevision of trainees, development of assessment instruments, conducting assessments, school psychology, educational counseling, organizational consulting, forensic activities, social intervention, administration, and other activities. Also explored is the history and current role of the federal government, state licensure boards, and the American Pyschological Association and other organizations in establishing guidelines and professional codes of ethics for research, teaching, and practice in psychology. The course helps students apply these codes and regulations to traditional areas of psychology and to emerging areas such as telecommunications and managed care.
Attributes: CEED, CENS, HECS.
PSYC 6010. Research Ethics and Social Justice. (3 Credits)
This course will examine approaches to responsible research practices in socio-behavioral research, with particular attention to research involving human participants. The course will provide foundations in research ethics and methods in research ethics decision-making that exemplify scientifically valid and ethically sound research method planning, implementation, and dissemination.
Attributes: PMMA, URSG.
PSYC 6020. Health Psychology. (3 Credits)
An introduction to the study of psychological factors in health and illness, which examines the major models, research methods, interventions, and issues inhealth psychology/behavioral medicine. Topics include stress-illness, compliance, psychoimmunology, social support, and coping in disorders such as cardiovascular disease, pain, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, and obesity.
PSYC 6030. Trauma and Family Violence. (3 Credits)
This course will focus on understanding the cause and effcts of trauma and family violence, sucha as child abuse and neglect, rape, and domestic violence.Diagnostic assessment, prevention and treatment issues will be emphasized.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, HUHR, PSIC.
PSYC 6050. Behavioral Medicine. (3 Credits)
Teaches students the clinical and research skills required in a medical setting. The overarching goal is for students to gain competency working with patients presenting with a range of medical conditions (as primary or secondary diagnosis).
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6060. CRM Thesis Research. (3 Credits)
This course includes three parts: (1) A practical research experience in which the student is placed in a research setting and substantively participates in 10 to 20 hours of ongoing clinical research for at least one entire semester; (2) a biweekly two-hour meeting with the student’s research supervisor, and possibly other students; and (3) five to 10 hours of supplemental readings per week to facilitate the student's independent research.
PSYC 6066. History and Systems. (3 Credits)
This course surveys the history of the major systems of psychology from pre-Socratic philosophers to contemporary cognitive science and neuroscience. Key men and women who contributed to the development of theories about and methods used to study personality, emotion, intelligence, cognition, and psychobiology are discussed within their historical, religious, cultural, and political contexts.
Attributes: CEED, CENS, CLMB, PSIC.
PSYC 6070. CRM Thesis. (3 Credits)
This course is the second in a two-course sequence designed to expose the student to the process of conducting applied clinical research to facilitate his or her own independent research project. This course is typically taken during the semester in which the student intends to complete their master's thesis. The research project that forms the basis of the student's M.A. thesis is developed in consultation with the faculty mentor and research supervisor. (Note that under some circumstances, both of these roles may be fulfilled by the same individual.) Decisions regarding the specific research project, including the length and depth of the introduction, the nature and sophistication of statistical analyses, and the format for compiling the results into a final document, will ultimately rest with the faculty mentor and reader.
PSYC 6106. Cognitive Assessment with Lab. (3 Credits)
Intensive supervised practice in administration, interpretation, and reporting of individual intelligence tests for children and adults. Students will learn and practice the administration and scoring of major developmental assessment instruments.
Attribute: PSYM.
PSYC 6119. Personality Assessment with Lab. (3 Credits)
Administration and introductory interpretation in personality assessment and research, concentrating on the Rorschach and TAT. Students will learn and practice the administration and scoring of major personality assessment instruments.
Attribute: PSYM.
PSYC 6137. Personality Assessment II. (3 Credits)
This course involves the use of projective instruments to assess personality functioning including an overview of the research base, administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected projective instruments. The primary assessment covered in this course is the Rorschach (e.g., administration, scoring, and interpretation).
Attributes: CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6170. Multicultural Seminar. (3 Credits)
Focus on multicultural perspective for understanding and working with diverse populations. Will examine issues of gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation,religion, etc. in the provision of psychological services.
Attribute: CLMB.
PSYC 6184. Behavioral Assessment with Lab. (3 Credits)
This course will establish an understanding of behavioral assessment and its implications for intervention, evaluation and research. Theoretical foundations, methods, and application of behavioral assessment to case formulation and treatment will be emphasized.
