Classics (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. in Classics program has been placed on hiatus and will not be accepting applications at this time.

By completing either sequence of courses as outlined below, all requirements for the M.A. in Classics are completed. To see more about specific requirements as per concentrations, see the page for the M.A.

Classical Philology

Students studying Classical Philology may choose to Major in Latin and Minor in Greek, or Major in Greek and Minor in Latin. The curriculum for each differs only in the reading list that is required as preparation for the comprehensive examinations, and therefore determines the content of the examinations. 

Course Title Credits
4 classes on Greek authors 112
16 classes on Greek and Latin authors 142
LATN 5211Latin Prose Composition3
or CLAS 8841 Latin Prose Composition
GREK 5211Greek Prose Composition3
or CLAS 8824 Greek Prose Composition at CUNY/NYU
GERM 5001Graduate Reading in German I0
Proficiency in a second modern language:0
French for Reading
Italian for Reading
GSAS Language Exam 1
Completion of the Latin or Greek Reading List 2
CLAS 0930PhD Comprehensive Examination-Classics 30
Proposal Development
Dissertation Direction
Total Credits60

Classes that fulfill these requirements consist of graduate-level (5000+) classes with the course code LATN, GREK, or CLAS. A list of graduate courses offered in the classics department can be found on our department page, while a list of all courses in Latin and Greek can be found by following the links above.


Reading materials are used as preparation for the comprehensive examinations. The graduate Classics program readings lists can be found on our page on the Fordham website.


The student must pass comprehensive examinations in Greek and Latin translation, and the history of Greek and Latin literature, as well as two special areas. The special areas are normally a Latin and Greek author, but one area may be a topic in ancient art, archaeology, history, or another pertinent field. These examinations must only be taken after coursework is finished.

Medieval Latin

Course Title Credits
18 classes on Latin authors 151
2 classes on Greek authors 16
LATN 5211Latin Prose Composition3
or CLAS 8841 Latin Prose Composition
GERM 5001Graduate Reading in German I0
Proficiency in a second modern language:0
French for Reading
Italian for Reading
GSAS Language Exam 1
Completion of the Latin PhD Reading List 2
CLAS 0930PhD Comprehensive Examination-Classics 30
Proposal Development
Dissertation Direction 4
Total Credits60

Classes that fulfill these requirements consist of graduate-level(5000+) classes with the course code LATN, GREK, or CLAS. A list of graduate courses offered in the classics department can be found on our department page, while a list of all courses in Latin and Greek can be found by following the links above.


Reading materials are used as preparation for the comprehensive examinations. The graduate Classics program readings lists can be found on our page on the Fordham website.


The student must pass comprehensive examinations in classical Latin and Medieval Latin translation, history of literature, and other special areas. These examinations must only be taken after coursework is finished.


The dissertation will treat some aspect of Medieval Latin literature or the transmission of classical Latin literature in the Middle Ages.

CIP Code 

16.1200 - Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General.

You can use the CIP code to learn more about career paths associated with this field of study and, for international students, possible post-graduation visa extensions. Learn more about CIP codes and other information resources.