Islamic Studies Minor

The Islamic studies minor furthers Fordham's mission by challenging students to view the world through non-Western European constructs of nature, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, cosmic realities, and corporeal experience. The minor helps students develop a crucial intervention with which to disrupt and go beyond the longstanding parochialism of academic disciplines in the U.S. that focus primarily on the Western canon and its related epistemologies. Simply put, a minor in Islamic studies promotes other ways of knowing and being in the world.

Students gain much from exposure to a wide array of ideas drawn from various Islamic discourses, which attunes them to greater epistemic pluralism and broader horizons for understanding the complexities and challenges of our world. Islamic studies is especially germane to this wider task because it helps bring to light a wealth of knowledge and experience from Islamic societies left too long in the periphery of western scholarship.

Learning Goals

With the completion of the minor in Islamic Studies:

  • Students will develop a solid understanding of the diverse historical, philosophical and cultural heritages of Islam, including its origins, development, and influence on world civilizations and contemporary events.
  • Students will become familiar with the core beliefs, schools of thought, and practices of Islam, including its theologies, ethics, rituals, laws, artistic expressions, and social norms, and be able to analyze and interpret them in light of contemporary issues and debates.
  • Students will be able to consider Islam through a wide array of theoretical and methodological approaches, which may include literary criticism, hermeneutics, linguistics, phenomenology, history, political science, philosophy, comparative studies, theology, postcolonial theory, sociology, and anthropology.
  • Students will broaden their horizons to understand the complexities and challenges of our world through explorations of nonwestern expressions, experiences, and epistemologies.
  • Students will learn to counter intolerance by developing an appreciation for diversity, pluralism, and dialogue, and develop a sense of empathy for other ways of being, thinking, and engaging in the world.

The Islamic studies minor requires six (6) courses, as follows:

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
One course on Islamic sacred texts or Islam's foundational history 13 to 4
One course on Islamic theology/history/philosophy 13 to 4
One course on Islamic arts/culture/politics 13 to 4
Choose three courses drawn from any of the three categories above (one Arabic course may be included) 29 to 12

See below for lists of courses fulfilling each requirement.


Any course with the ISFH (sacred texts/foundational history), ISTP (theology/philosophy/history), or ISAC (arts/culture/politics) attributes may fulfill this requirement. Additionally, a maximum of one course with the ISAR (Arabic courses) attribute may fulfill this requirement.

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that two of the courses taken towards the minor be in History or Theology.

Sacred Texts/Foundational History courses

Courses in this group have the ISFH attribute.

Course Title Credits
HIST 1700Understanding Historical Change: Mideast3
HIST 1750Understanding Historical Change: Islamic History and Culture3
HIST 3217Islamic History, 1000–16004
THEO 3715Classic Islamic Texts3
THEO 3716Islam and Modernity3

Theology/Philosophy/History courses

Courses in this group have the ISTP attribute.

Course Title Credits
HIST 3670The Modern Middle East4
HIST 3982The Islamic World and the Crusades, 1099-Ca.17004
HIST 3983Apocalypticism and Messianism in Islamic Thought and History4
HIST 3985Ottoman Empire/ 1300-18004
HIST 3986Religion and Politics in Islamic History4
LACU 3210Islam and Italy4
MEST 2600Medieval Islam4
PHIL 3753Philosophy of the Islamic World4
POSC 4425Seminar: Contemporary Politics and Cultures in the Islamic World4
THEO 3884Sufism: Islam's Mystical Tradition3
THEO 4027The Ethics of Life4
THEO 4110Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Feminist Theologies: Discourses of Difference4
THEO 4371Islam in Modern Egypt4

Arts/Culture/Politics courses

Courses in this group have the ISAC attribute.

Course Title Credits
AFAM 3115Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X4
ANTH 2614Urbanism and Change in the Middle East4
ANTH 2888Gender and Islam4
ANTH 3006Arab-Americans and the Diasporic Experience4
ANTH 3013Anthropology of Palestinian Communities4
ARAB 2450The Short Story of Arabic Literature4
ARAB 3000Topics in Arabic Cultures4
ARAB 3010Human Rights in Arabic Literature4
ARAB 3040Topics in Arabic Literature4
ARHI 2230Islamic Art4
ENGL 4545Bath Cultures and Bathing Rituals From Antiquity to Brooklyn4
HIST 3818The History of Islam in the U.S.4
LACU 3475Oppositional Thought in Islamic Literature4
MEST 3620Islam in America4
POSC 3418Islamic Political Thought4
POSC 3424Political Philosophy between Islam and the West4
POSC 3427Islam, Art, and Resistance4
POSC 3480Islamic Culture and Politics in Spain4
POSC 4425Seminar: Contemporary Politics and Cultures in the Islamic World4
THEO 3883Medicine and Healing in Islam4
THEO 3885Women, Gender, and Islam3
THEO 4545Bath Cultures and Bathing Rituals From Antiquity to Brooklyn4

Arabic courses

Courses in this group have the ISAR attribute.

Course Title Credits
ARAB 1501Intermediate Arabic I3
ARAB 1502Intermediate Arabic II3
ARAB 2001Arabic Language and Literature3
ARAB 2400Approaches to Arabic Culture4


The minor in Islamic studies is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill and at Fordham College at Lincoln Center. Students in Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies may minor in Islamic studies only if they receive the approval of their advising dean and/or department, and their schedules are sufficiently flexible to permit them to take day courses at the Rose Hill or Lincoln Center campuses.