Attributes: CLRM, CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6190. Forensic Assessment. (3 Credits)
Psychologists who work in legal settings are often confronted with questions and diagnostic dilemmas that rarely arise in traditional clinical settings. As a result, a number of specialized assessment techniques have been developed over the past few decades, many of which are designed to address specific psycho-legal issues. In this course, students will develop a theoretical understanding and practical experience selecting and administering specialized forensic assessment instruments. The course will be roughly equally divided between understanding the theoretical underpinnings and psycho-legal utility of forensic assessment instruments as well as practical issues in their administration, scoring, and interpretation. The types of forensic assessment instruments covered include tests of malingering and deception, risk assessment tools and techniques, sex offender and psychopathy assessment, and personality assessment in the context of forensic evaluations. In addition, more specialized instruments, such as those designed to assess competence to stand trial, will be reviewed.
Attributes: CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6205. Clinical Geropsychology. (3 Credits)
This course considers the implications of the melding of gerontology and clinical psychology for the delivery of psychological services to the elderly. Topics considered include: (a) personalty, cognition, and physical changes in aging; (b) psychopathology (e.g., depression, anxiety, psychosis, Alzheimer's disease) in the elderly; (c) assessment issues and methods with older adults; and (d) psychotherapy and consultation approaches with the elderly and their support systems.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6210. Psychotherapy Theories. (3 Credits)
Comprehensive overview of most of the major contemporary approaches to psychotherapy, with special emphasis on underlying assumptions, techniques employed, and goals.
PSYC 6225. Personality Theories and Research. (3 Credits)
This course covers major theories and empirical literatures in contemporary personality psychology. These include evolutionary, biological, social-cognitive, and psychometric perspectives on the dimensions and functions of personality. Meanwhile, we address diverse methodological approaches—such as observational, experimental, and behavior-genetic designs—in research on personality and its correlates. Throughout, we aim to connect students’ own research activity to recent substantive and methodological developments in personality science.
Attributes: CLMB, PMPE.
PSYC 6245. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. (3 Credits)
The course covers major theories of cognitive and behavioral therapy, as well as empirical evidence to support methods. Assessment, conceptualization, and treatment planning employing cognitive behavioral therapy is emphasized. Applications with special populations are covered, and we also cover how cognitive behavioral therapy is part of a systematic evidence-based approach to evaluation and treatment.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6250. Dialectical Behavior Therapy. (3 Credits)
This seminar reviews the major principles, strategies, and methods of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). The course includes an overview of the theories underlying DBT treatment, discussion of the existing research supporting DBT as an evidence-based treatment for severe emotion dysregulation and chronic suicidality, and practice of basic skills and techniques used within this therapeutic modality. Class sessions include didactics, discussion, video demonstrations, and behavioral rehearsal of DBT skills.
Attribute: CPIE.
PSYC 6251. Foundations of Neuropsychology. (3 Credits)
This course will provide a broad understanding of human brain-behavior relationships, neuropsychological theory, and the application of this knowledge to the clinical evaluation and treatment of individuals with brain disease or damage. The course will begin with an overview of clinical neuropsychology and its history, functional neuroanatomy, evidence based neuropsychological practice, and the foundations for resea and theory of clinical neuropsychology (including the connection between neuropsychological evaluation and the practical implications of neuropsychological conditions), diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders, and neuropsychological intervention techniques. Finally, this course reviews non-neurologic considerations in CNS functioning and neuropsychological evaluation, including multicultural, ethical and forensic issues in clinical neuropsychology.
Attributes: CLRM, CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6253. Neuropsychological Assessment With Lab. (3 Credits)
This course will review the practice of neuropsychological assessment and basic concepts related to classes of cognitive functions. We will discuss psychometric principals germane to neuropsychological assessment as well as the use of neuropsychological assessment for clinical practice. Laboratory activities will support the acquisition of knowledge related to the practice of neuropsychological practice, including test selection, administration, scoring, date interpretation, and report writing.
Attributes: CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6257. Child Neuropsychology. (3 Credits)
The relationship between development of brain structure and cognitive functionsare discussed. Tests used to assess a variety of functions including memory, attention, achievement, visual spatial skills, executive function, and motor function are presented. Learning disabilities, attention deficits, pediatric neurological disorders, and other relevant topics are covered.
Attributes: CPAE, CPCE.
