Art History Minor

The department offers a minor consisting of six one-semester departmental courses in art history.

Course Title Credits
Introductory Art History Course(s)
Select at least one of the following: 1
Art History Introduction: World Art
Introduction to Art History: Europe
Introduction to Art History: Asia
Introduction to Art History: Americas
Introduction to Art History: Africa and African Diaspora
Introduction to Art History: Architecture
Select five additional art history courses 2

Students in the FCRH Honors Program may count HPRH 1205 Foundational Topics: Art towards this requirement.


Please note:

  • Any course with the subject code ARHI numbered 1100-4999 (except for ARHI 4900 Internship) may fulfill this requirement. Introductory courses (numbered 1100-1103), may be included as long as students do not repeat material covered in a course already taken.
  • One visual arts course, VART 1135 Visual Thinking, may be substituted for one of the five elective art history courses. AP Art History exam credit (ARHI 1298) does not count towards the minor.
  • A second introductory art history course (ARHI 1100, ARHI 1101, ARHI 1102, ARHI 1103, ARHI 1104, or ARHI 1105), not otherwise used for the minor, may count as one of the five electives. Given overlapping course content, students who have taken ARHI 1100 may not take ARHI 1101, and vice versa. In no case can more than two introductory courses apply towards the minor.

Art history minors may earn academic credit for internships (via ARHI 4900 Internship), but may not apply such credit towards the minor.

Current Fordham students may count toward the art history minor up to two courses taken on study abroad programs or in special cases at other U.S. institutions. Students must meet with their adviser in the art history program in advance to discuss plans. Credit of such non-Fordham courses toward the art history minor will be granted at the discretion of the department. 

Incoming transfer students may count up to four courses taken at their previous institution toward the Fordham art history minor. Application of non-Fordham credits toward the minor is not automatic and will be decided at the discretion of the Chair or Associate Chair. 


The minor in art history is available at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, and at Fordham's School of Professional and Continuing Studies at Lincoln Center.