Childhood Special Education (M.S.E.)

30 credits

NYSED 25434/25444

The master’s degree program in Childhood Special Education prepares teachers who already have childhood (grades 1–6) or elementary certification (pre-k–6), offering the knowledge and skills needed for teaching special education in grades 1 through 6. The coursework and field experiences develop competencies in understanding, assessing, and instructing children with mild disabilities and lead to New York state certification as a teacher of Children with Disabilities in Childhood Education.

CIP Code

13.1017 - Education/Teaching of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.

In addition to the general admission and completion requirements for master’s-level graduate study, candidates must provide evidence of their initial/provisional or permanent/professional certification as a childhood or elementary teacher.

Program of Study

Course Title Credits
CTGE 5159Assessment of All Children With Disabilities3
CTGE 5161Differentiating Instruction for All Students3
CTGE 6192Research in the Teaching Process3
CTGE 6310Educating Students with Disabilities in Elementary Schools3
CTGE 6320Col/Consult w/Fam & Prof3
CTGE 6261Media Literacy Technology3
CTGE 6340Interventions Read / Write3
CTGE 6350Positive Behavior Support3
CTGE 6781Instructing Bilingual Special Education Students3
CTGE 5222Special Education Student Teaching3
CTGE 0718Special Education Portfolio0
Total Credits30

Required Workshops

The following workshop is required for students in this program.

Course Title Credits
EDGE 0270Autism Training Module0