PSYC 6259. Topics in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. (3 Credits)
This seminar covers topics in developmental cognitive neuroscience across the lifespan. Topics include neural correlates of cognitive development (memory, face perception, executive functioning), structural and functional brain changes associated with aging, and normal and pathological (e.g. Alzheimer's disease) cognitive changes associated with aging.
PSYC 6275. Family Psychology. (3 Credits)
Provide basic knowledge of family systems theory as a pre-requisite for understanding family psychology and family therapeutic intervention. Provides a survey of research models and findings relevant to family processes and therapeutic practice.
Attribute: CLRM.
PSYC 6280. Brief Psychotherapy. (3 Credits)
This course will provide an overview of the major approaches to brief psychotherapy. Various theoretical perspectives are included: psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal.
PSYC 6285. Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Therapy. (3 Credits)
This course develops students' understanding of psychodynamic psychotherapy. The course covers what psychodynamic therapies are, including the foundation, application, and variety of models within this broad umbrella. The course will provide an in-depth exploration of the empirical research for this treatment approach. Students will evaluate the inherent differences in researching psychodynamic therapies given the oftentimes not-observable variables of study. There will be an emphasis on healthy debate and discussion in evaluation of the psychotherapy research to be discussed. This course will also focus on the existing outcome research for psychodynamic psychotherapy as compared to other non-psychodynamic models. Students will critically analyze evidence-based therapy models for different symptomatology, including anxiety, depression, and personality disorders.
Attributes: CLRM, CPIE.
PSYC 6290. Health Disparities and Social Justice in Research and Practice. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the psychosocial correlates and consequences of health disparities involving individuals and groups that have been historically marginalized by society and in some cases by the health sciences and professions. Readings and class discussions will examine the relationship of contextual factors such as poverty, racial/ethnic discrimination, environmental hazards, incarceration, institutionalization, and public policy to social and health inequities faced by children and adults with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse disorders. The role of psychology in the emerging health and human rights paradigm in the United States and globally will also be explored.
PSYC 6298. Psychoanalytic Theory. (3 Credits)
Theory, research methods, and therapy of the psychoanalytic movement will be explored, including the work of Freud and ego psychological, neofreudian, Jungian, interpersonal, object relational, self, archetypal, and existential orientations. Attention will focus on clinically relevant topics such as human development, personality, dreams, and psychopathology, using case material for illustrations.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6300. Developmental Psychology: Foundations. (3 Credits)
This course will cover the historical and theoretical foundations of developmental psychology and the emergence of the discipline of Applied Developmental Psychology. Major historical and contemporary theories of development and key topics and research will be considered across domains, with emphasis on core readings, developmentalists, and turning points in the field.
Attributes: CLMB, PMPE.
PSYC 6310. Culture, Ethnicity, and Race. (3 Credits)
"Culture, Ethnicity, Race and Development" reviews how these concepts have been defined in psychological research. We then examine how these social influences afffect youth development by focusing on topics in four areas: theories of ethnicity and race in human development, family, social dynamics and cultures.
Attributes: CEED, CENS, HUCB, PSIC.
PSYC 6330. Cognitive Development. (3 Credits)
Theories and research in structuralism, neo-structuralism, information processing, connectionism and contextalism are investigated.
Attributes: CLMB, PMPE.
PSYC 6350. Applied Developmental Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course will provide an introduction to the roles and activities of professionals in applied developmental psychology. Topics will include definitions of the field, ethical issues, public policy, research design, and program evaluation.
Attributes: CEED, CENS, HECS.
PSYC 6360. Social Policy and Applied Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course will cover the implications of social policy for applied psychology. Examples include the impact of funding patterns on opportunities for research and the application of psychological interventions, and the implications of health legislation for psychologists' research priorities. The course will also emphasize the social policy implications of psychological knowledge. For example, how data on well-being of the elderly should impact regulation of nursing homes.
Attribute: PMPE.
PSYC 6370. Cognition and Affect. (3 Credits)
A development and comparative examination of significant cognitive theories and research Structuralist, contextualist, information processing, and connectionist perspectives as well as research from infant to elderly cognition are covered.
Attribute: CLMB.
