Integrative Neuroscience (NEUR)

NEUR 1999. Tutorial. (1 Credit)

Independent Study.

NEUR 2999. Tutorial. (2 Credits)

Independent Study.

NEUR 3999. Tutorial. (3 Credits)

Independent Study.

NEUR 4900. Neuroscience Capstone Seminar. (1 Credit)

Senior-level intergrative Neuroscience majors from all three tracks meet weekly in the spring semester to share and discuss the results of their independent research. Students will be required to give a minimum of two presentations of their research, once in first half of the semester and again in the second half. The content of this course will build upon what students learned in NEUR 4999 the previous semester.

NEUR 4999. Neuroscience Research. (3 Credits)

Independent laboratory research or meta analysis of published work beginning no later than the summer/fall of the senior year. The project will be on a specific neuroscience topic and mentored under the supervision of a faculty member. Grade and credits are given only upon completion of a final research paper or poster that integrates the project findings with previously published studies in neuroscience.