PSYC 6380. Anxiety Disorder Seminar. (3 Credits)
The sourse addresses the etiology of various anxiety disorders- research related to anxiety disorders and treatment options. This course is an in-depth coverage of the major anxiety disorders, beginning with etiological and maintaining factors, as well as information processing and behavioral features, and ending with psychosocial treatment and case management. Special attention is given to specific cases an illustrative of each condition, and complicating factors involved in case management.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6385. Depression and Suicide. (3 Credits)
This course seeks to provide you with an overview of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of depression and suicidality. We will examine various models of vulnerability to depression, including psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models. Research findings in these areas will also be examined. Furthermore, this course will provide you with an overview of the epidemiology, assessment, and treatment of suicidal thinking and behavior.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 6390. Global Mental Health. (3 Credits)
This course provides a survey of models, mechanisms, and critiques surrounding Global Mental Health. Materials are drawn from the burgeoning global mental health literature (e.g., Vikram Patel, Jorgen Unutzer, Helena Verdell) transcultural psychiatry (Authur Kleinman, Laurene Kirmayer), post-conflict psychosocial mental health field (Ager, de Jong), and mental health capacity building. A section on methods in the middle of the course provides opportunities for students to review research design. Requirements will include weekly reflection papers, a term paper, and an exam. Outside speakers may be invited for selected lectures.
PSYC 6530. Developmental Psychopathology. (3 Credits)
This course will consider developmental disabilities and psychopathologies and the contexts, both natural and designed, that exacerbate or ameliorate these conditions. The ideas of disability, pathology, and dysfunction, and the contrasting ideas of ability, health, and functionality will be considered in relation to each other.
Attribute: CLRM.
PSYC 6654. Introduction to Neuroscience. (3 Credits)
An exploration of the neuro-anatomical, phsyiological, and chemical substrates of human behaviors, including movement, sensation, perception, cognition, emotion, and personality. Both typical and atypical behaviors will be considered, as will developmental issues.
Attribute: CLMB.
PSYC 6670. Psychopharmacology I. (3 Credits)
This course covers the major psychiatric medication used in direct servce delivery setting for mental health care. Special attention will be give to the role of psychotropic medication in the conduct of psychological services, including case management and treatment facilitating/interfering matters.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE.
PSYC 6780. Psychological Disorders in Children and Adolescents. (3 Credits)
This course will provide an overview of psychological disorders affecting children and adolescents. Disorders will be examined from multiple perspectives, including theories of attachment and temperament, neurobiology, genetics, and environmental (family/social) influences. Factors contributing to risk for, and resilience to, psychopathology will be discussed. Classes will involve detailed discussions of specific disorders, including etiology, phenomenology, and course. Relevant assessment tools used clinically and in research settings will also be described.
Attribute: CPCE.
PSYC 6802. Introduction to Psychology Statistics w/ Lab. (3 Credits)
This course will replace PSYC 6800 and PSYC 6801. Most psychological research depends on statistical methods. This course aims to provide an introduction of a variety of statistical methods for psychological research.
PSYC 6830. Psychology Research Methodology. (3 Credits)
The course will cover a variety of topics involving research methodology and design. Pitfalls and potential solutions to many experimental and quasi-experimental methodologies will be addressed. Students will complete their own research project during this course, including design, finding subjects, experimentation, analysis, and write-up.
PSYC 6850. Evaluation of Psychological and Social Programs. (3 Credits)
Review of the literature relating to the scientific evaluation of psychological programs in the areas of mental health, addiction, compensatory education, and societal innovation. Extensive discussion of the use of quasi-experimental designs, and numerous methodological issues and pragmatic problems associated with evaluation studies.
Attributes: CLRM, DATA, SOIN.
PSYC 7010. Psychology and Criminal Law. (3 Credits)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the interaction between psychology and the criminal law. We will focus primarily on the three major aspects in which psychologists are involved in the criminal justice system: competence to stand trial evaluations, mental state at the time of the offense (mens rea and the insanity defense), and the assessment of risk/prediction of future dangerousness. Because the interaction of psychology and law is by definition interdisciplinary, this course is co-taught by a forensic psychologist (Professor Rosenfeld) and attorney (Professor Cohen), and is open to both psychology graduate students law students. The content of the course is evenly divided between understanding the legal issues involved and the application of psychological principals to these legal issues. In additional, specific topics such as forensic psychological assessment and expert testimony will be discussed.
Attributes: CEED, CENS, CLRM, CPCE.
PSYC 7020. Psychology and Civil Law. (3 Credits)
This course covers a number of the areas in which psychologists consult on forensic matters outside of the criminal arena. The semester will be divided relatively evenly between the reviewing case law and legal standards and issues related to clinical practice. Specific legal issues discussed include the concept of torts and malpractice, causation, best interest standards, and standards of proof. The first application of these issues pertains to civil law, including the role of psychologists in personal injury and sexual harassment cases, and disability law. The second are of focus concerns the role of psychologists in the family court, including a child custody and visitation evaluations, termination of parental rights, and divorce mediation. Finally, we discuss issues that arise in the elderly and medically ill such as informed consent, decision-making competence, physician-assisted suicide, and testamentary capacity. Overarching issues such as psychological testing, report preparation, and expert testimony are discussed in the context of these topics.
PSYC 7030. Psychology and Juvenile Justice. (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the interaction between psychology and the juvenile justice system focusing on four areas: 1) developmental theories and trajectories of antisocial behavior, 2) assessment and identification of risk and protective factors among justice system-involved youth, 3) clinical evaluations related to legal questions, and 4) empirically supported treatment/program.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE.
PSYC 7111. Psychopathology. (3 Credits)
An overview of the primary types, causes, and symptoms of a working knowledge of the basic tools used in clinical diagnosis, including diagnostic evaluation skills in the assessment of specific psychological disorders, as well as case formulation skills from different theoretical perspectives.
PSYC 7121. Clinical Diagnosis. (3 Credits)
This course is designed to promote the development of a working knowledge of the basic tools used in clinical diagnosis, including diagnostic evaluation skills in the assessment of specific psychological disorders, as well as case formulation skills from different theoretical perspectives.
PSYC 7122. Developmental and Prevention Science. (3 Credits)
This course introduces students to theories and research concerned with the integration of the developmental and prevention sciences to understand and address social-emotional and cognitive problems with a focus on middle childhood. Focusing first on theoretical perspectives from developmental science and key principles in prevention science, including risk and resilience in development, the course will then examine issues related to developmental transitions and contexts of development as well as challenges in targeting preventive interventions on multiple domains and mechanisms of development, and the science and practice of developmental preventive interventions in organizational, community, political-economic, and policy contexts. The course materials include primary readings, and the course is discussion based. Students will gain an understanding of core principles and research demonstrating the many ways developmental and prevention sciences are mutually informative.
Attributes: CLRM, PMPE.
PSYC 7250. Treatment of Substance Abuse. (3 Credits)
This course will cover theories and supporting research data concerning the development and maintenance of substance abuse disorders. It will concentrate heavily on specific techniques and regimens developed especially for the treatment of substance abuse disorders. Emphasis will be placed on psychosocial forms of treatment.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 7500. Computerized Multistage Testing. (3 Credits)
This course provides a general overview of adaptive and multistage test (MST)'s important concepts. The MST design is described, why it is needed, and how it differs from other test designs, such as linear test and CAT designs, and how it represents a middle ground between the linear and intern-level adaptive tests. It will illustrate and discuss the processes of test design, assembly, routing, scoring, applications, and operational implementation considerations, as well as the most recent development on software for simulations to aid the operational implementation.
PSYC 7804. Regression with Lab. (3 Credits)
This course covers all types of regression analyses and related ideas. Hands on experience and development of expertise in conducting regression analyses.
Attributes: CLMB, DATA.
PSYC 7806. Multidimensional Scaling. (3 Credits)
A consideration of the theory and applications of the scaling of data, univariate and multivariate, metric and non-metric in psychology and related sciences. Emphasis is on the various theoretical models for scaling data multi-dimensionally and their computer program analogues.
PSYC 7811. Missing Data Analysis. (3 Credits)
Missing data is common in behavioral research. This course covers the concepts of missing data (e.g., mechanisms of missing data, categorizations of missing data), research designs in minimizing missing data, planned missing data designs, and statistical methods in handling missing data with different types of data (cross-sectional, longitudinal, categorical, multilevel). Software implementation of these techniques will be introduced and covered.
Prerequisite: PSYC 7804.
PSYC 7812. Factor Analysis. (3 Credits)
Theories of trait organization and techniques of factor analysis. Critical evaluation of major research on the identification of aptitude and personality traits.
Attributes: CLRM, PMTM, PSYM.
PSYC 7815. Cluster Analysis. (3 Credits)
Cluster Analysis is a generic term for a range of methods that use criteria, and algorithms for discovering and defining groups of similar objects, subjects, concepts, stimuli, or other entities. Current methods and their comparative evaluation are presented in the contest of behavioral science applications. The interrelationship of cluster analysis with factor analysis, multidementional scaling and discriminant analysis is discussed. Students are expected to use the computer to analyze behavioral science data in the course.
Attribute: PSYM.
PSYC 7816. Introduction to Multivariate Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course covers elements of matrix theory, multivariate regression, exploratory factor analysis, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis, the generalized T-distribution, multivariate analysis of variance, and canonical regression. It also includes a treatment of pattern, profile analysis, and a brief introduction of correspondence analysis.
Attribute: CLMB.
PSYC 7821. Advanced Multivariate Analysis for Psychology. (3 Credits)
This course will cover the major multivariate statistical techniques used in social and behavioral sciences. The topics covered are similar to those in introduction to Multivariate Analysis; the multivariate normal distribution, the multivariate general linear model (MANOVA, Multivariate Multiple Regression, MANCOVA), discrimination and classification, canonical correlation analysis, and methods of analyzing covariance and correlation structures such as principal components and factor analysis. The coverage on this class goes beyond application of these techniques by focusing on their statistical and theoretical foundations, and by emphasizing matrix algebra computations.
PSYC 7827. Models of Decision and Choice. (3 Credits)
This course will cover normative and descriptive models of individual choice and decision-making beginning with Expected Value and concluding with Cumalative Prospect Theory. The course will emphasize the interface and exchange between theory and experimentation. In particular we will focus on the ways in which theory has changed and adapted in response to empirical behavioral results.
PSYC 7830. Structural Equation Modeling. (3 Credits)
The course and lab familiarizes students with methodology topics include: determination of model parameters, fitting models to data, etc., LISREL, EQS, AMOS, MPlUS and SEPATH.
Attributes: DATA, PMTM.
PSYC 7832. Meta-Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course will introduce particpants to the methodology of systematic reviews of scientific literatures and meta-analysis--a set of techniques designed to synthesize research findings across studies as the basic units of data analysis. The course will cover all major synthesis (meta-analysis) with special attention to the unique features of such analyses. Participants will read and critique publised meta-analyses and will gain experience with some meta-analysis software.
Attributes: CLRM, PSYM.
PSYC 7835. Categorical Data Analysis. (3 Credits)
The goal of this course is to introduce statistical models for categorical data, which are common in behavioral sciences. These include binary data (sick vs. not), ordinal data (coarse Likert scales), nominal data (answers yes, answers no, answers “don’t know”), and count data (how many events in a given amount of time). The course will introduce relevant statistical theory for categorical distributions; cover models such as logistic, Poisson, ordinal or nominal regression, etc., and show how they fit in the framework of the generalized linear model (GLM); and discuss the interpretation of these models.
Attributes: ASDM, PSYM.
PSYC 7850. Hierarchical Linear Models. (3 Credits)
This course introduces linear models (regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA) for populations having a hierarchical structure. An example of such a structure would be students grouped in universities. Here there is assumed to be a population of universities and, for each university, a population of students. Suppose there is some outcome variable of interest (perhaps GPA in this example). Predictors for this variable might be available at the student level (admission test scores) as well as the university level (selectivity). Hierarchical linear models provide an appropriate framework for exploring data obtained from such a structure (involving a sample of universities and a sample of students from each of the sampled universities). Bayesian, non-Bayesian, and Empirical Bayesian approaches will be discussed and compared.
Attributes: CLRM, PMTM.
PSYC 7880. Statistical Mediation Analysis. (3 Credits)
This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to statistical mediation analysis including estimation of effects, consideration of assumptions, and limitations of method. Course topics will cover computer intensive applications of mediation, including multivariate models with multivariate models with multiple indicators and mediators, as well as longitudinal and hierarchical models. The goal of this course is to prepare students for applying mediation to their own program of research.
PSYC 7890. Qualitative Methods. (3 Credits)
This course examines strategies available for the analysis of data not appropriately addressed by typical statistical methodologies. This course provides knowledge of qualitative research methods and skills necessary to carry out this kind of research in psychology. Principles, procedures, ethics, and illustrative studies in phenomenology, grounded theory, narrative psychology, hermeneutics, heuristic research, psychoanalysis, action research, programs of evaluation, and feminism will be explored. Hands-on activities include the formulation of research problems, design, data collection, analysis, validation, and report writing.
Attributes: CLMB, PMMA.
PSYC 7920. Item Response Theory. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on item response theory psychometric models, including two- and three-parameter models. Theory and application are discussed and studied, using the various models.
Attributes: CLRM, DATA.
PSYC 7940. Bayesian Statistics. (3 Credits)
This course provides students with an understanding of the philosophy, concepts, and mathematical theories for Bayesian statistics. It also covers the Bayesian applications of common statistical techniques in psychological and behavioral research, such as regression. The course will also teach students using popular statistical software packages for Bayesian analysis.
Attribute: PMTM.
PSYC 7950. Correspondence Analysis. (3 Credits)
Correspondence Analysis (CA) is often regarded as principal component analysis of categorical data. The categorical data refer to contingency tables or any Likert-type data. Different from ordinary factor or component analysis that estimates factors or dimensions from column-wise variables, CA is eligible to estimate dimensions from row variables (actually row categories), in addition to estimating the column dimensions. CA also estimates the relationship (i.e., phi correlation) between the rows and columns, using the chi-squared statistics, and presents the relationship in a graphical display. CA may be considered as simultaneous principal component analysis for both rows and columns.
Attribute: PMTM.
PSYC 7960. Equating Test Scores. (3 Credits)
Test equating methods are used to produce scores that are comparable across different test forms. The course will provide a detailed overview of the observed-score equating (OSE) methods and framework, and of the IRT OSE method; the assumption that underlie different methodologies and the relevant data collection designs will also be discussed. In this course, theoretical issues will be considered along with numerical examples and software demonstrations using real data.
Attribute: PSYM.
PSYC 7965. Experimental Design. (3 Credits)
This class exposes students to the basic principles of experimental design and the appropriate tools for analysis of results from experimental studies. We will cover single- and multi-factor designs, blocking and repeated measures designs, analysis of covariance and the special statistical issues associated with multible comparisons and non-orthogonal designs.
Attributes: ASDM, PMTM.
PSYC 7990. The Teaching of Psychology. (3 Credits)
Theory and practice of college teaching will be reviewed. Topics will include lecturing, demonstrations, assessment methods, out of class writing assignments, syllabus preperation, local requirements and values.
PSYC 8001. Internship in Applied Psychological Methods. (3 Credits)
Students will identify a research project or program evaluation project in collaboration with their site supervisor and their internship mentor, and complete that project, drawing upon skills learned during the course of the Master's program. Students will have one semester to complete this project.
PSYC 8013. Psychometric Topics Seminar I. (0 Credits)
This seminar is intended for students in the psychometrics and quantitative psychology Ph.D. program. Students are required to take five semesters of PSYC 8013 and 1 semester of PSYC 8014. The seminar includes invited talks, research presentations, journal article/book chapter open discussions, and professional development topics related to psychometrics and quantitative psychology.
PSYC 8014. Psychometric Topics Seminar II. (3 Credits)
This seminar is intended for students in the psychometrics and quantitative psychology Ph.D. program. Students are required to take five semesters of PSYC 8013 and 1 semester of PSYC 8014. The seminar includes invited talks, research presentations, journal article/book chapter open discussions, and professional development topics related to psychometrics and quantitative psychology.
PSYC 8015. Identification of Child Abuse. (0 Credits)
The seminar will deal with the identification and reporting of child abuse. The sequalae of child abuse and maltreatment (medical, psychological, and legal) will be discussed. New York State laws and regulations dealing with reporting responsibilities will receive special emphasis.
PSYC 8023. Clinical Topics Seminar. (0 Credits)
All students attend this Clinical Topics Seminar (CTS) for 6 semesters (the first three years). CTS is intended to serve multiple goals, including facilitating the professional development of graduate students through, among other things, formal didactic presentations, opportunities to give formal research presentations (of the MA thesis, in the fall semester of the third year) and case conferences (in the spring semester of the third year), and guest lectures by faculty and invited speakers. Other topics rotate across different semesters and years (e.g., specific topic presentations that are covered sequentially and in more depth on a rotating three-year cycle).
PSYC 8025. Research Colloquium. (0 Credits)
Students will learn about research being conducted by faculty members, other graduate students, and invited speakers from other institutions.
PSYC 8040. Independent Research. (3 Credits)
This course offers opportunities for students to work with indvidual faculty on individual projects of their own design.
PSYC 8043. ADP Research Apprenticeship I. (3 Credits)
A research apprenticeship for all students in the Applied Developmental Program, taken within the first two years of study. Students, working under the direct supervision of a Developmental faculty member, gain firsthand experience in design, implementation, and analysis of a research project pertaining to the development of infants, children, adolescents, mid-life, or older adults.
PSYC 8044. ADP Research Apprenticeship II. (3 Credits)
A continuationof PSGA 8043.
PSYC 8045. ADP Research Apprenticeship III. (3 Credits)
A continuation of research apprenticeship I and II for all students in the Applied Developmental Program taken witin the first two years of study. Students working under the direct supervision of a developmental faculty member, gain firsthand experience in design, implementation and analysis of research, project pertaining to the development of infants, children, adolescents, mid-life, or older adults.
PSYC 8050. Pre-Doctoral Thesis. (3 Credits)
Under the direction of a faculty mentor, student conducts a short-term research project, analyzes results, and prepares a report in a journal article format.
PSYC 8060. Research Seminar I. (1 to 3 Credits)
Prior to beginning work on dissertation, each doctoral student prepares a written proposal of the research project and discusses it orally at a meeting of the seminar. Required of all doctoral students.
PSYC 8070. Research Seminar II. (3 Credits)
Each doctoral student is required to make a written and oral progress report on the dissertation research after completion of data gathering analysis.
PSYC 8080. Clinical Psychology Internship. (1 Credit)
To be taken only after completion of all other degree requirements.
PSYC 8081. Applied Dev. Internship. (1 Credit)
PSYC 8082. Psychometric Internship. (1 Credit)
This is a course for Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology Ph.D. students who need a course for outside of intern positions.
PSYC 8085. Applied Dev. Internship. (0.5 Credits)
This course is for students who are engaged in productive research internships or fellowships.
PSYC 8202. Clinical Externship I. (3 Credits)
This course provides a didactic and group supervision structure that addresses students developing the range of clinical skills that sequentially prepare them for an internship and, eventually, independent practice as a psychologist. The focus of Externship I/II is on basic interviewing and therapy skills, intervention planning, and effective use of supervision to guide clinical service delivery. The clinical externship is completed by students in their second year of doctoral training. Didactics and group supervision focus on both assessment and treatment skills that are incorporated into students’ clinical training at external externship sites.
Attribute: CELG.
PSYC 8212. Clinical Externship III. (3 Credits)
This course provides a didactic and group supervision structure that addresses students developing the range of clinical skills that sequentially prepare them for an internship and, eventually, independent practice as a psychologist. The focus of Externship III/IV is on continued growth in interviewing and therapy skills, intervention planning, case conceptualization, report writing, and effective use of supervision to guide clinical service delivery. Didactics and group supervision focus on both assessment and treatment skills that are incorporated into both students' clinical training at external externship sites as well as within the program training clinic.
Attribute: CELG.
PSYC 8221. Clinical Externship V. (1 Credit)
This course provides a didactic and group supervision structure that addresses students developing the range of clinical skills that sequentially prepare them for an internship and, eventually, independent practice as a psychologist. The focus of Externship V/VI is on continued growth in interviewing and therapy skills, intervention planning, case conceptualization, report writing, and effective use of supervision to guide clinical service delivery. Didactics and group supervision also address exposure and experience to models of supervision and case consultation. Students receive hands-on experience conducting supervision through a peer supervision process and gain practical experience in case consultation via their external externship training.
PSYC 8223. Clinical Externship VI. (1 Credit)
Continuation of PSYC 8221.
PSYC 8271. Child Psychotherapy. (3 Credits)
This course will provide foundational knowledge relevant to conducting individually oriented child and adolescent therapy. The course will address issues such as the unique challenges that are involved in working with children and adolescents, evidence-based approaches to child and adolescent treatment, and major psychological disorders that children and adolescents experience, and how to intervene.
Attributes: CLRM, CPCE, CPIE.
PSYC 8350. Applied Dev Psy Prac I. (3 Credits)
Supervised work in the application of developmental psychology to field settings. Students complete a project, such as a needs assessment or program design and evaluation practicum site.
Prerequisites: PSGA 6350 (may be taken concurrently) and PSGA 6000 (may be taken concurrently).
PSYC 8351. Applied Dev Psy Prac II. (3 Credits)
Continuation of PSGA 8350.
PSYC 8999. Independent Study. (0.5 to 3 Credits)
Under the direction of a faculty mentor, student conducts a research project not directly related to either the second-year project (PSGA 8050) or the doctoral dissertation.
PSYC 9999. Dissertation Direction. (1 Credit)
PSYC MTNC. Maintenance-Psychology. (0 Credits)